Chap 13

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Caroline's POV

Right after Kate finished the chant and I felt my stomach tingle like there was butterflies floating around. Kate pulled her hands away and I smiled.

She handed me a flowered dress that reached my knees, a Jean jacket, and some of my favorite ankle boots. I quickly went behind a tree to change and once I finished we walked back to the car.

My once flat as a board stomach had a super small rounded bump on it, and I could hear a faint heartbeat in sync with mine. I started to tear up with joy. "Hi baby." I whispered in awe.

"Thanks again Kate for helping me find out about this miracle." I smiled with happy tears in my eyes as went to open the passenger side door and she smiled "It was my pleasure Caroline. Now we need to get on the road back to New Orlea-" I cut her off by shrieking because it felt like somebody was pulling my hand and squeezing it even though there was nobody around but me and Kate.

"Caroline are you alright?!" Kate said and rushed to my side. "I'm fine it's not anything physical really- I mean like I'm not hurt but I just got freaked out because I felt someone holding my hand."

She looked at me confused for a moment before something appeared to mentally click for her and she froze. "What? Is it something with the baby?!" I panicked and started to panicked a little more when I got no response.

I shook her shoulders and she gasped opening her eyes. "KATE!" I shouted and she looked like she had just seen a ghost. "I had a vision.. somebody is here right now from the other side.. he needs me to help pull him back, apparently he knows you and Klaus he said his name is Kol." She said and my face went pale.

"Kol as in Kol Mikealson?" I questioned and she nodded. "Oh my gosh.... that's Klaus's little brother. My friends kinda uhm- killed him, but trust me I didn't want them to!!! I was heartbroken to be honest, just please help him Kate." I said sadly and she nodded again before taking my hand and closing her eyes, starting to whisper.

When she was done she let go of my hand stepped back and I looked to my other hand where the feeling of someone holding it returned but it was real. I turned to see Kol Mikealson alive and next to me.

"OH MY GOD KOL!" I screeched with more happy tears and hugged him tight. "Hello Darling. I've been watching I've been watching parts of the ordeal with you and Nik." I pulled back and nodded "I'm honored to have you as his mate and you as my future sister."

I grinned "Thank you Kol. I can't wait too." He introduced himself to Kate and I assured her we can trust him. "Don't worry, he's the mikealson troublemaker but he's not too bad." I teased and he laughed "Indeed I am sister." He looked down for a moment to chuckle and noticed my tiny swollen bump before looking back between me and my tummy.

"Woah Care bear I missed that! You're gonna be a mumsy! Oh my how are my dear siblings going to react." He laughed and pointed. "I know that's why I'm nervous what if Nik rejects the baby?" I said with my classic insecure tone and Kol frowned

"Don't be like that he would never ever do that. Sure he will be angry and even scared at first because of all of Mikeal's abuse but trust me you & the little one are very special to him already." I was taken back by these sweet words coming from Kol but was interrupted when Kate cleared her throat.

"As sweet as the Reunion is we do need to get on the road to New Orleans remember? You guys can talk the whole two hour ride back."

We all laughed and hopped into the car noticing it was already probably midnight. Nik We are coming home. I smiled softly as I climbed into the backseat next to Kol.


I talked with the young mikealson for an hour telling him a lot of stories and details he missed and he helped calm my worries of Klaus about him and the baby. I talked more with Kate still a little sad that she would be leaving once we got to NOLA, but she told me this was not the end.

When we entered New Orleans but not quite the quarter we dropped her off at her apartment building and I hugged her.

After that I decided to take a short nap and when I woke up we were entering the gates to the mansion. I sat up and my palms were so sweaty.

I felt like running to his arms and kissing him but at the same time wanting to run away to a cave and cry. Kol winked and I took deep breaths. He parked the car in the far side of the driveway and we walked up to the door.

I shakily opened the door and saw Elijah pouring over maps spread out on the kitchen island and Rebekah sitting on the couch on her phone. "Uhm hi guys...." I squeaked and they both looked up and met me & Kol on the porch. "KOL?!" Elijah and Rebekah said at the same time. "Caroline- what?" Rebekah started to say looking down and I winced. "We can explain sister and dear brother." Kol assured

"Where Nik. I need to explain first- trust me PLEASE." I begged and they just nodded bewildered as their previously dead brother walked up to them and hugged Elijah.

Rebekah walked over to me with tears and surprisingly she gave me a firm hug. I hugged her back too. "Rebekah I can explain everything but all you need to know is that it may be impossible but Kol is back and you are going to be an aunt." She squealed with excitement and Elijah looked proud. "He's in his art room, up two floors in his personal wing. You know where." She winked. "Wish me luck" I called as I sped into the house and up the stairs.

When I finally got there I knocked on the door. I immediately heard movement and Klaus opened the door. His eyes looked like he hadn't slept in days. My heart broke again when he whispered: "Love... what happened?"

I immediately broke down and just stood their looking in his eyes trying to hold in my sobs but kind of failing. "I'm really sorry Klaus.. so much has happened. Some of it my fault most of it not though but I mean I know you are my mate and I feel really bad for- for leaving and I didn't know any of this was possible and if you hate me that's fine but please don't kill us." I rambled as I led him to sit on his bed and he started down at my stomach

Once we sat down he said "Love I would never hurt you. Ever. What happened... Caroline are you really pregnant?"

I told him all that happened and he froze when I got to the baby part. "So I was right. My love, I'm not mad. I already feel a connection."

I sighed in relief. "Wait right about what?" I asked him "Well when you were gone and about at the point the witch helped you with the spell it felt like a strong connection to you, stronger than usual, like a second wave of love." He replied before continuing "My wolf side is excited for its new pup as well." He smiled

"Oh Wolfy you are going to be the best dad ever to your pup!" I said like a child and then giggled after "Sweetheart did you just call me wolfy?" He chuckled and I burst out laughing "yes!" After our laughter cooled down we just looked at each other smiling like five years olds.

"I love you Wolfy." I said and kissed his head starting to pet his curls again, which he of course enjoyed and closed his eyes.

He replied "I love you too." He placed his hand on my stomach gently and kissing my tummy. My heart melted and thought: I just feel in love with you again my amazing soul mate, but now it's time for him to see Kol... yikes.

"Cmon let's go downstairs I have another surprise but you have promise me not to freak out and leave me for them." I said and he looked at me with concern I shut him up by kissing his forehead and dragging him back downstairs.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now