Sleep Deprivation

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Requested by Sandrastar1!

Summary: Mikey has a nightmare but doesn't tell his family. As a result, he's sleep deprived. The turtles and Splinter will soon find out why


Mikey sighed to himself as he walked into the dojo. He was exhausted. He got zero sleep last night. It was all because of a nightmare he'd had.

Normally, Mikey would turn to his older brothers or Splinter when he had a nightmare. But this time, Mikey decided to keep it to himself.

He was so tired he almost burned breakfast that morning and poured orange juice into his cereal. Yuck. Mikey also felt a little sick.

The lack of sleep had given him a bad headache, and he just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep. But he was scared he'd have another nightmare.

"Hey Mikey." Leo greeted when Mikey walked into the dojo. "Hey Leo." Mikey faked a smile. He just had to get through today and pretend he was fine.

"You okay?" Raph asked, seeing bags under Mikey's eyes as Mikey's eyes were red-rimmed. "Yeah, just a little tired...I'm fine bro." Mikey lied.

He wasn't a little tired, he was a lot tired. He knew he'd spent a few hours crying last night. That nightmare felt all too real, very vivid and scary.

"Okay, if you're sure." Raph said as they took their usual positions on the rug. Splinter stood before them, leaning on his jade staff.

"Today's pairs will be Michealangelo vs. Rapheal and Leonardo vs. Donatello." Splinter said as the turtles nodded and got into position.

"Hijame!" Splinter announced as the turtles started sparring. Mikey could barely focus. His baby blue eyes were closing a little. He was so tired.

"You sure your okay? Ya seem less focused than usually." Raph noticed Mikey's change in demeanor. He also saw that Mikey was more quiet.

Mikey nodded. "I'm fine..." He lied once again. He had no energy at all and felt like a walking zombie. He just wanted to sleep. He was so tired.

Raph ended up beating Mikey rather quickly. Mikey ended up almost falling over in exhaustion a few times during the battle. He was that tired.

Needless to say, the turtles and Splinter were worried about the youngest. "Something is troubling you, Michealangelo." Splinter said.

Mikey shook his head, faking a smile. "I'm fine sensei, really." He lied again. They weren't convinced but decided to drop it for now as they got into position for meditation.

Mikey usually had trouble meditating. But today, he slipped right into it. He felt relaxed. Maybe a little too relaxed. Soon, Mikey was snoring.

The turtles and Splinter snapped from their meditation. "Mikey? Mikey, wake up!" Leo shook Mikey's shoulder lightly, making Mikey wake up.

"H-Huh...?" The youngest brother felt dazed. "You fell asleep...this isn't like you Mikey, what's going on?" Raph asked. Mikey looked down. "N-Nothing..." He lied for the hundredth time that morning.

"Michealangelo, please tell us what is bothering you, we are worried..." Splinter knelt down by Mikey who whimpered a little, trying to keep his tears from falling.

"Mikey...?" Donnie reached out to hs youngest brother. "I...I had a nightmare last night, okay?! It was s-so horrible...!" Mikey started crying, burying his face in his hands.

The other turtles and Splinter immediately hugged him. "Otouto, why didn't you come to us...?" Leo asked. "I...I was nervous to..."

"Why...?" Raph asked. Mikey sighed. "Because I dreamed that you all died...b-because of me" He looked away, tears still falling from his baby blue eyes.

Their eyes widened as they immediately hugged him. "Oh Mikey, that must have been awful..." Leo rubbed Mikey's shell soothingly.

Mikey continued to cry. "I-It was, you all died b-because I m-messed up and got you all k-killed...!" The other turtles and Splinter hugged him tightly, as tightly as they could.

"Shh, that'll never happen otouto..." Raph whispered, rubbing Mikey's head. Mikey sobbed as he cuddled himself further into his family.

They stayed silent, hugging Mikey as they hummed softly while rocking the youngest turtle. Splinter made a soft vibrating noise to calm Mikey down.

The turtles churred softly as well. They just sat there a moment, comforting Mikey who slowly calmed down. He looked absolutely exhausted. They saw and sighed.

"You did not get much sleep last night...?" Splinter held Mikey close. Mikey shook his head. "No daddy..." He yawned as they hugged him.

"Go to sleep baby brother, we'll be right here the whole time..." Leo said as Mikey looked hesitant. "But training..." Splinter shook his head.

"Training can wait, this is more important..." He held Mikey in his lap, rocking him lightly as Mikey yawned again, cuddling against them.

The turtles and Splinter continued whispering sweet words of comfort to Mikey as they hummed and rocked him. Soon, Mikey fell asleep.

The turtles and Splinter hugged him tightly, knowing Mikey needed sleep. Training could wait...Mikey was more important...

"Goodnight, Michealangelo..."

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, poor least his family was there to comfort him!


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