✨Chapter thirty-five ✨

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 Luz smiled softly now knowing that she would be able to go back home but she couldn't lie to herself when she said that she would miss aurora even though she wasn't really with her for that long. But she still really liked the pup and was happy that she was able to help her get home. She then came out of her thought as she heard something rustle in the bushes making her ears perk up, and right once she looked over at the bush she saw a man with all black on jump out of the bushes with a sniper rifle in hand.

The man seemed happy thinking that he could get a lot of money for killing this one since he knew this one was not just a normal wolf due to her size. Luz growled and started to circle around the man keeping a close eye on his hands and face, the man then held his gun at her aiming for her heart but of course luz wasn't gonna let that happen. So right before the man could actually shoot the gun luz swiftly went around the man now standing in back of him nd used her paw forcefully pushing him into a tree.

But the man was still alive so he picked his gun back up and and aimed it at luz once again and fired it and thankfully luz was able to dodge the bullet by an inch from one of her hind legs. Luz then turned her attention back to the hunter her eyes once again glowing that same crimson red color and started walking towards the man still growling just a bit louder, the hunter stared at her now with a terrified look in his eyes instead of his grin that he once had, he put both of his hands in front of him as if n defense to himself.

But of course that didn't do much for him being to the fact that this 8 foot wolf standing in front of him luz then lunged at the hunter using her claws to claw the hunters stomach and push him into the tree once again do to the amount of force. Once the hunter fell back down to the ground he gasped out nd grabbed his stomach now gasping out for air since he was choking on his own blood. Luz growled and walked away not wanting to watch the scene thinking it was a waist of time and that she still has to walk home.

'welp another three days until I get back home to them but it'll be fine I'll be back soon guys I promise' luz though she looked back at the hunter to see that he was already dead 'I'll just let the other predators out here take him its not like it'll take long for one of them to come up and take it' she then came out of her thoughts and continued walking not really worrying about having to encounter any other predators out there in the woods.

With amity

Amity smiled softly as she cancelled the spell and thought the words 'see you soon luz please be safe I'll be waiting', amity got up and sat down next to aiuz and king who were currently both playing with their stuffed toys. Once amity sat down next to aiuz he put the stuffed toy down and totted over to her and into the middle of her legs and nuzzled her cheek and sitting back down and giving her that same look that he had gave her when luz wasn't home yet. Amity chuckled and said "you really do miss her don't you".

Aiuz nodded his head and looked down "I miss her two but don't worry she'll be back soon okay" amity asked as she brought the griffins head up with with her hand, aiuz nodded as his little tail waved in back of him. Amity giggled and picked him u putting him in her arms as if he were a baby and rubbing his stomach, which was to aiuz's happiness and to kings jealousy that someone other than him was getting tummy rubs.

King put his stuffed animal down and walked over to amity and said "the king of demons demands that you give me tummy rubs" amity chuckled once again and said "why are you jealous king" as she smirked. King shook his head furiously and walked over to her just laying his head down on her leg, amity smiled and put aiuz in the middle of her legs and moved her one hand on kings stomach and letting her other go on aiuz's back since he had turned himself around.

Both kind and aiuz were slowly drifting off to sleep since it was already 10:56 at night amity yawned herself and got up holding the both of them in either arm and walked up the stairs and went to her room and laying down with both of them sleeping on her stomach and or chest and whispering the words once again "please be safe luz" and falling asleep.

With luz

Luz was currently sitting in the grass looking up at the sky just thinking about stuff like how amity and the others are doing or what will happen when she gets back will they be md at her will they not wanna talk to her anymore, luz then stopped herself shaking her head and sighing "I'm overthinking ,all that I gotta do is tell them what happened, yea that's it nothing too much" luz looked back up at the sky seeing the moon and a mountain so she stood up and walked over to the mountain and looking at the moon.

Luz then lifted her head letting out a loud and beautiful howl for a couple seconds and bringing her head back down and smiling, she then laid back down with her left paw hanging off of the mountain just admiring the view. After a couple minutes she stood back up and went back to the field once again laying down and saying "I'll be back soon guys wait for me" she then fell asleep with her tail wrapped around herself even though she doesn't really need to do that with a literal coat of fur.

Anyways guys that's it for now I have once again finished another chapter in time but other than that thankyou for 10k+ reads it really means a lot Bye.

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