Scratch, Scratch, Scratch

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Requested by Sandrastar1!

Summary: After eating a piece of candy that he found in the sewers, Mikey gets a bad rash and it's up to the other turtles and Splinter to help him get better!


Mikey woke up itchy. He felt itchy all over. His face, arms, and legs itched. Mikey whimpered a little. He scratched himself all over.

Splinter, who felt something was amiss, walked into Mikey's room and frowned when he saw Mikey scratching. "Are you alright, Michealangelo?" He asked.

Mikey shook his head. "No daddy, I'm itchy!" Mikey said. He scratched his head. "Really itchy!" He whimpered a little, feeling itchy all over.

Splinter hummed, hoping it wasn't chicken pox. If it was, all the turtles were at risk of getting it. Splinter didn't see any red bumps on Mikey, but he did see a red rash forming.

"You seem to have a rash...come, let's go to Donatello's lab and see if he can do anything to help you." Splinter suggested as they went to the lab.

When they got there, Donnie took a look at Mikey's rash. "Hmm, its not Scarlet Fever or Measles, that's good... does anything else bother you?" Donnie asked his younger brother.

Mikey shook his head, scratching his arms. "No, I'm just really itchy all over, even my shell feels kinda itchy." Mikey rubbed at his shell.

Donnie took a look as his eyes widened. "What? What is it?" Mikey asked. "Your shell is peeling, Mikey!" Mikey's eyes widened as he screamed, thinking he was dying or something.

Splinter tried to calm Mikey down. "Shh, I am sure it is nothing serious, right Donatello?" Splinter looked to Donnie for some sort of reassurance.

Splinter didn't want to admit it, but he was a tad bit scared. What if Mikey was very sick? Though, he didn't appear ill...Splinter wasn't sure what could be causing this.

"It looks like he's having an allergic reaction to something." Donnie explained. "Food allergies can sometimes cause rashes and, in our case, shell peeling."

"Am I gonna lose my shell...?" Mikey whimpered. "Of course not Mikey, but we need to find out what's causing your allergy so we can fix it." Donnie reassured his younger brother.

"Did you eat anything different, my son?" Splinter asked Mikey who looked a little nervous all of a sudden. "" He lied, looking down.

Donnie and Splinter exchanged glances. "Michealangelo, if you did, you need to tell us." Splinter said firmly as Mikey sighed.

"I kinda sorta ate a piece of candy I found on patrol last night..." Mikey said sheepishly. "What?! Mikey, are you crazy?!" Donnie jumped up.

Mikey whimpered. "I'm sorry! It just looked so good..." Splinter wrapped his arms around Mikey. "What did it look like?" He asked calmly.

Mikey pulled one out of the hidden compartment in his shell. "I only ate one..." Donnie took it and examined it. "This candy had high doses of lithoshene" Donnie said a bit later.

Mikey's eyes widened. "What's that?" Donnie put it in the trash. "Itching powder, but don't worry, I can make you an antidote." Donnie assured him.

"Who'd put itching power in candy? No wonder it tasted weird!" Mikey said, scratching his hands. Donnie gently took Mikey's hands. "Don't scratch." Mikey began to whine.

"But it itches!" He looked up at them with the puppy face. "It'll make of worse if you scratch it." Donnie sighed as Splinter rocked Mikey lightly.

Mikey cuddled against him with a pout. He was itchy! And he couldn't even scratch?! It was nearly impossible! He was taken to the lair.

Splinter decided to keep Mikey busy while Donnie made the cure. He let Mikey watch tv, cuddled him, drew pictures with him and reminded him not to scratch.

After an hour or so, Donnie finished the cure. Mikey immediately took it as they rubbed it all over him. In a few minutes, Mikey sighed in relief.

His rash was gone! He wasn't itchy anymore! "Thanks D!" Mikey hugged Donnie who smiled and hugged neck. "You're welcome, little brother!"

"No more eating weird candy you find on the street!"


A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, poor Mikey! Happy almost new year everyone! One more hour till 2021!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, poor Mikey! Happy almost new year everyone! One more hour till 2021!!

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