What Part of 'No Dating' Did You Not Understand?!

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A/N: This takes place after 'No Dating!'

Summary: Splinter said no dating...but did the turtles listen? Nope! Find out how Splinter will react when he finds out they are!

Leo and Karai are NOT siblings in this. 


The turtles were in their room, smiling to themselves. "Okay, Karai will be here soon!" Leo grinned as he blushed a little. "I invited her over!"

Raph grinned. "Mona will be here soon too!" He blushed. "I invited April and Casey!" Donnie blushed with a gap-toothed grin.

"Leatherhead's coming over too!" Mikey beamed with a blush. "This is going to be awesome!" The turtles had girlfriends/boyfriends and were now dating them.

Today, the turtles were inviting their dates to the lair so that they could hang out together. Splinter had no idea, since he was asleep.

A few minutes later, Karai walked into the lair. "Hey Leo!" She waved. Leo grinned with a small blush. "H-Hey Karai!" He waved awkwardly.

The pair hugged as the other turtles smirked. A few minutes later, Mona Lisa came in. "Hello!" The salamandrian grinned, looking at Raph.

"H-Hey Mona!" He blushed as Mona Lisa kissed Raph lightly, making the hot-head blush as red as his mask. The other turtles and Karai smirked.

Soon, April and Casey arrived. Donnie immediately hugged them. "Good, you made it!" They hugged back. "Hey Donnie!" The other turtles and Karai smirked as Donnie blushed.

A few minutes later:-O, Leatherhead made his way into the lair. "LH!" Mikey hugged him. "Hello, Michealangelo." Leatherhead greeted, hugging Mikey with a smile.

Mikey hugged him with a blush as they all sat in the lair talking. Leo fell in love with Karai. They were in love and they hoped their father wouldn't mind them being together.

Raph kissed Mona with a smile. He wrapped one arm around her. Donnie wrapped both his arms around Casey and April. He hoped his father wouldn't mind him being with two partners.

Mikey was cuddled up against Leatherhead as the mutant alligator was hugging him. All the turtles blushed and smiled as they hugged their dates.

At that moment, Splinter walked in. His eyes widened. The turtles gulped. "H-Hi daddy!" They said nervously. Splinter gave them a look.

"What part of 'no dating' did you boys not understand?" Splinter spoke firmly. The turtles hung their heads and sighed as their dates awkwardly looked at each other.

"Sorry daddy...we just love them so much..." Leo whispered as Karai wrapped her arms around him. "We really do..." Mikey added, holding Leatherhead's huge hand.

Splinter looked at his sons, then at their dates. "I understand...but I remember telling you boys that I did not want you to date yet."

The turtles looked down. "But," Splinter continued, sitting down. "I can see that this is important to you and I want you boys to be happy."

The turtles looked up. "So...we can date?" Raph asked hopefully. "Yes, you can date...but nothing beyond that." Splinter said firmly as they smiled.

"Thank you daddy!" The turtles hugged their father, forgetting that their dates were there. They found it adorable how the turtles called Splinter daddy. It was sweet.

Splinter smiled, holding his sons close. "You are welcome." He looked at the dates. "Leonardo, I see you ended up with Karai."

Leo nodded. "Hai sensei...is that uh okay?" He asked a bit nervously. Splinter nodded, rubbing Leo's head lightly. "Of course, my son."

Leo grinned and hugged his father as Raph kissed Mona. Raph smiled at them, taking a picture which made Raph groan in embarrassment and Mona laugh.

"Daddy, is it okay if I date both April and Casey?" Donnie asked. Splinter smiled. "Yes, of course." He looked at April and Casey who looked at him gratefully. "Thank you!"

Splinter hugged Donnie as Mikey grinned, kissing Leatherhead who made a soft purring noise. All the turtles then hugged Splinter.

"Thank you daddy, you're the best!" They cheered. Splinter smiled. "You are very welcome, my cubs." He then looked at the dates.

"I will say this once...do not hurt my musukos in any way, shape or form, unless you want to feel the wrath of ninjitsu." Splinter spoke firmly.

The turtles blushed. "Daddy!" Karai, April, Casey, Mona Lisa and Leatherhead gulped. "We will never hurt them, no matter what!"

Splinter smiled. "Good." He hugged his sons as the turtles hugged back before going back to their dates. "I love you, my sons."

The turtles grinned. "We love you too, daddy!" They spent the rest of the day with their dates, happy that their father was so accepting.

"Oh, and no kissing yet!"


A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter. Aww, the turtles are so sweet!


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