Chapter 3: Sing Song

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Astrid wandered through the busy streets of central London alone, well, as alone as anyone can be in the greatest city in the world. She had the same song blasting into her ears on repeat. Her walk, naturally, turned into a quick skip as she began to hum along to the pleasant melody. The judging eyes of the passers by continued to follow the extravagant girl around as she began to quietly sing to herself.

"There's a ghost in my lungs and it sighs in my sleep, wraps itself around my tongue as it softly speaks. Then it walks, then it wa-a-alks with my legs, to fa-all, to fa-all, to fa-a-a-a-ll at your feet"

She skipped cheerfully up the steps onto Waterloo Bridge where there where the crowd suddenly thickened and more people gave her disapproving glares. Just as she was about to start the chorus, she felt her body collide with something and she fell unexpectedly to the floor. She gowned to herself as she tried to sit up after her head bashed against the floor.

Her blurry vision began to disappear, she looked up to see a man looking extremely guilty as the rest of the crowd continued to walk around obliviously; probably happy that the mad singing girl had stopped. Astrid frowned as the man, who's face had now been revealed, put out his arm for her to take. She hauled herself up and rubbed the back of her head.

"I'm so sorry," the man said sorrowfully as Astrid regained her senses, "I didn't see you coming, I'm so sorry-"

"Don't worry about it." Astrid quickly said as she managed to regain breath. She finally looked at the man. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. His voice was, surprisingly, Irish sounding, probably here on holiday or for business, his voice was also slightly croaky meaning he probably regularly smoked. Astrid shook off the random deduction and brushed her hair back.

"You were really away with the fairies there." He chucked as he moved some of his dark hair from his face.

"Yeah well, it happens more often than you would think." She smiled and laughed. The man put his arm out for her to shake.

"Dominic" he introduced himself politely.

"Astrid," Astrid took his hand and smiled.

"That's a great name," he chuckled and frowned, "sounds quite Scandinavian"

"Yeah that's my dad's fault." she laughed halfheartedly as she recomposed herself.

"it's fascinating," he pointed down to her phone face down on the pavement "What were you listening to?"

"Uh, a song." Astrid bent down and picked up her phone to find the screen cracked, "oh shit."

"Oh crap," Dominic looked down at the shattered screen as Astrid picked it up a sighed, "I am so sorry."

"Don't worry about it," she shook her head, "what's the point in having a boyfriend if not to fix your broken phone."

"Ah, of course," he smiled again and sighed, "I know someone who is pretty handy with things like that, but, if you already have an option, then I will gladly apologise for the millionth time and let you be on your way."

"Well thanks for the offer," she smiled once more as she put in one headphone, "it was nice meeting you."

She smiled for the last time and continued to walk the way she was going. Astrid wasn't in the centre of London by chance, she was doing some peaking. John Watson had found out about how a certain reported named Kitty Riley had gotten information on the world favourite consulting detective, which was of course linked to the several weeks Jim Moriarty had spent in the gracious company of the older Holmes brother. She watched John Watson enter and leave the diogens club, looking much more grumpy in his exit than in his entrance.

As she reached the end of the bridge, she turned the corner and looked at the spot where she was supposed to be picked up to find that there was a small car there decorated in an almost embarassing shade of green, she frowned and looked left and right, to find that the car that she was looking for was three places to the right. She walked over to it mockingly shaking her head at the blonde man inside. He was fast asleep with his feet against the dashboard.  Astrid knocked loundly on the window causing him to joult up. He quickly put the window down and yawned.

"Hey Blondie," he stretched his arms and took down his feet, "Promise you won't tell Jim."

"i'll think about it." she smirked and walked around to climb into the other side of the car.

"No seriously, if he finds out that I was sleeping on the job, he'll end my life."

"No he wouldn't." Astrid assured, as she took out her broken phone and put it in the holder in the middle of the seats  "i wouldn't let him."

"What happened to your phone, Blondie?"

"Some guy walked into me."

"Where you dancing,"

"No!" she said, sounding very guilty.

"Sure." he smirked and started up the engine, "so, how was it?"

"As expected, Mycroft told him everything. About the capture, about the sharing of information."

"And you weren't seen?"

"Oi!" Astrid shouted as the car rolled out of the parking space, "I'll have you know I'm an excellent spy."

"Oh I don't doubt it." Sebastian clicked his tongue and the two drove off into the distance.

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