Chap 6

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Caroline's POV

I woke up to the whooshing sound of Klaus' vamp speed flashing me up the stairs.

Klaus sat down on a huge leather chair next to his bed. He was so tired too. I snuggled into his chest while sitting on his lap. He smiled into my hair sadly and whispered "love, before you say anything I'm sorry." I was confused but let him continue because I could feel his pain. "Sorry for dragging you into this, and everything else. You shouldn't have to feel the immense pain that comes with the change of being a hybrid because of me.. you just.. shouldn't have stayed with me, I'm bad for you. I'm the big bad 1000 year old hybrid who is sitting  here terrified of losing you while also knowing you should go." He said and his voice started to crack. I simply whimpered and pulled him into a hug.

I had (and probably everyone in the world but his siblings) never seen Klaus cry. But he held me closer inhaling my scent and brushing my hair. It reminded me of how I loved his woodsy scent too. He was holding on so very afraid to lose me while still being carful.

The wet tears that dripped on my neck while I embraced him let me know that I'm the only one who could tame his demons and that I'm the only one he loves. I pulled back a little and stared at him. "Nik, it's alright to cry. I love you. I've admitted it now, even though I was so stubborn about my feelings because I thought my friends would judge me, but that is no more. I need you and only you. Like your family says- Always & forever." I said softly while staring into his blue eyes that were threatening to spill with unshed tears. I smiled a little and he grinned back.

" I love you Caroline, so much sweetheart." He said with genuine happiness not his usual smirk. "Let's get you cleaned up then shall we?" He said carrying me bridal style into a master bathroom.

"Is it alright if I undress you love?" He said politely with a cute dimpled smile and I blushed "Of course nothing you haven't seen before as my boyfriend" I giggled "did I really say that out loud?" I laughed and he chuckled

"Lovely thinking sweetheart. We'll need humor as a fundament for our newfound serious relationship of course." Klaus said with a grin as he slowly undressed me. I noticed he only looked at my eyes when he helped me into a vanilla scented bubble filled tub.

He scrubbed me slowly making sure to remove any dirt, blood, or excess left from rolling around as a wolf. The bubbles were now not clear but I felt properly clean, and strangely at peace with Klaus rushing his hands over me gently.

He helped me to get out of the tub and wrapped his oversized silk robe on me to cover up. I felt so happy and felt slightly better now that I was clean and gaining my strength back. I still needed blood though. It had only been a few hours but I felt my thirst had gone up about ten times form before. Not to mention I had not fed except for two blood bags this week and a little of Klaus' blood which my fangs were itching at to taste again. Klaus helped me change into one of his Henley shirts and some sweatpants.

"Mhmm they smell like you. Thanks Klaus."
I said happily sitting cross cross apple sauce on his bed while watching him change and almost drooling a puddle at his amazing chiseled Greek good body. "Your welcome love. Glad you are sort of feeling better. I think that is one of our new connections with the bond- smell."
Klaus chuckled "I suppose so but for now I'm tired." And hungry I thought the last part while yawing. It wasn't that I was as melodramatic as before but I didn't want Klaus to see me blood crazy.

I cuddled into Klaus' chest and he let out a content sigh. I felt even more guilty because Klaus' blood tastes SO good. I nuzzled into his neck a little and felt guilty. He smelt delicious and I was trying to stop myself but couldn't, my fangs slid out & my veins raised. I shot up like a rocket in bed and Klaus just stared with a hint of curiosity. "Are you alright love..?" Klaus asked me warily "yep fine sorry.." I squealed while turning to hide my hybrid face from Klaus. "Caroline  please tell me what's wrong.."

"Oh love, its alright. I'll get you a blood bag. It's fine no need to feel guilty you're extra hungry right know and you need your strength." He said understandingly and just hugged me "Here. I think it's more healthy for you to just drink from me. I've heard for mates as long as I drink a blood bag or two or something from the vein every day you can survive of me better. Maybe we can even do vise versa when you get strong enough later." Klaus explained sweetly and tilted his neck out for me.

I was straddling him know and asked "are you sure... again? Would you be alright with me drinking from you often?" "Of course love I have been drinking human blood for years unlike the bloody Salvatores." He agreed "alright." I said and slowly kissed his neck before then letting my new fangs sink into his neck eliciting a moan from Klaus as I wiggled on his lap to find a good spot. God did his blood taste amazing. It was the best euphoria I had every experience. I know felt whole. Our bond was now cemented. I only drew a pint or two out but it was amazing. I slowly puled away and licked my lips to save the smoky sweet drop of blood on my mouth.

When I looked at klaus his hybrid face was out and so was mine. We didn't need to talk we just stared at each other lovingly. For a whole minutes or two before I put my hand out and rubbed my thumb across his stubble and then his veins. He closed his eyes relaxing at my touch. Then I pulled him in and kissed him. He was surprised but immediately kissed back. Our kiss was filled with love and passion and we started to make out. He flashed me onto his huge bed and I pulled his Henley off. I was now in my underwear still kissing Klaus. He ripped off my lacy pink underwear and bra and I toar his tight black boxers off.

The rest is history if you know what I mean.


The next morning when the sun's rays hit my face I felt amazing I snuggled into Klaus' Henley I was wearing and turned over to see Klaus on the other side of the bed, but he wasn't there. I flashed into the closet using my vamp speed to pull on jeans but left on his shirt. I was terrified as I ran down following screams and arguing to the basement.


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