I'm Not My Brothers...

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Requested by mandylaren23!

Summary: Raph feels jealous because he feels that his brothers are so much better than him. It doesn't help that Splinter is always telling Raph that he wishes he would be more like his brothers...


"Yame!" Splinter spoke sharply. "That is enough! What is the meaning of this?!" Raph and Leo growled at each other as Splinter seperated them.

Raph and Leo were fighting again for the third time this week. "It was his fault!" Raph pointed at Leo who looked away, rubbing his black eye.

"I didn't do anything, sensei! I swear!" Leo replied, as he eyed Raph's bleeding lip. "He was the one who wouldn't listen to me on patrol!"

Raph and Leo had gotten into an argument on patrol, which happened more often than not. Donnie and Mikey watched on in silence as their older brothers were lectured.

Splinter sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Rapheal, you need to be more like your brothers." Splinter said as Raph's eyes widened. "What?!"

Raph was secretly jealous of his older brothers. He wished he could be more level-headed like Leo. He wished he could be smart like Donnie. And he wished that he was more creative like Mikey.

"I'm not my brothers!" Raph snapped as their eyes widened. "I'm not like Leo!" He pointed at Leo. "I'm not calm like him, I know that, okay?!"

He pointed at Donnie. "I'm not like Donnie! I don't know science or math or anything, I'm just stupid!" He pointed at Miley.

"I'm not creative or happy-go-lucky like Mikey! I can't cook and I don't smile every dang minute of every day!" Raph was getting more upset.

"I'm not my brothers, I'm me!" Raph stormed off to his room. "Apparently, that's not good enough for you!" He yelled at Splinter as he slammed his door.

The other turtles and Splinter were shell shocked. "Well, that happened..." Mikey said. "Wow...I never knew he felt that way..." Donnie said softly.

Splinter looked down. "Neither did I, Donatello..." He whispered, walking to Raph's room. He needed to talk to his son and make this right.

"Rapheal...?" He knocked on the door. "J-Just leave me alone...!" Raph cried, trying to hide the fact that he was crying. Splinter sighed as he walked into tht room.

He found his son sitting in the corner of the room crying. "Rapheal..." Splinter spoke gently, sitting beside his son as he wrapped his arms around him. Raph just cried.

Splinter sighed, rocking Raph gently as he hugged him. He managed to make a low quiet purring sound. He did this until Raph calmed down and pulled away from the hug.

"I'm not my brothers, okay...? I'm not like them..." He whispered. Splinter sighed, placing his paw delicately on his son's shoulder, looking into his son's bright green eyes.

"I know...I am sorry, Rapheal, I should not have said that..." Splinter whispered, feeling guilty. Raph sighed. "It's fine..." He looked away.

Splinter could sense that something else was bothering his son. "Is there something else you wish to talk about...?" He asked gently.

Raph sighed. "I'm...I just wish I could be more like them...I want to be smart like Donnie, creative like Mikey and cool-headed like Leo..."

Then, Raph added. "I want to make you proud, daddy..." He hung his head as tears filled his emerald eyes. Splinter hugged Raph tightly.

"Oh Rapheal...you already make me proud, I love you so much...and you are right, you are not your brothers, you are Rapheal Hamato, my son..."

Raph looked up. "R-Really...?" He croaked, feeling tears slip down his cheeks again. Splinter nodded, wrapping his arms around him. "Really..." He whispered, hiding the tears gathering in his own eyes.

Raph started crying again, but this time he was crying tears of joy. That was exactly what he wanted to hear. Splinter held him, rocking him.

Suddenly, Raph felt more pairs of arms hug him. "We love you, Raphie...you don't have to be like us..." Mikey whispered. His brothers.

"You're you, Raph...so be you." Leo said, hugging his youngest brother. "We don't care of you're not smart or a good cook or anything like that..." Donnie added with a small smile.

Raph looked up. "Ya don't...?" They shook their heads. "No, because you're the strongest, the best fighter and the best older brother..." Mikey said as they all hugged Raph.

Splinter smiled, holding his sons close. "And one of the best sons I could ever ask for..." He whispered, getting a little teary eyed.

Raph leaned against his family, feeling better. "I am not my brothers..." He smiled a little. They smiled and hugged him tighter.

"No, you are not your brothers...you are who you choose to be, and you are Rapheal Hamato, my son...and I love you..." Splinter said sincerely.

"We all love you, Raphie..." The other turtles whispered as Raph grinned, his eyes gleaming with tears of joy.  "I love you guys too..."

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! More coming soon!


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