Online Chatting

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For mandylaren23!

Mikey begins talking to someone online despite his family's warnings not too. No harm done, right? Wrong...Mikey ends up trapped in a conversation with a pedophile who's into mutants, but will his family find out?



Mikey was in his room scrolling through his T-Phone. He was on Instagram looking at some cute cat pictures when it happened...

Mikey got a chat message from a unnamed user and clicked on it, interested to see what the message said. It read this in bold lettering:

Unknown 515: Hey there, wanna chat and be friends? You seem like a cool guy!

Mikey smiled a little and texted the user back with excitement. He knew he wasn't supposed to talk to people online, but what could go wrong?

MikeythePizza-EatingNinja: Sure, dude! Or, dudette! I'm Mikey!

The person quickly texted back, keeping the conversation going as Mikey grinned to himself and thought, Looks like I have a new friend to talk too, this is awesome!

Unknown515: Nice to meet you, Mikey. I'd love to see what you look like, can you send me a few pics?

Mikey was hesitant. He knew not to post sbh pictures of himself or his family online, it would be too dangerous and just a very bad idea.

But, this was a new friend! Surely one pictures couldn't hurt! Mikey snapped one of himself and sent it to the person who immediately texted back.

Unknown515: Oh yeah, looking good! Hey, why don't you send me some pics without the sweater?

Mikey had been wearing a baggy orange sweater since it was a little chilly in the sewers that night. But, he didn't want to show his bare body to this guy. What was he talking about?

MikeythePizza-EatingNinja: Oh uh, I don't know dude, it's kinda cold here right now

Unknown515: Come on, one pic won't hurt!

Mikey hesitated some more. He didn't want to send anything. So, he didn't. It was getting late anyway so be decided to just go to sleep and put his phone away for the rest of the night.

But, Mikey's phone kept buzzing with the messages from the person. They kept getting more and more frequent and Mikey was getting a little scared.

Unknown515: Hey

Unknown515: Send some pics

Unknown515: I like mutants!

Unknown515: Hey c'mon, just one!

Unknown515: I want to see what beautiful mutated body of yours without anything on it!

Unknown515: If you don't send me nudes, I'm going to find you and kill you

Mikey read over the messages as his heart started pounding. What had he gotten himself into? He was more scared than ever. What did he do?!

Mikey ended up turning off his phone completely and throwing it under his bed before cuddling against his blankets and pillow and falling into an uneasy, restless sleep.

The next morning, the other turtles and Splinter noticed something off about Mikey. He was checking his phones every 5 minutes and when he did, he looked really nervous and upset. They stood in the dojo.

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