Vivid Dreams

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Requested by ddsgdss3!

Summary: Donnie has a vivid nightmare about his family telling him that he always ruins everything as they insult's up to his brothers and Splinter to pull him out of it


Donnie tossed and turned in an uneasy sleep. He was having a nightmare, a vivid one. It was one of the most horrible things he'd ever experienced.

Nightmare sequence:

Donnie was standing in his lair. His new invention that he'd made had exploded and destroyed half the lair. It had almost killed then as well.

Donnie was cowering in the corner as he saw his family looking down at him with rage burning in their eyes. "You always ruin everything!" Leo yelled.

Raph slapped Donnie. "You never do anything right, you're always putting us in danger with your stupid, useless inventions!" Donnie yelped in pain.

Mikey growled at his slightly older brother. "You're nothing to us, you're weak, stupid, useless and you'll always mess things up!" Donnie whimpered.

Splinter faced his second youngest son with a look of pure coldness. "You are no son of mine Donatello, I hate will never succeed!"

Donnie started to softly sob as they continued to spew insults at him and hurt him. All Donnie could do was curl into his shell and cry out in anguish.


Donnie let out a scream in his sleep. He was still trapped in that vivid nightmare. Tears poured down his pallid cheeks as he thrashed against his blankets, sweat dripping.

The other turtles and Splinter ran in, hearing Donnie cry out. "Donnie!" Mikey ran to his brother's side as Raph, Leo and Splinter joined him.

"He is having a nightmare, we must wake him up..." Splinter informed them as Raph shook Donnie gently to try and wake him up. "Donnie!"

Donnie whimpered and cried out again in his sleep, tears falling faster. He never told anyone, but this wasn't the first time he'd had a nightmare like this. They frowned in worry.

Leo rubbed Donnie's head soothingly. "Please Donnie, wake up..." Donnie thrashed in the bed again as Mikey tried hugging Donnie. "Please, bro..."

Donnie still didn't wake up. Sweat and tears poured down his pale face as they tried rubbing his carapace soothingly to wake him up, but that didn't seem to work either.

Then, Splinter had an idea. He closed his eyes, trying to get into Donnie's inner mind and wake him up through meditation. It worked. Donnie jolted awake, sobbing in fear as he backed away from his family.

The turtles and Splinter frowned, perplexed. "Donnie...?" Leo reached out to him as Donnie flinched and started crying harder as he started hyperventilating.

Splinter slowly took Donnie into his arms, lightly rocking his son. "Shh, is alright, it was just a nightmare, you are safe..."

The other turtles joined in on the hug, churring softly to calm Donnie down a bit. But he was still breathing a little hard and crying. "Take slow deep breaths, in and out..."

Donnie did so, calming down a bit but he was still shaking in fear and his cheeks had gotten even more pale than before. "P-Please don't yell at me..." He mumbled, shrinking away from their hold.

The turtles and Splinter's eyes widened. "Don, we'd never hurt you..." Raph said. "Was that what your nightmare was about...?" Leo asked as Donnie nodded with a whimper.

"Y-Yeah, one of my invention blew up and you all started insulting me and yelling at me, telling me that  I always ruin everything..." He sobbed.

He told them all the hurtful things they had said to him in the dream and all the things they had done. Needless to say, they were hurt and shocked.

The turtles and Splinter hugged Donnie tighter. "You don't ruin things Donnie, you help us so much with your inventions..." Mikey said.

"Yes Donatello, you are my son and we would never say those things to you or hurt you, we love you..." Splinter whispered, holding Donnie.

Donnie was still shaking a little as he leaned against his family. "I-It felt so real..." He whispered, trembling in his father's arms. They hugged him.

"They often do..." Splinter mumbled, rubbing Donnie's head soothingly. "But we're here bro and we love you..." The turtles whispered.

Donnie smiled a little. "I love you all too..." He hugged them, looking a little calmer. "Can I tell you something...?" He asked as they nodded, smiling.

"This isn't the first time I've had a nightmare like this..." Donnie admitted. "Oh my son, why did you not tell us...?" Splinter asked.

"I...I was scared too, I thought it would happen for real, I'm sorry..." Donnie looked down. "It's okay dude, we understand..but that'll never happen..." Mikey smiled a little.

"He's right..." Leo added as Raph nodded in agreement. They all held Donnie protectively, making him feel loved, safe and reassured.

"Thank you..." Donnie whispered, looking up at his family. "You do not have to thank us, my son..." Splinter rubbed Donnie's head softly.

Donnie smiled, eventually falling asleep in his family's send, knowing they'd never hurt him or say those things to him...

No matter how vivid his dreams were...

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, poor Donnie...good thing his family was there!


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