Chap 20

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Caroline's POV

I arrived at Nik's room and opened the door to him sitting on his bed deep in thought. I walked over and sat next to him, rubbing his shoulder. "Hey Wolfie" I said and smiled

He immediately looked at me "Hello Love. Sorry I got lost in thought. Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine Nik, I already told you." I chuckled "I should be worrying about you. Are you thristy?" I asked and his head perked up

"Starving." He smirked and I handed him the blood bags. He finished them in a few gulps.

"Thank you love. How is the little one?" He asked and turned to me putting his hand on my belly. I clasped his hand and smiled "Good."  Nik pulled back before looking at me straight in the eyes, his piercing ocean eyes becoming a dark azure.

"Please tell me that bastard and his little bitch sister are in shallow graves as well speak?" He said with disgust

"Elijah and Rebekah are out and I sent them to get the job done when I was talking with Kol. They are probably on the floor with their hearts removed, happily burning in hell." I replied batting my eyelashes with innocence

"Good that's my girl, they deserved it." he mumbled into my hair pulling me into a good hug. His body was vibrating with emotion and I could feel him trying to calm his breathing.

After a minute or so of embracing each other I was going to pull back but he kept a firm hold on me. I understood through the bond that he needs me right now so I stayed.

He was crying softly into my shoulder. "I need you right now." He sniffed and I just kept rubbing his back soothingly and whispered "Shh it's ok Nik."

After a few more minutes he had calmed himself. "I think their home." he said as we both heard the front door click "Yup!" I smiled as we stood up. "Better?" I asked childishly "Yes." He grumbled and we walked downstairs hand in hand.

Rebekah and Elijah walked in and Rebekah ran right to me with vamp speed and hugged me tight. "Sister, Nik! Don't ever do that again! I was going bloody crazy looking for you guys!"

"I'll try not to get kidnapped next time bekah." I said sarcastically and we both chuckled before moving to sit down on the couch

"I was so worried about my nephew as well" She smiled and touched my belly and as soon as she did I felt a kick and my face lit up.

Rebekah looked at me strange and I laughed "Sorry.. he just kicked a few times.. he only does that with Nik and you, so apparently he likes your touch."

Nik smiled softly at Rebekah and she returned the loving gaze, obviously happy to see him getting a long with her.

"Sorry to interrupt a moment but I just want to inform you that Wes and everyone in that abandoned hospital building is in fact dead." Elijah said sternly and nodded

I looked down before whispering "good."

I stood up and clapped my hands smiling "Now that revenge has been served let's talk about more pressing subjects like how I'm gonna be a Mikealson in a few days!"

"I'm excited as well love." Nik smirked "Yes sister me and 'Lijiah are very proud too." Kol said with happiness and Rebekah nodded

"Ok now I have some more chores for us to do that are wedding related. We already have the dress, wedding venue, decorations, and Nik's tux, but we still have some more to do." I said and everyone nodded

"Ok. So. Elijah you being the all time expert with suits need to go with Nik, have him make a list of groomsmen and then pick out their suits." I ordered and then looked to Rebekah "I trust Bekah in going to the dress store to pick up the bridesmaid's dresses I ordered, since I want to get some rest."

"Oh, and Kol read the text I sent you. Make sure to be home by tomorrow and try to not get into trouble!" I said and Kol smirked

Nik gave me a kiss on the cheek and with that everyone left to do their jobs. 

All I thought was phew "Wedding planning is exhausting." and then went up to my room to nap

A/N Sorry for the shorter chapter!! Thx for reading and Happy Valentine's Day if you celebrate!! Make sure to vote, share, etc..

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now