Trouble in More Ways Than One

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Summary: The turtles sneak out on patrol even though they are grounded and find themselves in trouble in more ways than one


The turtles were in their shared bedroom. They were grounded because they had almost accidentally gotten caught while on patrol. So, Splinter banned his sons from leaving the lair.

The turtles weren't allowed to go on patrol at all. Not until they could prove to Splinter that they were ready to once again leave the lair without being caught.

They also had to do extra training. Right now, they had finished their training and were lying on their bed looking bored out of their minds. They wanted to go out but knew they couldn't.

Or could they?

Leo sat up. "I have an idea." He looked over at his younger brothers who looked at him looking confused. "What is it, bro?" Mikey asked.

"Let's sneak out...that way, we can prove to daddy that we can do this, that we can go out without being seen, just like real ninjas!" Leo said.

Donnie hummed. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Raph nodded. "Course it is, the sooner we prove we can do this, the sooner daddy will let us go back out there!" All the turtles grinned to themselves.

They snuck out and headed to the rooftops. Splinter was meditating and didn't realize they were gone. Yet. The turtles lept across the rooftops. "Freedom!" Mikey cheered with a laugh.

"You know it!" Raph added with a small grin. The turtles then saw an empty ally. They also heard voices. So, they decided to check it out in case any bad guys were up to know good.

Leo led his brothers down to the ally, sticking to the shadows like that had practiced. They approached the ally slowly and were immediately greeted with a blade in front of them.

A masked man was standing there. The turtles immediately became scared. This man had been thr man who kidnapped and hurt them a few weeks ago. They backed up against the wall, looking terrified.

The mysterious stranger chuckled darkly before coming closer to the shaking turtles. Suddenly, the man was knocked unconscious. There stood Splinter, holding his jade staff.

The turtle's eyes widened as they immediately hugged their father. "D-Daddy...!" They cried out, hugging Splinter as tight as they could. Splinter held his sons close to him, trying to calm them.

"Shh, musukos...Saiai no hito, it is alright, you are safe now..." Splinter whispered, rocking them lightly in his arms as the turtles sobbed, still shaking in fear. Splinter purred softly, holding them.

Eventually, the turtles calmed down so Splinter led them home. The turtles were unaturally clingy to him. But Splinter didn't mind, he just held his sons close and led them home.

Once they returned home, the turtles sat with their father on the couch. "W-We're sorry daddy..." They whispered. "We shouldn't have snuck out..." Splinter hugged his sons tightly.

"I am not mad...all that matters is that you are alright..." He purred softly to calm them. "That was the guy who kidnapped us..." Mikey whispered. Splinter growled a little under his breath.

"It is alright, my are safe..." He said softly when he saw them start to look scared again. The turtles leaned against their father. "We know, daddy..."

"Are we still grounded...?" Raph asked. Splinter nodded. "Yes, but only because I love you and care about your well being." Splinter said firmly as the turtles nodded.

"We love you, daddy..." They purred. "I love you too, my cubs..." Splinter whispered. The turtles spent the rest of the day close by their father.

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, the poor turtles! Luckily Splinter was there to save them! More coming soon!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, the poor turtles! Luckily Splinter was there to save them! More coming soon!

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