Chap 12

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Caroline's POV

Tyler speeding me away was blur. We drove for a day or two before he told me that to help me he would drop me off with a witch so she could inform me of important news. Whatever that means anyway. He was not a 100% dick but still dropped me in some random field to be sold off to more witches. Tyler has apologized for everything even though it was kind of backhanded.

I didn't care about his fake apology at all I just kept praying for Klaus to find me because I knew he was probably going crazy without me. Hell I'm going insane without him. I later woke up in the middle of another dark field. I was probably on the outskirts of Louisiana by now. I looked at my watch and it said about 3am. I noticed I was in a circle with candles around me.

For god sakes Tyler, what did you do this time.. ugh not more damn witches. I thought irritated. A red head girl who looked about 20-25 years old were was sitting next to the circle reading grimores.

I was stripped of my dress in just my bra and underwear.  My limbs were restrained by some invisible force and I tried to budge but on witch said "Don't do that. I need to inform you of a prophecy and perform different spells. The restrains were only so you didn't run."  I nodded and simply sat there.

I felt something funny in my stomach. Probably from not feeding as much from being on the road I thought before feeling more nauseous. "Excuse me I- I feel sick..." I croaked and the girl nodded. She said a few words in Latin and the restraints lifted. I sat up and vamp sped a few feet away before throwing up in a patch of grass.

Ok now I was confused Vamp- Hybrids can't get sick...?

The witch actually put a soothing hand on my back and offered me a napkin. I looked into her bright green eyes and nodded. She walked me back to sit down on the grass inside the circle.

"So obviously you are confused again. I know this is all a lot." She started off "I also apologize about the man who dropped you off here he is having some breakdown, or something. He should have been more careful."

"Yeah Tyler is a nut job." I laughed with a hint of sarcasm "What am I doing here exactly and how long have I been gone?" I asked her in a small voice "You were kidnapped by the alleged Tyler about three days ago. You have been asleep since and a few things have happened."

"What things?" I said trying to keep in my growl "A lot." She sighed

"Here's the basics. At the same time were kidnapped before going to dinner with your mate Klaus a vision was given by the ancestors to witches in New Orleans." I winced at Nik's name. "Tyler may have had his own revenge fantasy but he was immediately convinced to take you here because I fed him lies that you needed fixing and agreed with his wacko plan."

"What's the real reason I'm here then and what did this prophecy say?" I said with concern "That you are pregnant. With Klaus's kid. This child will be like no others... a tribe is that will end all witches. It is rumored by the spirits that since you and him are light & dark, a perfect match that you were given the gift of a child." I stopped dead at these words.

"That's impossible. Even if I am down weird hybrid thingy now I was still a vampire first and I didn't have the gene. I'm not alive anymore." I snapped "But nature mad a loophole because you and Klaus the perfect mates." I crumbled at her words.

I started to sob. "Does Klaus know? Ohmygosh what did he hates me? He doesn't want to be a dad because of Mikeal!" I started to break down and she looked at me with sympathy. "Klaus does not know yet. After I have given you details I will drive you home to him in NOLA. I promise you that he will not be mad, despite his personality the spirits said he will be delighted after dealing with the shock."

"I am just here to inform you details of this pregncay because it is so rare. Just know a lot of Enemy's will want this baby gone so you have to protect yourself." She said softly and I nodded trying to keep my tears at bay.

"Alright tell me what to expect." I said with a shaky breath.

"So this pregnancy will not be like the rest. Your syntoms will be mostly human but that bay will not take 9 months. Instead it will take only 6. Your child will also be a werewolf, vampire, and witch tribrid." I nodded as she continued "The child will most likely have the pure blood gene because of Klaus so prepare for that change at around the age of 15. The baby will age normally until age 18 when they will become immortal as a vampire would."

"6 months wow! That's short jeez. I got the aging part down though. I have one more question." I asked and the witch, (her name is Kate) nodded. "Ask away." Kate replied politely. "How will the actual pregnancy symptoms physically work? Being that it is only 6 months."

"Of course. That's the hard part. So your bump will grow extra fast. After the 6 months you will looks 9 months fully pregnant and the baby will be fully developed. Tonight your body will adjust because of spirits and that is the spell I need to help you with." She smiled

"It's kind of a supernatural unlocking of the baby bump" she laughed and I giggled at the use of baby bump "This all still seems crazy but I think I'm ready." I said hopefully knowing that Klaus will love me no matter what and he would want me to be proud of this child.

"Alright now lay down on your back. In the same starfish position." She said and helped me lay down  "Also this will automatically adjust you body to three months of pregnancy. Meaning that it will move in a strange schedule. Your body will continue to grow at different speeds but don't be alarmed if it comes even earlier since this has never happened before and was demanded by the spirits." I relaxed a little and laid down thinking about everything that happend.

I'm really pregnant. AND I'm with Klaus. This is going to be crazy but I'm going to enjoy this ride. I though with a smile before she started to chant with her hands on my belly.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now