Mikey the Master Liar!

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Requested by mandylaren23!

Summary: Mikey is a really good lair...until he gets caught!


Leo was in the dojo training when Mikey walked in. "Mikey, have you seen my Space Heroes DVD?" Leo asked his youngest brother

Mikey shook his head, even though he had pranked Leo by putting it in the tree in the dojo. "Nope, haven't seen it bro!" Mikey lied, his face serious.

Leo nodded, believing him. "Okay well, let me know if you find it." Mikey was really good at lying. He always has been ever since he was a turtle tot. He just had that skill.

"Sure dude, see ya!" Mikey ran out of the room, bumping into Raph on the way there. "Oops, sorry bro!" Mikey said as Raph playfully rolled his eyes.

"Did you go out last night?" Raph asked. Mikey froze. He had snuck out last night, but only to go to April's so he could have a video game marathon with her and Casey.

"Of course not dude, I was here the whole time!" Mikey lied, keeping his voice calm. Raph hummed. "Oh yeah, then why was your bed made last night?" He raised an eyebrow.

Mikey gulped. He'd spent the night at April's and snuck in before everyone got up. "Oh, I fell asleep on the couch." Mikey said casually.

"Why?" Raph asked. "I couldn't sleep, so I watched tv and I ended up falling asleep in the lair." Mikey said. Which was good exactly a lie. He did that sometimes.

Raph believed him. "Oh, okay." He walked away as Mikey sighed in relief. "Phew, that was close." He went to Donnie's lab too see what his genius brother was up to.

Donnie wasn't there. He'd gone to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Mikey then saw a small invention Donnie had just started working on.

He smirked and decided to play around with it. Unfortunately for Mikey, the machine soon fell apart, its metal pieces scattering the lab.

Donnie then came back. "Mikey! You broke my invention!" He said in annoyance when he saw the broken machine. Mikey shook his head.

"No I didn't D, I just got here! It was uh..." Mikey then saw Squishy Paws was sitting in the corner of the lab. "It was Squishy Paws!" Mikey said.

Donnie believed him. "Squishy! Bad girl!" He said to the puppy who whined and looked at him with big eyes. She did the puppy face better than anyone.

Donnie looked at the puppy who barked adorably. Donnie sighed. He couldn't stay mad at the puppy. She was just too cute.  Mikey took that as his cue to leave the lab.

Mikey decided to see what his father was up to. Splinter was in the kitchen making tea. Mikey walked in. "Hi daddy!" He said happily.

Splinter hugged Mikey with a smile. "Hello Michealangelo, did you finish your training?" He asked as Mikey was supposed to be practicing his new nunchuck moves.

"Hai sensei!" Mikey lied, smiling a little. Splinter knew Mikey was lying. He knew when anyone was lying, but decided to let it slide. "Very well."

A little later, Mikey was in the living room eating the last slice of pizza as he watched tv. Leo walked into the kitchen, saw the pizza was gone, and walked into the living room.

"Hey Mikey, did you eat the last slice of pizza again?" Leo asked as Raph, Donnie and Splinter came in as well. "Uh, of course not dudes!" Mikey lied.

But there was no fibbing his way out of this one. Mikey had pizza sauce all over his face. He was caught green- handed. They smirked a little.

"Are you sure, Michealangelo?" Splinter asked. He was the only one who could tell when Mikey was lying. Mikey nodded, smiling widely.

"I-I'm sure!" Mikey insisted. They knew he was lying. "You have pizza sauce on your face...you know that, right?" Raph asked teasingly.

Mikey rubbed his mouth. "Uh...I um..." Mikey trailed off, defeated. He was busted now. Dang it. "Okay, okay I ate it!" Mikey finally admitted.

"Knew it!" Leo said. "And I put your DVD in the tree in the dojo, and I did sneak out last night and I did break Donnie's machine!" Mikey admitted.

Their eyes widened. "What?! Mikey!" Mikey shrunk back, sighing. "I'm sorry..." They sighed. Splinter looked at his youngest son, sitting down next to him.

"Michealangelo, you know lying is not right." Splinter said firmly. "I know, but I just...I didn't want to get in trouble..." Mikey admitted sadly.

Leo sighed, placing his hand on his youngest brother's shoulder. "Mikey, you wouldn't have gotten in trouble for that stuff..." Mikey looked up.

"Really?" He asked, his baby blue eyes glittering. "But lying about it is a whole different matter." Donnie added as Mikey looked down.

Raph gently lifted Mikey's chin, so that his youngest brother was looking him in the eyes. "Mikey, we aren't mad at ya, just tell us the truth next time, yeah?" Raph said calmly.

Mikey nodded, a small smile forming. "I will Raphie, I promise! No more lying!" Mikey promised as his family smiled and hugged him, grateful that he'd learned his lesson.

"But you are still grounded for sneaking out." Splinter said, looking down at Mikey sternly as the young turtle sighed and looked down.

"Aw man!"

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Mikey got caught!


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