Chap 14

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Klaus's POV

My love has finally come back home, and she is also pregnant with our child. After all of our talking she decides to drag me down the stairs to see "somebody". I got very worried when she said that she hoped I would not leave her for them.

Who could it possibly be then?? I thought as we arrived downstairs.

She walked me over to the kitchen were I heard Rebekah and Elijah talking. Something was off though because I heard another familiar voice chatting with them.

Caroline put her hands on my eyes as an attempt to "blindfold" me. I heard shuffling and then she pulled her hands away.

I stopped in my tracks. Kol.

My little brother. The same brother that the damn Gilbert family left dead on the living room floor.

The sibling I had mourned for months silently sobbing after his death. My breath hitched and Caroline noticed she grabbed my hand and squeezed it to reassure me that this was real.

This was a definite shock to me but I still walked up to him and hugged him. He patted my back and I still cling to him silently for a minute as if I wanted to make sure he wouldn't leave again.

"I missed you brother." He said with a sympathetic smile and I nodded trying to stay composed. Through the bond Caroline could probably feel how much I was holding in right now and I mentally winced.

"Me too, Kol. Me and Caroline are going back up to relax. We will be down later for dinner though." I said sharply with a false smile as I quickly pushed my feelings back inside.

My siblings all agreed and nodded.  Elijah went in the kitchen followed by Rebekah to start cooking and Kol went to watch TV.

My undead heart was beating out of my chest but I walked hand and hand with Caroline up the stairs to our room.

As soon as I closed the door Caroline gently embraced me. She nuzzled my neck in attempts to calm me but I was still buzzing with emotion from all that had happened.

Klaus Mikealson never cried.... At least in front of anybody but Caroline.

I hugged her back and started to silently sob and my tough walls crumbled down. My wet tears ran down my cheeks onto my sweet Caroline's neck.

After a few minutes I gained my composure and inhaled. "I love you."

"Nik I love you too, and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about Kol I was just worried and I-" I cut her off with a kiss.

We deepened the kiss with simple love and comfort. Once we stopped we both smiled and leaned our foreheads together. "It's all right Love." I said and she pulled back. "I know. It's all right to let emotions out Wolfy. Once again I remind you that you are going to be an amazing dad." She said with compassion.

"Are you sure? I don't want to turn out like Mikeal. He was a monster, but the sad thing is I'm also an abomination like him and I wasn't even his real son." I said letting my insecurities get to me

"Hey. Hey. No." She said holding my face and glaring at me "This baby is a miracle and you will grow to be a wonderful father." She said sternly

"How can you be so sure?" I spat turning away from her

"Because as I once said to you: anyone capable of love is capable of being saved, and you have been saved by loving me. By loving this child, by loving this family! I love you Wolfy and we are in this for the long run so please stop doubting yourself because you are nothing like him! Alright you are so much more you are Loyal, Charming, Loving, Smart, Creative, and so much more!" She ranted

"I'm so sorry Caroline, for ever doubting anything. You truly are the one for me." I said softly and she laughed "Yes I am Nik, So you better be damn sure that you never turn away from me again or you will get another rant times one hundred!" I laughed at her fire and hugged her again.

"So we have about an hour or two before they are done with dinner so do you want to chill out, and maybe talk to the little one?" She smiled

"Of course." I nodded


Minutes later we are on the bed with Caroline's shirt pulled up exposing her small round baby bump and I'm talking to the little one.

I whisper sweet nothings and give butterflies kisses to the bump. I freeze when Caroline yips. "What is it love?" I question perking my head up "Woah I just felt a kick! I guess the baby is already a daddy's girl or boy"

"This is amazing love. May I?" I question and she nods "Of course your the dad, and the baby apparently loves your touch" she laughs and I put my hand on her belly slowly listening to the heartbeat before feeling a small motion. A kick.

I simply stare. For the first time today I am realizing that this really is real and that makes me smile.

A/N sorry for the shorter chap! Xoxo hope you are enjoying the story. Make sure to vote, share, and comment!

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