Chapter 56: Pay Attention

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(A/N can we just take a minute to talk about how attractive Michael Fassbender is...)


The trio entered the third room. Sherlock was in the lead with the gun held in front of him cautiously. He was followed by John with Mycroft in toe and after the entered the room Eurus gave them another minute on the phone. Sherlock finally got the girl to explain her location. She was over the sea and a city was ahead of her. Mycroft was the one who of course brought up that the child must have to fly the plane herself away from the populated area.

"She's the one who's going to crash it."

"No, w-we can help her land it."

"And if we fail, and she crashes into a city? How many will die then?"


Astrid chuckled and raised an eyebrow, "priorities."

She clicked her tongue and looked at Jim who was leaning forward, very invested.


"Is there really no-one there that can help you? Have you really, really checked?"

"Everyone's asleep. Will you help me?"

"We're going to do everything that we can."

"I'm scared. I'm really scared."

"It's all right. I..."

In perfect timing, Eurus had turned off the line and Sherlock looked around the the room as his sister continued.

"Now back to the matter at  hand."

She vaguely explained what was going on before leaving the three musketeers to their deductions. Sherlock began to ramble with a few dim inputs from John and came to the conclusion that the coffin was for a short female. Mycroft then decided to be logical and look at the lid. Unusually, the name in the coffin lid was not a name, it was 'I love you'.

"So who loves you? I'm assuming it's not a long list."


Astrid scoffed, "if only it said 'I'm obsessed with you' then we'd know straight away who the coffin was for."

She titled her head back towards him Jim who briefly looked at her, not quite understanding what she was on about. He looked away and then immediately back as soon as he realised that she was referring to him.

"I'm not obsessed with him."

Astrid grimaced, "yeah you are."

Jim paused, considering all the facts and then slowly began to nod, "yeah, maybe I am."

Astrid nodded in agreement before looking back to the screen


"Molly Hooper."

"She's perfectly safe, for the moment. Her flat is rigged to explode in approximately three minutes."


"Oh, that is good," Astrid smirked, "so... he makes her say I love you to him and she doesn't get blown up and she gets her heart broken in the mean time?"

"Yeah but there's no bombs in her flat so she's not actually gonna get blown up."

"Rough," Astrid nodded, "should we let Eurus know that we are listening into everything that's going on?"

"I mean, she's basically a fortune-teller, so I'm sure she's guessed that we're listening in, or that we were gonna listen in," Jim shrugged.

"Does she know how it's gonna end?"

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