Chap 8

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Caroline's POV

It's has been one whole week since Genevieve trapped Klaus in his wolf form and we are doing better. Despite this set back we have actually grew even more close and I can't wait to hug him properly again. I have got countless calls from Bonnie and Stefan who I both assured that I am fine, but what a surprise that Elena and Damon have been too wrapped up in each other to even notice I was gone. I called my mom and she was fine with it because I'm an adult anyway and I will visit every other holiday.

Anyways forget the Mystic Falls drama. My main focus right now is Nik. Tonight is the full moon and we might be able to reverse the spell tonight.

I turn my attention back to Klaus laying on my lap with me on the couch while I pet his head. "What are you thinking about love?" His sweet voice choruses through my head "I'm excited that you can change back tonight of course and I love you." I say sweetly and he has a wolf-ish grin that says "I love you too." He then licks my cheek and I giggle then kiss his head, something he likes a lot.

We sit like that for a while and we share bags of B+ together while I pet his head. I'm basically buzzing with excitement.

Time skip a few hours
(about 40 minutes before full moon in the gardens behind the plantation)

Me and Klaus walk over to the witch and Elijah standing in the middle of the gardens. I shake the witches hand and tell her that Klaus says hello.

"Alright the apex happens in a little more than half an hour so let's prepare. Caroline, for this spell to work I need a blood bag filled with you own blood for Klaus to drink when he turns back." The witch starts and I nod

"Klaus will be asleep for an hour or two before he wakes up and will be a little drained from being in his wolf form for about a week. He will need to drink the blood bag of his mate and rest up." She told us the other details and me and Elijah went inside to prepare the blood bag

I sat on the kitchen counter while Elijah did my blood work and I giggled that he literally owned the supplies to fill one up.

Only two minutes left I thought eagerly

"Are you ready?" Elijah questioned "Yes, Of course." I replied with a smile "I've missed Nik's face." I blushed and the corner of his mouth tipped up as we walked back to the garden to find the witch in huge circle of candles with Klaus sitting in the middle.

I was holding the blood and Elijah squeezed my shoulder and reassuringly whispered "Niklaus will be overjoyed to see you. Don't worry this witch is very old and talented."

She started to chant and the moon was now at it's apex. Klaus started to change into human form after a minute before passing out. The witch then finished the spell and I ran to him. I hugged his neck before picking him up in my arms which felt weird. Elijah led the witch out the front door and I sped us up to our bedroom.

I laid him on our bed and made sure he was comfortable with extra pillows. I was overwhelmed with happiness in that moment. I put the blood bag into a small cooler that was on our dresser so I could easily access it before laying down next to him.

I just watched him sleep for an hour or so before I heard his breathing change abruptly and he opened his eyes gasping for breath.  "Nik I'm so glad your ok!" I hugged him gently as if not to break him. He hugged back lightly and I kissed his head. Brushing hair curls in my hand before handing him the blood bag. "You know I could of just had this from the vein Love" he smirked with a raspy voice and I giggled "Doctor- I mean Witches orders." I laughed softly

His hybrid face came out and I mumbled "I like you hot hybrid face." and he chuckled "Only you would say that love. I'm glad you like it because I love yours too."

He ripped the plastic draining the bag in only a few seconds. "I needed that. Thank you love for taking care of me even in my wolf form." Klaus said lovingly and I leaned in and kissed him

I pulled back and then he kissed me again and we stayed like for minute before pulling back, just staring adoringly at each other.

"Let's just snuggle for the night." I giggled and he replied "I'd love that."

"Of course! I knew it!" I laughed and he looked confused "You love to cuddle! It's a common villain trait." A genuine laugh escaped his chest and I felt my heart warm

"I love you so much." He smiled and I kissed his head and whispered "I love you too Nik." into his sandy blonde hair.

"Now it's time for cuddling! Can I be big spoon? You always get to." I whined "Whatever you want just don't suffocate me with you snuggles" he said snuggles with air quotes and we laid down giggling like kids.

I didn't let him go that whole night. I felt the need to protect him after what had happened.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now