Chap 21

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A/N Just letting you know that there will be a few time skips in this chapter! Thx for reading!

Time skip: 1 day

Caroline's POV

I hear the cars pull up and I assume that Kol is home. After calling my friends and setting it up with Klaus I sent him down to Mystic Falls to pick up my friends for the wedding.

Specifically: Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie. I booked them all a hotel to stay at in the quarter.

All of are having a big reunion. We are doing it before the guys go out for a bachelor party and me and the girls do the same for my bachelorette party.

Nik is happy to see Stefan again but not as excited as Rebekah who has been beaming while talking of his arrival.

I'm happy for her, she has to miss the party tonight because her and Stefan have a date but I'm fine with that because she is super happy about it.

I'm pulled out of my inner monologue when Klaus sits on our bed and touches my shoulder lightly.

"Caroline?....Caroline?" He is asking me and I snap back to reality "mhm?"

"Did you 'zone out' because it seem the Scooby Gang has arrived with my annoying brother." Klaus chuckled and I did the same

"I bet that car ride was fun!" I giggled " Definitely a match made in heaven Love, or hell.." he smirked and I laughed into his chest, embracing him from the side.

As our laughter died down I sighed with content in Nik's arms. "I wish we could stay like this forever." I pouted and stood up slowly

"I know sweetheart." He said and gave me a quick peck on the lips sending happiness and love through our bond.

I smiled softly and then we both went down the stairs hand in hand. When we came down I went straight to the kitchen where my best friends were sitting.

"Hi guys!" I said happily and smiled while Bonnie and Elena ran up to me.

"OMG Care!! Just in a few months you grew up on us!" Bonnie squealed "I know right! She's lucky she already has a pregnancy with her hot hybrid boyfriend and she's engaged." Elena smiled

"Awww thanks for not freaking out about Klaus too." I joked and Bonnie smiled taking my hand and saying "We support you. As long as he makes you happy and you both have a nice life that's what matters"

At that I felt super happy before Elena laughed again, shouting: "Yeah look at me and Damon! He's no better!"

Damon shouts from the library, probably drinking. The guys have actually became friends because of their similar alcohol taste. "HEY I HEARD THAT!" and we are sent into a fit of giggles again

"GO BACK TO YOUR BOURBON DAMON!" I holler sarcastically and hear him scoff.

Time Skip: a few hours later ~time for the parties!~

After hours of giggling and talking we finally decided to get dressed in our outfits.

The guys just left for Nik's bachelor party and I didn't even want to know what they would be doing that night.

Thoughts filled my head of them having a wild night filled with strippers, a hell ton of drinking, and draining innocent humans dry.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now