I Am Coming With You!

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Requested by mandylaren23!

Summary: After the turtles come home from patrol injured once again, an overprotective Splinter decides to take matters and goes with them on patrol!


Splinter waited at the lair entrance. He knew his sons would be coming home soon. And he was right. The turtles walked in shortly after...


Raph was limping, Leo had bruises on his arms, Mikey had a big bruise on his head and a cut over his eye. Donnie was covered in scratches and bruises. He bruised really easily.

Splinter's eyes widened. This was the forth time this month that his sons had gotten hurt while on patrol. "What happened?!" He demanded.

Leo groaned. "Ambush by the Purple Dragons." He said as Splinter started taking care of the turtle's injuries. His eyes had a dull, dark look in them.

The turtles noticed and frowned. They knee their father hated when they got injured, especially in a battle. They knew how overprotective he was.

"I am going with you next time." Splinter said when he finished bandaging up the turtles. The turtle's eyes widened. "What?!"

Splinter sat up, holding them close. "You keep getting injured, I want to make sure you are safe out there, I am going with you." He replied.

"But-" The turtles were cut off. "No exceptions." Splinter said firmly as the turtles sighed. They knew there was no changing their father's mind.

A few days later when the turtles had recovered, Splinter waited for them at the entrance. He had his jade staff and wore extra wrist wraps to ensure his hand-to-hand combat skills were at their maximum.

"Alright, are you ready?" Splinter asked. "Hai sensei!" The turtles replied, somewhat hesitantly. They headed up to the surface, gliding across the rooftops like...well, ninjas.

Things were pretty quiet for a while. Until, the Kraang showed up. The turtles were about to start battling but Splinter stopped them.

"Stay behind me!" Splinter ordered as the turtles did so. The Kraang attacked. Splinter did as well, defeating the Kraang with no problem. The turtles were shocked.

Splinter smiled in satisfaction. Then, more Kraang showed up. More than before. "Daddy, you can't take them all on your own!" Donnie said.

"Yeah, let us help!" Mikey added. But Splinter wouldn't let them fight. He didn't want them to get hurt. He kept the turtles behind him the whole time. "I will protect you!"

This battle was longer, but Splinter eventually defeated the enemy single handedly. The turtles watched, shell-shocked. Splinter was a bit out of breath, but otherwise fine.

"Let's head back to the lair, my sons." Splinter said as the turtles nodded. "Daddy, why didn't you let us fight?" Raph asked once they got home.

"Because I did not want you to get hurt again." Splinter replied, hugging them. The turtles sighed and hugged back. "But we didn't get to do anything tonight, we just watched you fight!" Leo said with a small frown.

Splinter sighed. "I know, but I have to keep you safe." The turtles frowned and cuddled against him. "We know daddy, but we know how to fight..."

"Yeah daddy, you taught is everything we know..." Mikey smiled a little. "I just did not want you to get hurt..." Splinter sighed, not noticing a bit of blood leaking from his hand.

The turtles noticed though. "Daddy, you're hurt!" Leo said. "It is just a cut, imam fine, my cubs." Splinter tried to reassure them. He let Donnie take care of his hand.

"You were trying to keep us from getting hurt, but you got hurt..." Donnie said. "I know..." Splinter replied, wrapping his arms around the turtles who hugged him.

"Thanks for protecting us, daddy...it's our job to protect each other." Raph said. "Yes, you are right Rapheal." Splinter rubbed Raph's head lightly.

They hugged, safe and sound in the lair. "I will always protect you, my sons." Splinter promised with a small, weak smile. The turtles smiled.

"We know daddy...we'll protect to too, always..."

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, Splinter is so overprotective! But it's so sweet!


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