Chap 5

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Klaus' POV

Me and Caroline had an amazing night running around all night in our wolf forms. I felt our bond getting stronger by the minute.

Right now was the part I didn't enjoy and that was getting Caroline to change back. I knew she would be more sensitive and in a lot of pain but she needed to get used to turning back and forth quickly.

I rubbed nuzzled my neck against Caroline's for one last time before turning back. "Wait here love" I said quickly before I hybrid sped back to the car and put on a pair of jeans while grabbing one of my shirts for her to change into. I was back in seconds. "Love you need to change back now." I said softly while petting her white fur. She whimpered "Please I know it will hurt but only for a few minutes. I'm right here" I said softly and back "imagine yourself changing back and grasp onto your human form in your mind."

She whimpered a little until her howls became strangled screams. She then passed out because she was exhausted. I vamp sped to her and put my shirt over her before carrying her in my arms back to the car. I laid her down in the backseat and covered her with a blanket then kissed her forehead. Her "You did so well sweetheart.." I said softly and started to drive back to the plantation. I was just ecstatic to see my siblings reactions. Brillant, now I have to deal with them. They better not say a damn thing. I scoffed in my head

Time skip an hour ~arriving at the plantation

Caroline's POV

I started to stir and open my eyes as the car stopped in front of a huge antebellum mansion. It was marble, classy, and totally Mikealson style.

I felt super weak and knew I was dirty form playing in the woods. I just wanted a shower and some sleep because it was probably about 3 AM or so. I yawned a bit I'm super tired I thought sleepily. The car stopped and Klaus parked the Range Rover into a big fancy garage. He got out, opened my door, and picked me up carefully and I whimpered because my whole body was still feeling super sore. Klaus felt my pain and his face fell a little and I knew it was killing him to see me hurting. "I'm sorry love. It's ok shh. You're safe It's me." He whispered softly and I whimpered again trying to tell him that I was fine and he didn't do anything but my vocal chords didn't cooperate. He tried to understand and just held me tighter but still carefully and opened the door that led into a huge kitchen.

Elijah was sitting at the table drinking scotch and immediately stood up and said "Is that Mrs. Forbes? Is she alright?" Klaus growled and flashed his fangs at Elijah when he came close to me and him. "Get away from her. NOW!" His voice boomed. I let out another whimper from the sudden loud noise and he looked down at me sadly. " I'm Sorry love.." he whispered into my hair before dismissing Elijah by simply saying "We will all discuss this tomorrow. Make sure Rebekah is home." with a stern look before vamp speeding us up into his room.

A/N OMG TYSM FOR 100+ VIEWS!!! I know this chapter was short and I'm going to be posting more long chapters after thanksgiving break. I'll make sure to give you little pre written fillers tho during the week days. Have a good thanksgiving!

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