Chap 3

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Klaus' POV

I had been to thinking of Caroline a lot lately despite having my own predicaments with taking the quarter back from Marcel. My dear brother Elijah even called me obsessed because of my many sketches of her hanging in my studio.

Right now I was standing on one of the compound's many balcony's looking out at the sunset when I was reminded of how Caroline has so much light. Like the beautiful orange glow I was staring at now while drinking my bourbon.

I was then taken into my mind with memories of me and Caroline and I could see her thinking of me standing outside a shop caught in deep though about.. me.

Then a familiar New Orleans witch grabbed her and I  shouted when I snapped back to reality.

That witch will pay for hurting my love! I'll make sure she's begging for her life when I find that damn basement they threw her in!!

Then I sensed somebody standing behind me and I vamp sped and grabbed her. It was another witch who had the same tattoo as the ones who took Caroline. Then I put two and two together.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I roared while choking the younger witch by the neck. She then escaped my grasp somehow and gave me an aneurysm. I growled in pain on one knee. The witch then snapped my neck using a spell and everything went dark.

Time skip a few hours

When I woke up and rubbed my neck. "Damn witches." I grumbled under my breath

When the same witch who had grabbed me came into the room I immediately stood up and glared daggers at her. Trying my best to refrain from attacking so she wouldn't give me another aneurysm.

"Where is my Caroline?" Just as I said that I heard a familiar voice screaming upstairs "what did you do?"

"I'll explain if you calm down." She said carefully and I let her talk because I needed to know what happened to my love

The witch then explained that my Caroline is now a Hybrid.. and we are mates at first I didn't believe her about the mates part but it did make sense. When we met I felt a different level of love I had never felt before, like our Aura's connected. I was also enraged that she made Caroline a hybrid.. she was probably in pain and needed me.

"She will need your help because she is going to transform tonight and you need to be with her when she does because she will be out of control if you are not there." The witch explained "Of course I'd never let her go through that alone." I replied quickly then let her talk more.

"You might also have to accompany her in wolf form also. It might comfort her and she will be less focused on her rage."  The witch concluded hesitantly before adding ".. Are you alright with that?"

"Yes" I replied and thought
anything for Caroline, she shouldn't have it be alone right now and I miss her terribly.

A longing filled my chest and I didn't push it away. "Well I know that you probably miss her and since it's night now this is where me and my Coven's help stops. I will lead you to her upstairs. Make sure to be careful. You need to take her to a forest, the bayou, or somewhere outside and deserted so she can't hurt anyone during her transition. Her bloodlust will be slightly heightened this week but my sister told me she has good control. You are also allowed to blood share now. It will improve your bond and will give her strength. It's also a good substitute know because she probably is going to feel bad for wanting to drain someone. One day when she is done with this first phase you can even feed from her. You may also form marks from feeding on the neck. Also she will transition at the Full moon apex tonight in two hours. Good luck." the witch said and took every question and thought right from my mind.

She told led me to where Caroline was in one of the upper basements room's.


She was sitting on the shabby bed lost in thought. I burst through the door of the room and immediately went to her.

I enveloped her into a warm embrace and she started sobbing with a mix of happy and sad tears. I knew he emotions were more heightened too so I just let her hug me tighter until she wasn't so overwhelmed. I let her lift her head so I could talk to her about what happened as I put my hands on her waist.

"Love I missed you so much... I'm so sorry for what happened but also overjoyed that you accepted me. You're the only one I would want it be my mate." I said softly with a warm expression she grinned widely and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed at that as did she.

"I'm happy too! Also scared though for tonight." She said sheepishly "Love you'll be fine your the strongest person I know other then myself" I said smirking at the last part she giggled and my heart warmed

"I'm really hungry.. I just ate a blood bag but I'm still.. I don't know how to say it because I feel bad but I need something from the vein"
She said with a guilty expression "If that's what you want then I'll find someone love." I said calmly but she started to tear up

"What's wrong love?" I said worried as she starrten to cry onto my chest " I'm so sorry Klaus I just feel bad and I don't want to drain anyone and I- I just confused and feels like deja vu from when I fist turned.. and I feel so emotional and I'm sorry for being dramatic but I don't know.." she rambled then sniffed I remembered then what the witch said about blood sharing and giving her my blood.

"Here love take from my neck" I offered and extended my neck she gave me a look that said "are you sure?" and I nodded "It will strengthen you and it's a pleasurable experience for the both of us." I smirked she raised her eyebrows a little but then kissed my neck before her vamp- hybrid face came out.

She tried to hide her face but I tilted her chin up to me. "Beautiful." I said softly while staring into her glowing amber eyes. She blushed then started to kiss my neck before letting her fangs slide down and piece my flesh. She started slow then drew a pint or two out. She finished and stared at me

"Let's get out of her love." I said with a smile as my wound healed

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now