Chap 19

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Caroline's POV

I open my opens and try to sit up but I can't. My wrists and legs are strapped down to the metal table I'm laying on. I look around as much as I can trying to identify the basement lab.

Then it clicks Wes, the crazy pants Augustine doctor and his sister kidnapped me I think starting to sweat.

"Ah I see you are finally awake. Only took you a week." Dr. Wes Maxfield grinned devilishly grumbling the last part

"LET ME GO NOW." I growled loudly

"I'm afraid I can't do that yet, I have to perform some experiments of course. You are the only vampire- well hybrid to be pregnant." He said sounding like a psychopath and rubbing my belly bump with his hand

"If you harm my child I will not hesitate let my original fiancé rip your own heart out and feed it to you slowly you Asshole." I said with venom swatting his hand off "Now stay away!"

"Oh really?" He said playfully and I kept a serious tone "Really."

"Your almighty boyfriend doesn't look so good right about now. I used one of my new serums to desiccate him, make him super weak, possibly kill him temporarily sooo." He said slipping blue latex gloves and smirking as I looked at him in horror

"Your a monster!" I cried with anger and small fear at the notion I could lose my everything.

"Not as much as you. You have killed innocent humans and drank their blood without remorse. Klaus is a million times worse with thousands of kills under his belt. Your child will be a murdering abomination just like you." He spat and I was fuming

"Don't EVER say that about my child or mate. I will kill you if you don't give him back!" I said with anger as my eyes turned a glowing amber and veins began to form beneath my eyes

"You need to relax." Wes said rudely and I rolled my eyes

Who the hell does this guy think he is? The second he leaves I am going to grab that blood bag I can smell in the minifridge and go save Nik before he can do any more harm to us. I thought formulating a plan in my head

"I will not relax until you let me go." I grumbled

"I know what will relax you. I'm going to go grab something. I'll be gone for a few minutes so stay put."

The second I hear his footsteps retreating I broke from the chains, my anger and desire to find Klaus was burning through me making me stronger.

I sat up and ran to the fridge to only find one blood bag but it was fine because I needed it and Nik could just drink from me.

I finished the bag and chucked it in the bin speeding out of the room

When I stopped I felt my baby kicking around in my stomach and I whispered Don't worry baby we can do this let's go save daddy

I flashed at vamp speed again looking for the right room and I found a cell with a coffin in it. I could sense Nik was there and I opened it quickly.

I almost cried when I saw my lover laying in the coffin graying with his hair messed up. He looked like he'd been thrown around and my heart broke.

I held his hand and went into his head. He was sitting on the leather chair in his art room looking sad. I walked up to him and kissed him.

"Love! Are you alright? Are you in my head? Am I dead?" He said weakly

"yes, yes, and no." I said and held his hand before looking at him seriously

"Me and the baby are fine but you are not. We need to escape. I also need to wake you up by feeding you. You are going to be super weak so I need you to help me and give it all and drink OK?" I said and he nodded

"Be careful Love and go quick I feel feeble." He said seriously and I sighed "I will be carful, and I'll go quick. Don't worry."

"I love you." He said and I smiled sadly "I love you too always and forever."

I then pulled myself out of his head and bit my wrist letting a few drops of my blood drip into his mouth. I was feeling dizzy and had to redo it a few time before I finally felt a pull.

He carefully gulped down a few long sip of my blood and his color returned.

He looked so tired and vulnerable. My heart broke again. I needed to move us fast because I don't know if it's the best for me to be carrying him.

I helped him up and he was barley walking. We held arms and vamped away outside of the building and all the way to the mansion.

As soon as we arrived Klaus passed out and I shouted starting to sob because I might have lost my only mate "ELIJIAH, KOL, REBEKAH! ANYBODY PLEASE HELP!"

"PLEASE" I sobbed uncontrollably starting to shake while looking at an unconscious Klaus laying below me

Kol immediately ran out confused but then saw me in the middle of the driveway screaming and crying over a passed out Klaus and flashed to me

"Rebekah is out with Marcel and Elijah is running around the city looking for you... what the hell happened?" Kol question and grabbed my hands trying to calm me

"I don't want to explain right now.... I will later.. Please just help Nik.. Please just help him" I said in-between sobs and short breaths while Kol nodded

Kol picked him up easily and I walked next to Kol holding Nik's still hand while he set him on our bed.

"Thank you brother." I said to Kol and he smiled "Your welcome sister. Nik will be fine, he always is." at that I relaxed a little

"How is the baby? Oh and did you find out the gender?" He said grinning and I smiled. "Yes he's going to be a beautiful strong boy."

Kol's eyes lit up with stars "I can't wait. Thank you Caroline for all that you have done. You have given our family another chance."

I nodded and he led me downstairs to get some blood bags. We sat on the couch drinking our blood bags and talking about what happened.

"That arsehole I am going to murder him." Kol spoke up and I smiled "Not if I get to him first and make him use his own small intestines as a jump rope for trying to hurt my son and mate."

Kol grinned at that. "Nik is definitely rubbing off on you." Kol chuckled "You are going to be an amazing mother and I'm honored to call you sister." I blushed

"May I?" He asked looking at my big belly and I nodded "Of course Kol."

He put his hand on my belly and the baby started to kick immediately "I guess he likes his Uncle Kol!" I giggled and he pulled back smiling before pausing and looking like he heard something

"What do you hear?" I asked and then I heard growling and movement from Nik's room

"I got it. He's probably starving." I said getting up and grabbing a few extra blood bags before heading up the stairs to our room.

A wave of relief washed over me. My Nik was ok. We were ok.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now