Chap 18

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Caroline's POV

Kol sets my bags down in my room before leaving. Rebekah leaves to go out somewhere and I enter Nik's room.

"Oh my gosh he's still sleeping" I giggle in my head at the passed out Klaus lying in our bed

I go up to him and kiss him on the cheek as he stirs and his eyes flutter open. "Love? How long have I been sleeping? Are you alright?" He questions me with a worried tone

"I'm fine Nik. Remember I made you take a nap." I chuckled and he groaned

"It's fine you needed rest and now your apparently feeling better! I also had a good day with Kol and Rebekah picking out the dress and running errands." I said and he nodded

"As long as you were safe with Rebekah and Kol that's what I care about." He said and pulled me into a hug.

"Now get dressed we have a doctor appointment." I said pulling back and watching him flash out of bed, shower, and get dressed in only a matter of minutes

"Alright are you ready?" He said "Ready as I'll ever be." I chirped and walked out to the car, my sandals clacking on the driveway pavement.

~At the doctor's office~

Klaus's POV

We sit next to each other on a coach in the waiting room. Many humans in scrubs walk around chattering. Other expecting mothers sit across from us chirping with excitement while holding their spouses hands.

Caroline is buzzing with an almost nervous feeling around her so I gently put my hand on hers.

"I love you." I say softly and she relaxes

She leans on my shoulder and I smile. Our sweet moment is shortly interrupted by a nurse's voice.

"Caroline Mikealson and husband?" The nurse calls out looking at her clipboard and Caroline shoves my shoulder

I just smirk. "What?" I chuckle and she glared at me before walking behind the nurse to the room. I follow and grin.

Ok, ok I admit it was a little funny that I put Caroline's name down as mikealson. She is going to be my wife.

My chuckle subsided and we walked into the room. Caroline laid down on the bed and the nurse told us to wait a few minutes until the doctor showed up.

I was rubbing Caroline's hand softly and she decided to ask "Do you want to know the gender of the baby?"

"If you don't want to I won't either and vise versa love, but personally I think I do want to know." I said thoughtfully

She relaxed again. "Phew. Good I want to know as well. It will help me in picking out ideas for our child's name too." She grinned

"I can't wait love. I'd love to have a little boy with sandy hair running around the yard causing mischief like his father,  but I'd also be delighted to see a little blonde girl with her mother's miss Mystic Falls smile and caring nature." I said picturing my words and Caroline beamed

"I can't wait also." She breathed happily before the doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Samantha Maxfield and I'll be preforming your ultrasound and check up today." The doctor said and Caroline smiled

She talked though Caroline about different preparations before Caroline lifted up her dress exposing her belly.

The doctor rubbed a cool clear gel on Caroline's stomach before taking a wand and hovering in over her stomach. A picture appeared on the screen.

Our baby. Our beautiful child. I was excited and Caroline was also. She rubbed my hand and grinned. "Congratulations you are carrying a healthy baby boy!" She said and smiled

Something seemed off though. "Too bad it won't get to be born though." She said robotically and I got up from my seat and flashed to her grabbing her neck

"What did you just say you bitc-" I was cutoff by her sticking a syringe with some concoction of poisons and I immediately felt weak

I dropped to my knees and Caroline screamed.

The doctor ran to Caroline and put a similar syringe in her neck making her pass out and shriek in pain.

My vision became blurry and I felt myself slipping into sleep. "Noooo!" I screamed my voice raspy before falling down and passing out.

My last thoughts were: Caroline. The Baby.

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