Chap 7

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Klaus' POV

It was early in the morning. The sky was still dark as I woke up to a pounding knock at the door downstairs. I immediately vamp sped to change before heading downstairs without waking Caroline. I knew there was trouble near so I shut the door hoping she would stay asleep.

I ran down and was greeted with Elijah who even though it 5 AM still had his suit on. We opened the door and immediately were greeted with Genevieve and another witch or two that I had seen around the quarter. "This is not good." I thought.

"Hello witches. What's your business here at this hour?" I asked clearly annoyed but keeping a small calm "We have heard some rumors and wanted to talk." Genevieve said with a dark smile "Alright then we will set up a meeting later. Please if you will excuse us we are going to go back to resting." Elijah said politely with his usual mask of calm. "No now is fine right?" Genevieve said before added "It's fine as long as you are not hiding anything we don't already want to address, right Klaus?"

"Fine." I growled before letting them in

About thirty minutes later

These witches had been talking about the usual quarter rules and establishing other talk about Marcel that I already knew but pretended to be surprised when they told me, but then she got up abruptly and said "Well now that we told you all that there is something else the spirits told us about that you need to be punished for." One of her witches said with a dark grin before giving both me and Elijah aneurysms

One of the witches daggered Elijah and then made me pass out with the wave of her hand.


We were now in our basement and I was chained to the wall with spell bound handcuffs. Elijah's grey body was lying on the floor.

"What did you do witches.." I growled through clenched teeth.

"Quiet now. I need to explain." Genevieve smirked and I practically rolled my eyes "Now why would you need to kidnap me to explain something?" I snarked

"Quiet or you get another little witch headache times two." the other witch said

"So the spirits told me that Mrs. Caroline Forbes who is now a new hybrid is your mate" Genevieve continued "The spirits told us she is actually in love with too. Pathetic. Now she is an abomination like you, a damn hybrid. We will punish her by hurting you. Maybe hurting her or even both of you."

"Lay a hand on her and I'll rip your liver out and feed it to you." I yelled

"It's not polite to yell. Your bark is worse than your bite. Like your abomination of a werewolf side from your bastard origins. That's a fitting punishment." She grinned

"What does that mean?" I said angrily

"You'll find out" the second witch called and right before she started chanting my Caroline walked down the stairs and stared in horror at the scene before her

"CAROLINE RUN!" I screamed

Genevieve chanted and the other two witches  Caroline stayed in one place using another spell while I screamed in pain.

I then felt myself start to change into my wolf form but it actually hurt a lot as if I was changing for the fist time.

Caroline was sobbing and screaming "Stop it! Stop it now! What are you doing to him?!" and I felt horrible.

I passed out and when I woke up the witches were gone and Caroline was crying into my black fur. I felt even worse because she probably thought I was dead or worse.

"Klaus? Nik are you ok? Please.. I can't lose you not like this I'm your wolf form- or at all. I'm can't lose you I'd die myself.." she said between sobs. I perked my head up and nuzzled her neck and she embraced me. "Thank god! I'll find a witch or anything to fix this- while you passed out she said your stuck like this until some counter spell is done and they made me watch you in pain and it was horrible she said she would come back and I don't even know. I love you so much." Caroline rambled letting me go and I just licked her cheek as a sort of kiss.

She giggled and my heart warmed. I nudged her to the direction of Elijah and she said "Oh my god! I almost forgot." She then walked over and I followed while she bent down to pull out the silver dagger.

Elijah gasped for breath as the color returned to his eyes. He immediately stepped back because I was in wolf form but Caroline assured him I wasn't on a killing spree and explained everything that happened.

"I'll work on finding an old witch who we can trust outside the quarter." Elijah said sternly and Caroline nodded.

He then walked upstairs and told us he was to research and that I needed rest even though it was the middle of the day.

"Cmon wolfy let's go get some rest. I need a blood bag and maybe we could snuggle." She said jokingly. I sort of nodded and she smiled as we reached my bedroom upstairs.

She got into her bra and underwear and I looked confused. She then kissed my head before moving away and changing into her own wolf form after a try or two. I was so proud and nuzzled her. "I love you. I'm so glad we can at least talk like this even if you can't change back. I called the nicer witches that changed me and they said we could talk to each other through telepathy which comes in handy especially now." She chirped and I heard her voice clear in my head I responded with "that's great love. I missed you so much." I said happily. We played around a little just "talking" before she changed back so we could rest.

Caroline's POV

I couldn't help but feel guilty about all that happened but Klaus assured me I was fine and he could fix this. Now was time for rest but I still felt sad. I hugged Nik's fur and nuzzled his neck. We both napped for an hour or so.

I woke up and saw Klaus was still asleep and I guess in wolf form he wasn't as alert when tired so he didn't hear when I sat up to go get a blood bag to take my mind of things so I wouldn't start to cry again.

When I was in the kitchen I was met with Elijah sitting on the counter deep in research looking at grimores, books with family trees, and other maps. "Hey Elijah." I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. Elijah being the wise older brother type he was saw right though me. "Caroline what is wrong? Is Niklaus alright?"

"Yes he is has been sleeping for the past hour or two."  I replied "I just feel guilty about what happened even if he said it was not my fault. It just stinks that I can't really talk to him, I mean we can talk in our heads but it's really not the same. It's only been a day but I miss his smell, his dimples, his sarcasm, his blonde curls- just everything!!!!" I rambled and tried to hold in my tears in front of Elijah who just gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry for over sharing I just need some space or something I'm going to go to the library. Thanks for helping Elijah just keep up with finding the witch." I said and he nodded "It's quite alright to feel this way Mrs. Forbes. I have found the witch and called her earlier."

"Really? What did she say?" I said eagerly

"She gave me the location of a moonstone talisman that will reverse the spell on the next Full moon in a week or two." Elijah replied

"I can't wait. Thank you Elijah." I said before returning to bed with Klaus just holding him closer.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now