Chap 10

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Caroline's POV

The next morning I woke up happily on Klaus' chest. He stirred and woke up immediately.

"Good morning love." he whispered with his raspy morning voice that I loved. I giggled at his ruffled hair and morning voice while he looked at me amused. "I love your sexy morning voice and messy curls.." I said sleepily and he chuckled. My heart warmed and I loved him even more if that was possible.

"I love you" I mumbled and gave him a sweet kiss before embracing him. He looked a little shocked and hugged back quickly. "I love you too sweetheart." I pulled back and grinned wildly like a small child and started to play with his curls using my small fingers. His eyes slid closed and he purred with content at the gesture. Nik is probably a cat person despite his wolf side. I thought playfully

"You're gonna be the death of me love." He said with a smile. "Sadly we have to face Rebekah at dinner tonight, she is finally back from her vacation in who knows where." He said annoyed and I nodded "That's ok. Rebekah is not that bad we a sorta a like in ways, she only made it seem that she didn't like me because I was always hanging with Elena 24/7 and the whole Matt thing forever ago."

"Then I'll play nice love." he said with his classic smirk. "Do you want to have a lazy day before that though? Maybe some films, visiting the garden.. some cuddling if I'm lucky" I said with a smile

"Of course love, you don't need any luck because I would be delighted to as you say 'hang out' with you." he agreed "But first let's take a shower." I said happily and Nik raised his brows "ah ah ah separately Mr. Big Bad Hybrid.. we have plenty time to have fun all night." Klaus' gaze grew dark with that comment and I simply smirked.

"I think I'm rubbing off on you with that smirk sweetheart.. you look like a Mikealson." He said sarcastically "Maybe one day." I smiled before going into one of the two master baths Klaus had in his wing.

I slid Klaus' shirt and my underwear off before jumping into the shower. The jets hit my back and I smiled, it felt heavenly. I scrubbed Klaus' woodsy shampoo into my hair lathering it through my curls taking an extra whiff because I loved his smell so much. I spent a few more minutes using body wash and other product before turning off the water and hopping out.

I dried myself with a poofy white towel and then blow dried my hair smiling before wrapping the towel around my chest. Klaus had just gotten in the shower so I had a minute or two to get changed.

As I returned to the bedroom I opened up his closet and saw multiple Henley shirts and jeans. I reached back and found some black sweatpants with an adjustable waist. I grabbed them & my favorite one of Klaus' grey T- shirts before slipping the items on. I sat on the bed "criss cross applesauce" waiting for Nik to return.

I grabbed the smart TV remote and lounged back onto the pillows. He had every channel I could think of. I flipped though all of them before putting on Beauty and the Beast. It was my favorite Disney movie like ever so I paused it to go grab a blood bag. I ran downstairs and heard Elijah on the phone in the Library talking to someone. I strolled though the kitchen grabbing 3 bags of B+. I was super hungry so I now I had 2 for me and an extra for Klaus.

I also grabbed two extra duvets off two of the guest room beds so we could be all cozy. We were gonna have a Disney marathon Caroline Forbes Style I thought with grin before setting the all the stuff down on the bed before going into the bathroom were Klaus was walking out of fully dressed. I attacked him with butterfly kisses on the cheek.

He was shocked at first but gave me a kiss too. "So I see you went to the films first right? You used my shampoo too and are wearing my clothing.." he said amused "Of course we are going to watch some Disney films.. and I really like your woodsy smell so yep I used your soap.. aaand took your clothing" I said giggling and he smirked with a look that told me he adored how I looked in his clothing. I then groaned at Nik's dripping curls. "Your hair is all wet.."

I tugged his arm back into the bathroom before blow-drying his hair and rubbing it with a towel. His poofy curls were now dry and much better. I smiled with triumph and Klaus just stared at me. "what? I don't like when you cute curls are messed up." I blushed "only you love, only you" he laughed before we went to sit down on the bed.

I unpaused the film and let it play while I covered me and Nik with the duvet. He smiled and I cuddled his chest before remembering the blood and got up to reach the blood bags in the mini cooler on the nightstand. "Here you go a snack for the movie." I handed him one and drank mine quickly, downing both bags fast because I hadn't really fed in a day or two and I was tired from the *ahem* events of last night. As I finished I still had my hybrid face out and turned to Klaus who had his out too.

I don't know if it magnified since we became mates but I appreciated his face even more, I thought it was beautiful and a reminder he was my strong hybrid boyfriend. I cupped his cheek again and looked in his eyes. "Your hybrid face is cool.. I like it" I murmured and he smiled before putting his fangs away. "Ok now let's cuddle and watch the movie."

We spooned and watched the stories of Belle, the castle, Gaston, and The beast.

I noticed it was kind of like when Silas got into Klaus' head and I had to use pliers to dig out imaginary fragments of white oak stake vs. when Belle had to help Adam with getting the thorn out of his paw.

Once the movie finished I noticed it was raining outside so we couldn't really enjoy the gardens. Instead Nik decided to let me in his Art studio. I was happy he did because I know that is private to him. I marvelled at the many paintings of me as we laughed and talked. He showed me many sketches and told me stories of each drawing. We strolled hand and hand back to the room even stopping by the kitchen where Klaus made me lunch of Pasta. It was a nice day and we headed back to prepare for Dinner with rebekah... What could go wrong? I thought sarcastically.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now