Chapter 7: Pretty Hot

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The journey from the hospital to the pub was short, yet still seemed like forever. Seb parked up outside the familiar pub entrance, and as soon as they had stopped, Astrid got out the car and ran into the building. When she got in she was surprised by the pleasant warm air that rested onto her face. She looked around the half empty pub for someone familiar, and upon failing, she walked to the counter where a tall man was stood smiling at her.

"Hello, how can I help-" the man began.

"Where's Max?" Astrid asked quickly.


"Your boss, where is he?"

"He called in sick."

"Oh for fucks sake," Astrid muttered to herself as she turned around facing away from the counter.

"Is everything okay?" the barman asked, to be shook off.

"Everything's fine, just go back to cleaning dishes," Astrid spoke sardonically as she glanced around the room again, "Or whatever."

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, before walking out of the door. Seb was just about to come in when she walked out.

"There's nothing here. Max isn't here."

"So what?"

"Jim wouldn't just go to some rando that I don't know."

"Alright." they turned to leave but were stopped by a voice coming out of the pub.

"Astrid?" said the voice causing both blondes to whip their heads around. Upon seeing her friend, Astrid smiled softly and approached her. She engulfed the lady in a hug and sighed.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to see you, Faith" Astrid smiled and broke away.

"Me neither." Faith replied, before noticing Seb, "who's that?"

"He's a friend," Astrid replied as Seb stepped forward for Astrid to introduce them, "Faith, Sebastian. Sebastian, Faith."

"Hi." Faith gave an awkward wave to with Seb replied with a flat smile.

"Faith and I went to school together."

"And you're Astrid to her?"

"Oh, shit!" Faith cursed in realisation, "I keep forgetting, Alexa-"

"He knows, its fine," she smiled again, before answering Seb, "She was the only person I told."

"Right." Seb nodded in understanding as Astrid turned to Faith.

"We need to speak with you."

"Yeah, so do I."

"Alright, lets go inside."

All three of them headed inside and convened around a small round table in the corner of the pub, when they were all set, Faith placed a small brown box on the table.

"So, I was here this morning because Max had asked me if I could cover a shift and this guy came in. He asked if anyone knew you."

"Was he small, brown-haired and Irish." Seb and Astrid somehow asked at the same time.

"Urm, yes." Faith stuttered.

"Right." Astrid nodded for her to carry on.

"So, of-course, I said yes. He said that if you came in without him, then I was to give it to you."

"Have you opened it?"


After Faith's response, Astrid picked up the box and flipped the lid open. She placed it on the table so that the others could see inside. The box had three items; a small rolled up piece of paper, a set of house keys, and a memory stick with two words written on the side of it.


Astrid picked up the stick and observed the writing.

"That's Jim's handwriting."

She opened out the small piece of paper and on it was an address.

She then looked at the key and frowned.

"He's given me a house?" she said to herself and stood up and looked at Seb who stood up, "I need you to take me here."

"Mkay," he sighed in agreement as she handed him the note with the address, before turning to Faith, "I realise I've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Erm, yeah." She stated as she stood up.

"Not here, come with us." She walked out the pub followed by her best friend, with Seb in toe.

"So, how did you meet that bulk of meat." Faith whispered so that only her and Astrid could hear.

"Sorry, what?"

"I mean, the Irish guy was pretty hot."


"But this guy," she lowered her voice even more, "he's like properly sexy."

"Oh my God." Astrid sighed and rolled her eyes.

"What?" Faith smiled, "you gotta agree with me."

"Faith, you have a boyfriend."

"Not anymore"

Astrid raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyebrows, "I don't even wanna ask."

The small American giggled mischievously as they reached the car. Astrid got into the front and Faith in the back with Seb driving.

"You okay?" Seb asked as Astrid typed the address into the hurriedly

"Yeah, I just wanna get there." she picked the shortest route and they set off, "so, Faith, you want some answers?"

"Yes." she said plainly.

"Right then, we'll be here a while."

"I'm listening."

"Now then, where to start?"

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