Chap 17

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A/N I'm SO sorry that this chapter is so late!! I'm thinking about stopping this story at about 20-25 chapters so yeah. But don't fret I have a few ideas for other stories in the future!
Xoxo- uwufanficreader

Caroline's POV

I can't believe this is all happening. Rebekah insisted on having an engagement party with family only at the compound. We laughed and had a nice bonfire all together and made a cheers in honer of me & Nik's engagement.

I'm pretty excited for the wedding itself and I even think I want to invite some of my friends from Mystic Falls despite the fact Nik will not be too happy about it.

Anyways, despite the wedding drama our baby is coming soon!! I'm so excited and Rebekah has already compelled people to help her work on the nursery.

I'm due pretty soon and Nik has not been sleeping at all. He's been sweet to me of course but is trying to hide the fact he's been stressed, which is not preferred but understandable.

I'm heading downstairs to tell him now

"Honey, can I invite some of my friends from Mystic Falls to the wedding please?" I said with puppy eyes and sat next to him

He put down his book and sighed "Love, what if they would hurt you- or get you too stressed. That's bad for the baby, and what if they disapprove." He rambled

"Hey! Nik I'm the one who always rambles" I chuckled and he kept a serious face

" What's wrong? You've been acting strange..." I said my voice getting quiet

"Nothing Love, you can invite your friends but please don't invite anyone who will cause trouble." He said tiredly and I frowned

"Niklaus. When is the last time you got some sleep since the engagement?" I asked raising my eyebrow and using his full name

He shrugged "Love, in case you forgot I've been dead for millennium and I don't need human sleep."

"Maybe you don't need it to survive, but I like it when you're not Mr. Grumpy" I say and hear Kol laughing from the kitchen

"Yeah Nik!! Stop being Mr. Grumpy!" Kol hollers and I giggle

Nik growls and I pat his head like he's a little kid

"You're lucky your mom is an angel or else your Uncle Kol would be dead by now." He said sarcastically to my tummy

"Ok now. Time for a nap!" I smiled and clapped my hands "Love I'm not a child." He sighed and I dragged his hand up the steps to our bed

"Wolfy lay down."

He grumbled and laid down on the bed while I tucked him in

I grabbed my favorite blanket and made sure he was a comfy. I then gave him a kiss on the forehead.

He had visibly relaxed and I smiled

"Comfortable?" I asked shyly

"Yes Love, thank you for 'tucking me in' as you call it."

I sat on the bed next to him and started to pet his hair while drawing shapes on his hand with my other free hand.

"What are you doing Love?" He asked sleepily and yawned

I kept doing until he was fast asleep. Who knew my bedtime tricks would work on the Niklaus Mikealson. I'm gonna be a great mom I smirked in my head

I softly padded my way downstairs and left with the soft click of the door.

Kol was laying on the couch and Rebekah was in the kitchen sipping a blood bag.

"Is he actually sleeping Caroline?" Rebekah said holding in a laugh

"Yes he is so now he will be more tolerable and we can finish the wedding plans. Starting with the dress." I smirked and Rebekah squealed

"I want to come too!" Kol whined

"Fine you can come as well Kol. By the way where is Lijah'?" I asked

"He's taking care of the venue and decorations, but don't worry I made sure it looked nice." Rebekah smiled

"Ok so we have a few things to do. Make sure to listen." I ordered

"First of all we need to pick the dress, then we can take a lunch break. and after that when we return home I will pick up Nik because we have to go to a doctor's appointment." I listed and the three of us headed to the car.

~At the dress store~

After an hour or two of trying on dresses Rebekah screamed "This one is perfect!!"

"Go try it on!" Rebekah squealed and helped me into the dressing room.

"It's beautiful." I said in awe walking out of the dressing room and doing a spin

" I said in awe walking out of the dressing room and doing a spin

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Kol and Rebekah cheered

"It's beautiful sister. I can't wait to you to be a mikealson in two weeks." Kol smiled and I felt so happy

"I'm so glad I'm- we are part of this family." I chuckled

~At lunch~

"I love the dress you picked! Elijah just texted me the details and all of the planning is ready at the outdoor venue." Rebekah said looking up from her phone and eating a fry

"Good! I'm excited." I blushed "Me too sister, I'll promise to behave if you make me best man." Kol said with puppy eyes

"I would Kol, but that's Nik's decision." I told him "So can you coax him for me?" Kol said battering his eyelashes

"Maybe." I said and Kol did a happy dance seat while Rebekah snorted

"Just don't do that happy dance at the wedding , I think we'd all die of embarrassment." Rebekah laughed

"Wow time flew! Me and Nik's appointment is in 30 minutes!" I said checking the clock on my phone in surprise "Let's go then." Kol said and put a wad of cash on the table

I rolled my eyes typical mikealson behavior

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