Chap 2

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Caroline's POV

I woke up and felt tired and weak. I was chained onto a bed in some old dusty basement cell that reminded me of the one in the Salvatore's basement. I remembered how the witch locked me here while I was half asleep in a haze from the vervain.

"Ughh my head hurts" I thought because my vocal chords hurt bad. Just then the witch walked into the cell and placed a ancient book with a leather case on the metal table. She had two other witches who were younger behind her. I just glared at her since I couldn't really talk because of the vervain.

"Do you know why you're here" she said and a shiver went down my spine. I knew this witch must be powerful because her voice was oozing with spiritual energy that even I could sense.

"no" I croaked "why did you kidnap me?" I said with a raspy voice.

"Well I'm going to explain that but I have to tell you after the transition.. here's a blood bag.. you'll need your strength." She tossed a bag of B+ my way and I stared at her confused while I finished the bag quickly

"What kind of transition???" I nearly screamed just then she nodded to another witch who pinned me down while the second one grabbed another grimore.

What in the actual hell???

Just then I felt a burst of pain through out my whole body. The witches were chanting loudly in Latin and dripping blood from my hand into a bowl. I felt woozy and dazed but still tried to fight this pain.

I let out bloody murder screams that echoed in my own ears while I felt my eyes basically pop out of my sockets. More screams and more chanting, then I plain passed out.

Time skip a few hours

When I woke up it felt like deja vu from when I first turned. I was 100x thirstier, my bones felt as if I was hit but a semi truck, and I missed someone. Like my heart was crying out for him. That him was Klaus. Whatever they did to me had me realize that I loved Klaus. I was too stubborn to notice though. Anyway I still needed to find out what the hell they did to me.

The witch walked in slowly and sat down a few feet away from me on a steel chair. She had a blood bag in her hand and on top of that I could hear her heart pumping louder than before.

"Speak of the devil" I grumbled

" you are probably wondering what just happened." She spoke carefully "damn right I am.." I snapped back at her

"Give me a chance to explain please it will all make since in a minute" she said and I believed her "alright fine." I said not so patiently

"Well where to start. You are now a full fledged hybrid. The spirits needed you to be if you were to bond with Klaus Mikealson. You are what Werewolves call mates, as in Soulmates. Right now you have finally accepted him and he has you so that's why the spirits signaled me now. Also why he was drawn to you since you both met." She paused. At that my lips parted I was going to oblige but everything she said was apparently true my senses felt it. So I let her continue

"You, Caroline are his now and he is yours. I will need to have him with you when you transform tomorrow on the full moon in 10 or so hours. He is also here unconscious downstairs for the sole purpose he does not kill me." I smiled mentally at that last line it did sound like Klaus but another part at me wanted to growl and attack this woman for hurting my Klaus.

I let her finish and after hour or so she had told me every single detail. Now I needed to face Klaus. I was happy to see him and knew he felt close but also worried of his reaction.

This is going to be one hell of a night I thought as I sat on the bed

A/N sorry it's short I'm doing school work lol please tell me if you want to post more chapters!! I actually have about 5 more prewritten!!

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now