✨ Chapter fourteen ✨

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Ok hello again to everyone who reads this I hope that yo guys had a great break and a happy new year to you guys im not sure if you guys really read this part but whatever lets get into the story now.

          Amity laughed and then said "alright alright I'll stop calling you that just get off me idiot" luz smirked proudly and then got off of her, Amity then stood up and grabbed her things while smirking at luz to which luz didn't know why. Once amity got all her stuff she smirked  at luz once more before saying "wolfy" and running off while laughing,  luz sat there confuse for a couple seconds and then stood up turning into a wolf and running after the girl saying "Hey get back over here".

 While amity was running she decided to look in back of her to see if the girl was still chasing her that was one of her biggest mistakes because not even after a couple seconds of looking in back of her she bumped into something big and heard a small growl. Amity slowly looked up and saw that it wasn't luz instead it was some kind of monster, amity slowly backed up not wanting to trigger the beast. The beast then let out a loud roar and started to run towards her but before it could reach her something bigger than the beast pushed it to the side to avoid the girl from being attacked.

   Amity didn't really see what had hit the beast since it happened so fast, but then she heard another roar and put her attention back onto what was happening when she looked she saw the beast under a much bigger animal towering over the other creature. When amity looked closer to see what the bigger figure was she noticed that t was luz with her yes glowing a crimson red color while baring her teeth at the creature while growling loudly. The smaller creature then used its hind legs to kick luz off of it while scratching luz arm and standing up once again trying once again to attack amity but failed since luz bit onto the back of the creatures neck ad throwing it into a tree. And then running to where the creature had landing and before letting the creature react she bit the creatures neck biting onto it hard and then biting off the part of the creatures neck that she had in her teeth.

Luz then spit the piece of skin out of her mouth and looking in back of her to see if amity was okay. Amity was just standing there a bit traumatized by the scene that she had just seen. Luz sighed and slowly walked towards the girl trying her best not to scare her. When she was close enough to the girl she bent her head down so that she was at eye level with the girl while using her paw to nudge the girl in the arm. Amity then looked at luz and said, "did you just.... kill that" luz looked away for a second and then back at the girl and nodded her head. After a couple minutes amity finally calmed down she looked down at luz's arm and noticed that her arm was bleeding.

"Luz your arm is bleeding" amity pointed out, luz brung her arm looking at the scratch on her arm and saying "im aware" she then walked over to a pond that was near them and put her snout  in the water to clean the blood off of her face and then bringing her snout back out. Then walking over to amity and put her on her back and running back to the owl house. When she got there she went into her room and put amity down on the bed on her room and going into the bathroom and putting a bandage over the cut and going back into her room and laying down next to amity who had decided to lay on luz paws and letting luz put her head on her stomach to which luz didn't really care about and just went with it.

Amity moved one of her hands and put it over luz's head and messed with luz's ears for a couple minutes before drifting off to sleep. Luz had watched the girl for a couple minutes and saying "I promise to protect you amity" and laying her head down on the girls stomach and looking out the window. Luz heard her door creak open and hen she saw a small demon come into the room climbing up onto her back ad curling up into a small ball and falling asleep (King likes to fall asleep on her because she soft). Luz laughed to herself and then turned around and finally fell asleep keeping amity and the little demon closer to her.

 After a couple minutes Eda and Lilith came peeked into the room to make sure that they were okay and then smiling softly admiring the small little scene in front of them and then slowly closing the door trying not to startle the three sleeping in the room. Once Eda closed the door she looked at lilith to see that she was actually happy for the kid since she knew that amity never really had real friends apart from willow so she was happy that amity finally found someone who actually cared for the girl.

In the morning

Luz was the first to wake but she wasn't able to move due to the fact that once again someone was laying on her. But luz felt like annoying amity to get revenge so she turned around and grabbed king in her jaw not to hurt him just to move him to the sleeping bag. She then smirked and looked at amity and started to lick amity to wake her up. Not even a couple seconds later amity woke up and tried to push luz's head but failed amity then said "luz stop get off of me! Ew! stop that! luz you oversized mutt get off me."

Luz laughed and moved herself away from the girl, amity looked at the girl annoyed before getting a towel and wiping her face off. When she finished she looked at luz with a really look and then walked over to her punching in the arm luz laughed and turned back into her normal self and said, "Did I make someone mad" while grinning and showing her fangs. Amity huffed and pushed the girl while saying "don't do that again". Luz rolled her eyes and said "Fine mittens" amity then started to chase luz around the room.

Alright guys im gonna end it here I decided to change my writing pattern so yea. Adiós

1138 words

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