Sons Are the Best Doctors

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Requested by @mandylaren23

Summary: Splinter becomes sick so the turtles take care of him!


Splinter strode into the dojo, wincing a bit as pain thumped through his head. He didn't feel so well. But training must continue. His sons needed his guidance, sick or not.

It wasn't uncommon for them to become sick due to their living conditions, but Splinter felt sicker then he ever had before. He felt as if the room was spinning.

The turtles took a look at their father. "Hi sensei!" Leo greeted as he bowed. "Hello *cough* Leonardo...." Splinter internally groaned.

"Are you okay, sensei?" Raph asked, seeing his father was wobbling a little. "I am fine, Rapheal." Splinter reassured them, closing his eyes a moment as he waited for the room to stop spinning.

Mikey frowned. "You don't look so good..." He points out. Splinter didn't look or feel good. He felt weak, warm, and dizzy and looked like a car had hit him. "Yeah..." Donnie added.

Splinter took a step, almost falling over from weakness in the process. "I am f-" Splinter cut himself off as he broke into a fit of coughing.

The turtles frowned. "You're sick, daddy." Donnie said as he took a look at Splinter. "You need to rest." Donnie went into doctor mode instantly.

Splinter was hesitant. There was training to be done. He was fine. Or...maybe not...his headache had gotten about ten times worse.

"Please daddy?" Mikey looked up at him. "Let us take care of you! You always take care of us are when we're sick, it's our turn to take care of you!"

Splinter knew there was no convincing them otherwise. He was sick. And his sons were going to take care of him just like he'd taken care of them all these years.

Soon, Splinter found himself in bed surrounded by blankets and pillows. He coughed weakly, wincing a bit at the pain in his head. His muscles ached and he felt fatigued.

Donnie walked in with medicine. "Here daddy, this will help you feel better!" He gave it to Splinter who took it and smiled weakly.

"Thank you, Donatello." Splinter rubbed his head, which was pounding. He had an ice pack on him to cool his fever. He had a high fever that concerned them a bit. He was sweating buckets.

Donnie smiled a gap-toothed grin as Mikey came in with soup. Splinter smiled and took the bowl gratefully. He drank the broth. It soothed his sore throat and warmed him up.

Even though he had about 10 blanket, he was still shivering violently from the fever. The soup seemed to help, though. "Thank you, Michealangelo."

Mikey beamed with pride. "I made it from scratch!" He said as he was the only one in the family who could cook without burning the kitchen down.

Splinter coughed again, rubbing his chest a little. Raph saw and gave his father a glass of water as Splinter gratefully drank it, clearing his throat.

"Thank you, Rapheal." Splinter rasped. He coughed once more before weakling sipping more of the water. Raph smiled in satisfaction.

His head was still pounding. It made Splinter feel as if he was spinning. He was growing very dizzy. Leo hummed to himself as they climbed into bed next to Splinter.

Leo took his father's clammy, pallid hand in his. "Close your eyes daddy, it might help." Splinter did so as the rest of his sons cuddled up to him.

It seemed to work. Splinter opened his eyes a moment later feeling less dizzy. Leo also gave him some tea, which would help a little. Splinter drank it.

The herbal tea seemed to soothe the dull throbbing in his head. "Thank you, Leonardo." Leo smiled as they all hugged him. They wanted their daddy to feel better soon.

Splinter was fighting sleep. His burnt orange-colored eyes were closing, but Splinter quickly snapped awake. "You should get some sleep daddy..." Raph said.

A little later, Splinter was feeling a little better. He was still warm, but didn't feel like he was about to pass out anymore. He was a little better.

The turtles came in. Donnie took his father's temperature. "You still have a fever, but it's not that bad!" He announced as Splinter smiled a little.

"That is good..." He still felt weak and sick, but he was feeling much better than he had this morning. All thanks to his four little doctors.

Splinter wrapped his arms around them. "Thank you for taking care of me, my sons..." He whispered gratefully as he made a weak, but soft vibrating noise.

The turtles smiled and hugged him. "You're welcome, daddy!" They churred softly, making Splinter smile a little as he held them close.

"Do you feel better, daddy?" Donnie asked. Splinter nodded. "I feel much better, thanks to you, my sons." He hugged them once more.

Sons are the best doctors...

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, poor Splinter! Good thing his sons were there to nurse him back to health!


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