Chap 11

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Caroline's POV

After our great day together it was time to get ready for dinner. I got up from a nap and the bed was still warm but Nik was gone. Huh I guess Elijah went with him too. I thought before remembering how during lunch Klaus told me that Elijah might accompany him to pick up Rebekah among other errands before we could leave for dinner.

That meant I had about an hour to get ready.

I sped over and showered quickly again and redid my full light makeup in record time. I picked out a fancy gown from the guest room wardrobe that had about 20 gowns all in my size and favored colors. What a coincidence Klaus I laughed as I grabbed the cutest baby blue one. I picked out a matching purse and went to change.

Caroline's Dress:

Caroline's Dress:

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Caroline's purse

I slipped on the silky material and felt like Cinderella

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I slipped on the silky material and felt like Cinderella. I put on some blue stiletto heels and smiled. I walked carefully down the stairwell and heard the my phone ring. The caller ID popped up on the display and read: Klaus <3. I answered immediately.

"Hi Nik, I'm all ready and changed. I also saw your amazing gown collection. I decided on baby blue." I giggled into the phone

"Hello Love, that's great. Me and Elijah just picked up Rebekah."

"Alright sounds good."

"Something has come up though... my annoying protégé Marcel is at the same restaurant as us." He groaned "I have to keep him distracted, so I sent a limo to the house that is arriving now."

"I hope everything goes smoothly. Make sure to keep your hybrid charm on." I said in a fake serious tone and he chuckled "Alright sweetheart. If anything goes wrong call me immediately."

"I will, love you Nik. I'm excited." I grinned as I walked out to the driveway, my heels clicking on the pavement "I'm sure you look lovely, Rebekah is in a mood because of Marcel but I'm sure she is just as excited too. See you soon."

I agreed and hung up shoving my phone into my purse and walking up to the black limousine's window. A mysterious driver with a face hidden by the night said "The door is open."

I felt a little uneasy at how familiar the voice sounded but hopped into the vehicle while shutting the door. I sat down on the leather seats and decided to go on my phone for the rest of the ride.

About ten minutes later it was still dead silent and I was too busy texting to notice that we were not driving though French Quarter's streets anymore. I looked up and realized we were now driving in the same direction as the forests in the bayou. "Excuse me where are we going?" I squeaked and realized that things were definitely not right and I needed to get out NOW. "Just a backroad, a shortcut though the bayou. All good Klaus already told me the route." He said with a smirk and I started panicking .

Tyler Fucking Lockwood was in the driver seat. I growled and tried to bust the door open with my supernatural strength but nothing budged. "I wouldn't do that if I were you.." he said politely "WHAT THE FUCK TYLER? WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME INTO THE BAYOU..... WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!" I screamed. He just laughed and stopped the limo in the middle of the trees.

"You really don't get it do you. You traitor. I have been informed that Klaus turned you into an abomination like him. AND you apparently love him as a mate." He said while getting out of the car and I was fuming.

He opened my door and I tried to attack him but he staked my side and I yelped in pain. My beautiful ball gown now had blood stains on it.

"OWWW GOD DAMN IT TYLER STOP IT.." I screamed as he picked me up bridal style. I tried to kick and wiggle but wood dug into my side each time I moved. "Tyler we are broken up. We are done! Get over it and stop trying to kidnap me!" I shrieked and added "This is low even for you."

"Don't worry I'm going to fix you... through a slow and painful torture before I just simply kill you." He said and I shot back "KLAUS WILL SAVE ME YOU IDIOT! UNLIKE YOU HE ACTUALLY ANSWERS AT ONE RING!" Just as I said that he grabbed my purse and grabbed my phone. Tyler took me out of his arms to grab me at his side. He unlocked my phone and rang Klaus. I was super angered now and still in pain from the stake that was soaked in wolfsbane and vervain.. real classy Tyler.

I felt like I could pass out at any moment as well from all the yelling and pounding on the door. It was most likely a death sentence for Tyler to call Klaus so I had no idea what he was doing and prayed for Klaus to come get me.

Nik answered the phone immediately. "Love where are you? It's been half an hour. Did you hit traffic?" Klaus said into the phone with controlled anger in his voice. I could hear that he was probably in the lobby of the restaurant based on the chatter in the background.

"Hello former Sire. I believe your lady is busy at the moment." Tyler said enthusiastically into the phone and Klaus growled loudly

"WHERE IS SHE??!!" Klaus roared into the phone making Tyler pull it away from his ear slightly

"Right her actually. Make it quick because I have things to do ya know? Here ya go Caroline." He said as if this were the most normal thing ever. I glared daggers at him when he handed me my phone.

"Nik oh my god, Tyler killed the limo driver and took his place and- I don't know. You have to help me I'm fine right now but please... hurry Klaus. I love you.." I sobbed before passing out into Tyler's arms out of exhaustion. "CAROLINE I SWEAR-" he screamed and Tyler simply hung up on him mid sentence.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now