We Want To Hangout With You...

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A/N: For Gacha_Fami! I'm so sorry it's so late...! I really hope you enjoy!

Summary: Mikey wants to hang out with his brothers and father but they're all to busy so Mikey hangs out with his friends instead...and his family starts to miss him!

BTW Leatherhead uses he/they pronouns!


Mikey hummed to himself as he walked into the living room. He saw his oldest brother sitting on the couch watching Space Heroes. "Hey Leo, wanna hang out?" Mikey asked hopefully, his eyes shining.

Leo didn't even like at Mikey, he just continued watching his show. "Not right now Mikey, I'm in the middle of a new episode!" Mikey's shoulders slumped in disappointment. "Oh, okay..."

Mikey walked away sadly. "Leo never wants to hang out with me, he always wants to meditate or train or watch his TV show..." Mikey mumbled to himself.

Then, Mikey had an idea. "I know, I'll go see what Raphie is doing, maybe he'll want to read comics with me!" Mikey skipped to Raph's room. Raph was listening to loud rock music while sitting on his bed.

"Hey Raphie?!" Mikey had to yell in order to be heard over the blaring music. Raph turned it down. "Yeah?" He looked at Mikey.  "Wanna hang out Raphie? We can read comics in my room!" Mikey asked happily.

Raph shook his head. "Nah, I'd rather be alone with my music." Mikey frowned a bit. "Oh..." He turned around and walked out of of the room as Raph turned his music back up and started singing along to it off-key.

Mikey pouted a bit. "Raph never wants to hang out, he's always playing his drums or punching his dummy or listening to music..." He sighed sadly with teary eyes.

Mikey hummed to himself. "Maybe Donnie will hang out with me..." He walked in to Donnie's lab to see the genius hunched over  his lab table working on something.

"Hey D, wanna hang out?" Mikey asked, gus cherry tone fading. Donnie shook his head. "I'm busy." Mikey sighed and walked out. "Donnie never wants to hang out...he's always in his lab or reading big smart books..."Mikey whimpered a bit.

Mikey then had an idea. He started walking to the kitchen. "Daddy will wanna hang out, right...?" Mikey tried to convince himself. He saw his father cooking ramen in the kitchen. "Hi papa, wanna hang out with me? Please?" Mikey asked hopefully.

Splinter sighed softly. "I am sorry Michaelangelo, but I must finish cooking." Mikey sighed and walked to his own room with tears in his baby blue eyes. "Daddy never wants to hang out...he's always meditating or training or cooking..."

Mikey whimpered with teary eyes. "No one wants to be with me..." Mikey sniffled softly. "Maybe I'll get some pizza to cheer me up..." Mikey left the lair to head to the pizza shop.

On the way back home after eating a whole pepperoni pizza, he saw Leatherhead, Casey and Mondo Gecko talking and smiled a bit as he walked up to them.

"Hi baby, hi Casey, hi Mondo!" Mikey kissed Leatherhead on the cheek hugged him before fist-bumping with Casey and Mondo Gecko who laughed and returned it. Leatherhead churred softly and blushed.

"You okay amigo? You seem a bit upset." Mondo Gecko took note of Mikey's red puffy eyes. "Not really, my bros and daddy never wanna hang out with me..." Mikey looked down sadly with dull eyes.

The trio frowned before getting an idea. "Want to hang out with us, love?" Leatherhead asked as they nuzzled Mikey gently. "Really?" Mikey's eyes it up. "Of course little dude!" Casey grinned a bit.

Mikey cheered happily, ecstatic to have someone to hang out with. "Woo-hoo!" A few minutes later, they were all skateboarding as Mikey made a giant board for Leatherhead to skate on. They ended up skating the whole rest of the day.

For the next week, Mikey, Casey, Leatherhead and Mondo Gecko would hand out together every day playing video games, drawing, watching TV, reading comics and skateboarding.

Soon, Mikey stopped asking his family to hang out with him because he had his friends to hang out with and they always wanted to hang out with Mikey! At the end of the week, the brothers and Splinter were talking as Mikey was out with his friends.

"Hey, has Mikey bugged you guys to hang out with him lately?" Raph asked. "No, not since he started hanging out with his boyfriend and friends." Donnie replied.

"I miss hanging out with Michaelangelo, it seems like all he wants to do is hang out with his friends." Splinter frowned. "I miss hanging out with him too..." Leo sighed.

Suddenly, a realization hit them all. "But...we never hang out with Mikey..." Raph gasped. "Yeah...he always pestered  us to hang out with him before..." Leo added as he looked down sadly.

"We never hang out with him...no wonder he's spending all his time with them..." Donnie frowned. "We need to spend more time with Michaelangelo, it is unfair that we have refused his company..." Splinter murmured as they all agreed.

"Let's hang out with him right now!" Raph grinned as they all headed to Mikey's room where the four of them were playing video games while eating pizza. They smiled and cheered happily as they played.

"Hey Mikey, want to hang out?" Leo, Raph, Donnie and Splinter asked in unison. Mikey looked away from them. "No, I'm busy." He continued playing with his friends. The brothers and Splinter frowned sadly.

"Why not little brother...?" Donnie asked. "I always ask you guys to hang out and you all refused and pushed me away, so now I hang out with people that want me around." Mikey said calmly to them.

The turtles and Splinter looked down. "Michaelangelo, we are so sorry that we've rejected you, we miss you..." Splinter whispered. "We wanna hang out more with you baby brother..." Leo sighed softly.

"Like we should have before..." Raph replied. "We're so sorry Mikey, we'll never push you away again and we'll always hang out if you want us to..." Donnie added.

Casey, Leatherhead and Mondo Gecko looked at Mikey. Mikey hummed. "I forgive you guys!" He hugged his family who hugged back. "Thanks Mikey..."

"How about we all hang out together?" Casey suggested as they all agreed and played video games together while eating pizza. The turtles and Splinter never refused Mikey's offer to hang out again.

And Mikey hung out with both his family and friends after that!

A/N: Hey Cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy this cute chapter! Poor Mikey...! At least they're all happy now!

~Kittymasterofall14 😘🥰😊🤣😇😸😻😺💖💋❣🐭🐢🦇🐰🍕

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