✨Chapter ten✨

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              The twins only looked at her and said "your one to talk", amity looked at them and asked if they said something, the twins shook their to say no and walked away. Luz then stood up and looked around for a window to jump through, once she found a window she looked at amity and then left and went into the woods for a not thinking about going back tot the owl house just yet. While walking through the woods she got a whiff of a smell that she found quite appealing, so luz decided to creep towards the smell while staying close to the ground (oh yea just so you guys know she's still in her wolf form). When luz got close enough to particular smell she poked her head out of a bush to see what it was, when she looked through the bush she saw that the specific creature was a deer. A part of luz's body was telling her to jump out of the bush and attack but the other half was telling her not to, but the wrong side of her body took control of her and was about to jump out of the bushes but accidentally broke a stick scaring the deer and making it run away. Luz wanted to leave but her body was still determined to catch it so she started running for the animal, while she was running she accidentally hit her hind leg on a log falling and letting the deer run off. Luz looked to back of her legs to find out that she had did a bit of damage to it, so she forgot about the deer and tried to stand up on all of her legs which didn't work so instead of using all of her legs she only used the three that were available and limped back to the Owl House. When luz finally got to the owl house she went in she asked Eda if she had any bandages, Eda told her luz that it was in the bathroom so luz went upstairs and into the bathroom and grabbed the bandages and took it to her room. When luz finished wrapping the bandage around her leg she went outside  and sat on the roof looking at the stars. Luz heard something coming coming towards so she started to to count down from 3, saying "three...two...one..." and before luz could say zero hooty turned up in front of her saying "Hi, Luz", luz looked at the bird tube and said "Hey hooty was there something Eda wanted?". The bird only shook his head saying "No i just wanted to see if you were ok", luz looked at the bird tube and said "Hey hooty can you tell me a couple of your stories." The bird looked at her and said "Really!", luz nodded her head head and said "yea sure i don't have anything to do anyways" when hooty started talking luz regretted what she had said but still listened to Hooty.

After about 3 hours of listening to hooty's constant talking ( Ok I wanted to put something for hooty in their since he isn't really mentioned in owl house stories  pls don't be mad at me)

Luz heard someone call her name so she told hooty that, that was enough and she was that she was gonna go back in the owl house. Hooty stopped talking and then nodded and went back to where he was and luz went into her room to find out that king was the one who was calling her, once the little demon saw her he ran up to her and hugged her leg and said "hi, luz". Luz picked up the little demon and pulled him into a hug while saying "Hey little buddy", luz was about to put king down but he instead demanded belly rubs so luz put him in one of her arms and started to give the little demon belly rubs which made his small tail wag. After a couple minutes luz let the little demon go and went downstairs to see Eda and Lilith talking to each other in the living room . So luz went into the room and sat aacross from the two. "Hey luz" the two sisters said, "Hey Lilith, Eda" luz said, "what happened to your leg?" eda asked, "oh nothing  just got into a small accident while in my wolf form" luz said, "also how is that curse holding up for you?" eda asked, "well its been better I can control myself when im in my wolf form but there is still a couple things that I have to learn how to control what about you guys?'' luz asked. ''Well me and lily have only really changed once with wasn't bad since already had the elixer for us so yea''eda said.

After about an hour of talking 

 Luz left and went into her room and went into her wolf form and floor cause aparently she already sleeping on the floor but instead she just has a blanket. And as always king came into the room and laid next to the wolf and fell asleep. When it was around 3am luz woke up due to not being tired but she didn't wake up king so she just laid there and waited. When it was finally time for everyone to wake up luz got up and went back into her human form and went to take a shower and do every thing else that she had to do and started to walk to school. When she got their school was already about to start so she went to her class and sat down in the back, after the class was done luz with the class she left and went to her locker to put her books away but when she was putting her books away she felt like something was sneaking up in back of her but sure enough she was tackled by gus she glared at the young witch to get off of her she then heard someone giggling she looked over to see willow laughing, "What's so funny willow? luz asked, "n-nothing its just your reaction".

Alright guys im gonna end it here sorry if the chapter was posted a bit late for some people I had to finish some extra homework before writing this so yea thank you so much for over 100+ views. Bye guys 

1080 words

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