We'll Take Care of You...

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For ali38804! I'm so sorry it's so late- I really hope you enjoy!

Summary: Mikey gets sick for the first time since Splinter died, and it's really taking a physical and emotional toll on him...so his brothers take care of him and comfort him!

*Gives tissues*


Mikey woke up with a small whimper. His head was pounding, his stomach was churning, his throat was scratchy and he felt very warm. Poor Mikey was sick.

"Aw man, I hate being sick." Mikey coughed, rubbing his sore head. "I haven't felt this sick since before..." He teared up. He hasn't gotten sick in over a year. The last time he was sick, his father took care of him. But Splinter was dead now...

He was gone...

Mikey whimpered again as he let his tears fall. He was more easily upset when sick. He missed his father even more knowing Splinter was longer here to care for him when he was sick. "Daddy..."

Mikey coughed, sitting up. He felt horrible. He definitely couldn't train or go on patrol. He just felt like staying in bed all day. A few minutes later, he heard a knock.

"Mikey? You up?" Donnie called. Mikey sat up a bit more and whimpered. "Donnie..." Donnie opened door in concern at how Mikey sounded. His eyes widened when he saw the state his little brother was in.

Mikey was pale, his skin was feverish and clammy and he was shaking from cold. His eyes and nose were red and he just looked exhausted. "I don't feel good..." Mikey mumbled weakly, holding his stomach.

Donnie frowned in concern. "You definitely seem to be battling an acute case of influenza." He took Mikey's temperature. "102.6, poor little brother..."

Mikey whimpered in response. Raph and Leo walked in. "What's going on?" Mikey looked up at them with a weak groan. "I'm sick..." He pouted glumly with teary eyes.

Raph frowned and rubbed Mikey's warm head. "Aw Mike, don't worry, we'll take care of ya..." Leo nodded in agreement. "We will, everything's going to be okay, otouto..."

Mikey smiled tiredly. His bros had never taken care of him when he was sick before. "Thanks dudes..." He held his stomach, feeling nauseated. "Mmm..."

Donnie noticed and grabbed a trash can just as Mikey started to throw up. Raph and Leo rubbed Mikey's shell while he emptied his stomach. "Shh, we're here bro..."

Mikey finished a moment later, taking a sip of water and rinsing the vile taste from his mouth. "I don't feel good!" He whined before shivering from his fever.

Leo wrapped him in a blanket while Donnie gave him some medicine which Mikey hesitantly took. "Thanks, D..." Donnie smiled softly and hugged Mikey close.

The turtles all decided it would be a good idea to skip training and patrol so they could care for Mikey. They wanted to be there for their sick baby brother.

Throughout the morning, Leo, Raph and Donnie provided Mikey with soup, tissues, plenty of medicine and cool, clear liquids to drink and his favorite comic books and teddy bear. They stayed with Mikey too.

Around the afternoon, Mikey was lying in bed feeling horrible. But not just pysically. He missed Splinter so much. He sighed and remembered all the time Splinter cared for him and his brothers when they were ill.

Suddenly, Mikey started to cry. The brothers immediately hugged him. "Mikey? What's wrong otouto? Are you in pain? Do you feel worse?" Donnie asked softly.

They knew Mikey also got very sensative when he was ill so he cried easily when he was sick. Thankfully, they were used to it. It still hurt to see and hear their baby brother crying though.

Mikey coughed and shook his head. "I-I miss daddy...!" He sobbed. "H-He always took c-care of us when w-we were sick and now he's g-gone...!" Mikey sobbed harder.

Leo, Raph and Donnie teared up. They too missed Splinter and how he used to take care of them. "We miss him too, Mikey...we miss him too..." Leo rocked Mikey close.

Mikey continued to cry. "T-The last time I g-got sick he w-was still h-here...!" He coughed harshly. Donnie frowned and rubbed his carapace soothingly. "W-We know little brother, it's hard..."

Raph held Mikey close. "We're here otouto, we may not be papa, but we can take care of you...and we'll do our best to make sure you get better..." He churred softly and sadly.

Mikey cuddled into their chests crying harder. He just felt so sick. Leo, Raph and Donnie held Mikey for what seemed like hours, whispering sweet nothings in his ears and letting him cry as long as he needed to.

After a few minutes, Mikey fell asleep in his brother's arms. They softly awed and held him close and protectively. "Don't worry baby brother, we'll take care of you...we're here..." Mikey snored softly, smiling in his sleep for the first time that day. 

For the next few days, the brothers made sure to keep Mikey hydrated, coaxing him to eat small amounts of food when he was able, made sure he was comfortable, made sure he took hsi medicine and tried to keep him happy even though he felt sick. 

On the fifth day, Mikey was starting to feel better. Both physically and emotionally. "Hey dudes, my fever's gone!" He exclaimed, no longer feeling either freezing cold or burning hot. Donie took his tempeature just to be sure. "98.6 degrees!" 

Raph and Leo grined, happy that Mikey was all better. "I feel great bros! Thanks for takign care of me, I love you so much onni-sans!" Mikey churred softly as he hugged them. 

They hugged back. "We love you more otouto!" The trhee of them churred along happily with Mikey. Mikey smiled to himself. He still missed his daddy and wished Splinter had been here to care for him to, but he felt better than he did before!

Little did the turtles know, the ghostly shadow of master Splinter stood in the room with them, a golden halo shimmering above his head. He smiled warmly and rubbed his misty eyes.

"I love you,  my sons...good job on taking care of Michaelangelo..." 

A/N: Hey Cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy this cute chapter! I'm sorry it's so late...! Poor Mikey...

~Kittymasterofall14 😘🥰😊🤣😇😸😻😺❣💋💖🐭🐢🐰🦇🍕

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