✨Chapter Fifty✨

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Once they finished eating luz stood up walking out of the room going outside and climbing onto a tree and laying down with her  left leg and tail hanging off the side wen luz saw the front door open again she moved herself up more so she wasn't able to be seen. She then saw amity walk out and look around luckily for hooty he was still asleep "luz where did you go" amity asked as she walked outside herself and looked around, luz moved herself slowly being careful enough to not make a noise as she followed her. 

Luz put her legs over a branch hanging upside-down waiting for amity and right once amity was in front of her she popped out in front of her having amity almost knock her head off " woah woah amity its me" luz said as she grabbed amity's arms to keep her from hitting her again. Amity opened her eyes calming herself down and waiting for luz to let her go and right once she did amity tackled her to the floor slapping her on the cheek "stop doing that" amity said as she glared at her, luz looked at her sticking her tongue out at her.

Amity frowned as she buried her head into her neck hugging her tightly letting out a small "hmph" and calling luz a bully, luz's tail wagged swiftly "aww amity I'm sorry I was just messing with you" she said as she placed a small peck on amity's head making amity appear as a red tomato. Luz slowly sat up just to be pushed right back down so luz tuned into a wolf instead standing up knowing amity wouldn't be able to push her with amity sitting in one of her paws when she stood up.

Amity stood up going to lay on luz's back and letting her walk back home but right once the owl house got into view luz saw eda, lilith, and hooty going against a lot of the emperors  guards. Luz called amity telling her to get up and right once she got off of her luz ran towards the gaurs slashing them off, luz looked over seeing eda on the floor a guard standing in front of her. Luz growled about to run up to the guard but he stopped her "stay back beast one move and she's done" the guard said aiming his staff at eda's head.
(Guys I am sorry for what I'm about to do but you guys know where this is going)

Anger overpowered luz and she ran towards him but before she got close a loud bam was heard, luz stopped staring at her now bleeding mentor. Luz's eyes glew red as she ran towards the guard again slashing his head off and then going for the other guards, once she got every guard she turned back into a human and ran over to eda "eda please be ok" luz said as tears started filling up in her eyes. Eda opened her eyes looking at her apprentice "heh looks like the emperor finally got me huh" Eda said as she coughed a bit holding her stomach where she was hit.

Eda looked at luz bringing her hand up to luz face and wiping her tears away "hey stop crying you'll be alright you still got king, Lilith, hooty, and greenie" eda said as she smiled weakly as she let out her final breath and closing her eyes with her hand falling back down "EDA" luz screamed out shaking eda. Luz pulled eda's body up hugging her while still crying, amity and lilith decided to leave her and just leave her be after a couple minutes luz stood back up looking at amity and lilith "I will kill belos I don't care if it takes out my final breathe" luz said as she walked back into the house not even talking to either of them.

Time skip to about 4 months later

Luz had been training a lot to where somedays she wouldn't even get enough sleep she found out new glyphs to use she barely talked to amity and when she did it was only for a small amount of time since she had to go back to her training. Amity even noticed that luz was leaving late at night to go compete in fighting tournaments sometimes coming back with scars, bruises etc.

Whenever amity asked her about it she would just saw that she fell or bumped into something but amity knew fully that it wasn't true. After the incident happened luz's whole motive she changed she barely cracked a smile so one day while luz was training amity came in pulling her out of the room well at least trying to "amity what are you doing" luz asked as she raised her eyebrow. Amity stayed looking forward trying her best not to break down right there infront of her luz noticed that so she grabbed her instead and turned her around seeing that she was crying.

Luz frowned "amity what's wrong" she asked, amity glared at her "you luz you are whats wrong what happened to the old luz the one that loved making everyone's day better the one that I fell in love with your not the same luz you barely even talk to me anymore, I get that you lost your mentor but that doesn't mean you just push me away like I never mattered" amity screamed as she swated her hand away from luz still glaring at her "amity I'm so-" before she could finish amity cut her off.

"You know what luz forget it" amity says as she runs right out of the room out of the house and into the house " Amity wait" luz said as she ran out of the house turning into her wolf form to find amity luz then felt a sting on her nose noticing it was now raining 'I have to find amity now' luz thought as she kept running. Once luz finally found her she krept up slowly hearing amity cry was the worst, amity looked up at her "go away luz" amity said as she pushed her back. (luz put a protective glyph over herself so that she didn't get burned by the rain).

Luz walked right back up to her even when amity pushed her back "I'm not leaving amity" luz said as she stared at her " what do you want" amity said as she glared at her with tears still falling from her eyes. Luz sighed as she started talking "look I know that you probably won't forgive me but I just wanted to apologize I shouldn't have done that to you its just that-" amity cut her off by pulling her into a passionate and soft kiss that amity missed. Luz smiled as she wrapped her arms around amity's waist as amity wrapped her arms around her neck happily accepting it.

Luz broke the kiss and smiled softly at amity " I missed that" amity said as she put her head in the crook of luz's neck, luz sat down sitting next to the tree that amity was sitting next to with her tail wagging swiftly as she smiled both of them sitting in comfort waiting for the rain to die down " I promise this won't happen again ill try working with you guys now"  luz whispered as she pulled amity closer to herself.

 Wooo I finally hit my 50th chapter on this story anyways Hey guys I'm sorry for the delay I had ran out of ideas and when I did I decided to make a fluff and angst chapter because why not but I do apologize for the character death but ill be bringing in another chapter in the next 3 days oh yeah if you guys have any ideas for future chapters please tell me id love to see it so anyways bye guys.
1235 words

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