Chap 22

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A/N there is gonna be some time skips in the chapter as well bc I want to rlly for us on the wedding! Thx for reading!

Caroline's POV
~The next morning~

I wake up early with a yawn. Nik is laying next to me peacefully sleeping. I was so glad that he comforted me last night. I smile and look at our bedside clock and see that it's 8am.

I'm so excited!! I've been waiting for this moment since I was a human. I was marrying the man I love!

I kiss Nik on the cheek and he wake up and yawns. "Good Morning my love." He says in his morning voice. "Morning!" I smile "I'm going to go make breakfast. Then go with the girls to get my hair and makeup done at 9."

"Sounds good Love. I'm going to get ready as well." He said and got up to go get dressed and I went to do the same.

~After care is ready~

Bonnie put the finishing touches on my makeup and Elena was helping her. Rebekah then finished up her wonderful hairstyle she helped me with.

"I now present to you our masterpiece!" Elena joked turning me around and showing me my finished hair and makeup

"I love it!!!" I squealed looking at the amazing bun that Rebekah had finished in my hair.

Caroline's hair:

My makeup was light yet elegant and I looked like a princess

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My makeup was light yet elegant and I looked like a princess. "Thanks guys! I love it so much." I thanked and they then started to help me put on my dress and shoes.

Klaus's POV

Elijah helped me put on my suit. I was nervous and Elijah noticed.

"You have no need to be nervous Niklaus." Eljiah said adjusting the white handkerchief in my suit pocket.

"She loves you and you love her. I'm very proud of your growth Niklaus. She truly has made you better."

"Thank you Elijah, I'm sure the nerves will abate once I see my beautiful angel all in white." I chuckle and he pats my shoulder

~The wedding~
Nobody's POV

Caroline walked down the isle looking beautiful as ever with Eljiah holding her arm. And instrumental of 'their song' gimme love by Ed Sheehan was playing on the piano.

Klaus stood there with a proud expression, his best man Kol standing beside him holding in a tear.

When they finally reached the alter Klaus and Caroline locked eyes. While not breaking the loving gaze they recited their own vows.

Klaus went first. "Caroline. I knew I loved you from the moment I saw you. Your light has helped me though everything. You have made me a better man and helped me feel something I have not felt in 1000 years of being the stone-faced Hybrid. Love. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Always and Forever."

Caroline was crying happy tears and trying not to mess up her mascara. "That's pretty hard to beat." She chuckled and the crowd laughed before she cleared her throat and started her vows.

"Despite me rejecting you every time you asked me on a date, I also did fall for you when I saw you. Through every tough time and every obstacle we still stayed together. Every morning I wake up in your arms I feel content and I can't wait for hundreds of more mornings like that with you and our child. I love you so much, Niklaus Mikealson. Always and Forever."

The preiest then spoke up. "Thank you."

"Now, do you Caroline Forbes, take Niklaus Mikealson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part."

Caroline smiled "I do."

"Now, do you Niklaus Mikealson, take Caroline Forbes to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part."

Klaus nodded and declared with a smile "I do."

"You may now kiss the bride." Then priest stated and Klaus and Caroline kissed each other lovingly before breaking apart and smiling wildly.

The crowd erupted and cheers, and Elena, Bonnie, and Rebekah were all sobbing happy tears in their bridesmaids dresses.

Even Damon and Kol were crying too. It was utterly perfect.

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