Chap 23 (finale)

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~Time skip~
-Two months after the wedding-

Caroline's POV

Henrik was due any day know and I looked like I was about to pop. Nik and me were chilling out on the couch in our room like usual and I was cuddling into his chest.

He smiled softly down at me and I smiled back. "Love you." Nik said and kissed my head

"Love you too." I smiled before getting up to go get a blood bag from the fridge, I felt pretty hungry today. "I'm gonna go get some I blood," I mumbled and he nodded

As I was walking the stairs to the kitchen I felt something strange in my stomach. I gripped my stomach because I was having horrible sharp pains. I had felt them for the past hour but ignored them because they were not as bad. Then something else happened, I felt my water break. "Oh shit!" I screamed before shouting for help

"NIK! REBEKAH! KOL! ELJIAH! MY WATER JUST BROKE!" I shouted out loudly and everyone flashed to me, Nik arriving first.

"Oh my gosh!! Quick help we need to get her to a hospital!" Rebekah shouted

"We will grab the bag and get the car!" Elijah shouted and flashed away with Kol

I was breathing through super shallow and fast breaths. "Baby you need to wait a little longer" I whispered in pain to Henrik while rubbing my belly

Nik flashed us into the car and Rebekah got the rest of my stuff. Elijah drove super fast to the nearest hospital like something out of a nascar race as I was turning red.

"Just keep breathing love, stay strong. I love you. You'll be fine." Nik whispered trying to comfort me and I simply let out a whimper

We finally arrived at the hospital ten minutes later and I was rushed in a wheelchair from the ER to a private wing. Klaus made sure to compel the best doctors to shut down a wing just so I could have it all to myself.

Minutes of painful contractions passed and Nik helped my breath through each one. After about an hour of restless breaks between contractions I knew I was almost ready to start pushing.

The nurses and doctor rushed in along with Elijah. "W- Where's Nik?" I croaked to Elijah and he looked at the door just as Nik rushed in and stood next to me. "Thank god.." I mumbled happy that he was hear.

Just then I started to shriek in pain and grabbed both Mikealson brothers hands on either side of me. If they were human I'm sure their bones would be broken from the amount of force I was gripping them with.

"Your doing great. I can see the baby's head...just a few more pushes." The Doctor said and I let out an exasperated scream as I pushed with incredible force. I repeated again and I felt like I was going to faint.

"AAAAAHHH" I screamed before I finally stopped. Henrik's shrill cries filled the room along with my sobs as Nik hugged me from the side and Elijah stepped back.

"I'm so tired.. that was horrible." I laughed weakly feeling drained

"I know love." He said with empathy and pushed the feeling through the bond as I smiled, feeling like I could faint any moment.

But I definitely couldn't let myself be too tired to meet our little baby. The nurses were all taking tests and inspecting Henrik to measure his weight, size, and see if he was healthy.

"Nik, I'm super tired and so hungry but I really want to meet Henrik." I pouted and he smiled "Rest now love, trust me we will all have time in the day to hold him and love him once you are rested and fed."

I nodded and complied before Nik added something "Oh and here love,"

He helped me sit up on the hospital bed gently and held out his neck. I smiled and then kissed his neck ever so softly before letting my hybrid face emerge. I kissed the exposed flesh before letting my fang drop into his skin in an animalistic motion.

His blood tasted amazing like always, smoky yet sweet and I loved it. I drew out a pint or two and stopped when I felt refreshed.

The blood helped my healing a lot and I felt myself healing even quicker. I pulled back and smiled, suddenly chipper.

"Thanks." I mumbled lovingly "It was super good! I love you Wolfy. I'm going to take a little nap then I can see little Henrik." I smiled and he nodded leaving room and exiting towards the hallway.

~after my nap~

I woke up with a smile and called Nik's full name to get his attention and let him know I am up. "Klaus!"

A few minutes later he arrived at the room slowly walking in with something in his arms. That something was a small baby, bundled up in a white blanket that looked soft as a cloud.

Shock hit me when I realized that it was my baby in his arms and it all felt more real. I stared at Henrik in Nik's arms for what felt like hours but what really only seconds.

"He's perfect." Nik whispered proudly looking down at the sleeping child

I chuckled lightly and extended my arms signaling for him to let me hold Henrik.

He laid the child in my arms and I nearly cried.  A previously sleeping Henrik yawned lightly and made the most adorable sound I had ever heard.

His big blue eyes opened and he stared at me with a puzzled expression before smiling and leaning into my chest. I felt so happy like I could burst.

Nik put a hand on my shoulder and then kissed me on the cheek. I kissed the sleeping Henrik's small head and smiled again.

Everything was finally good. The story of me, Henrik, and Nik was just beginning and I can't wait to experience it.


A/N Omg guys we made it THE END!!! Thx so much for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to vote, share, and follow my profile for more stories like this one to come in the future. Xoxo- uwufanficreader

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