✨Chapter nineteen✨

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  3 hours later

Luz was still thinking about how she should tell amity that she liked her and so was amity but both of them weren't really sure on how to do it so they stayed looking into the distance thinking of how to confess to each other. Luz looked down at amity and smiled while saying "You ready t go back amity?" amity came out of her thinking and focused herself on luz and shaking her head no luz tilted her head and confusion and asking why Amity looked away for a second and then said "because I like this and because your warm".

Luz chuckled and said "fine but only for a little longer" while now laying her head down in the grass and letting amity lay on the side of torso. 30 minutes had passed and amity had one again fell asleep so luz put the girl on her back and started her walk back to the owl house while she was walking she heard a couple of noises but just brushed them off and kept walking to the owl house. Once she got back she had hooty open the door and she walked up into her room and put amity down on the sleeping bag and got a blanket and put it over the girl.

When she was about to go sit down by her desk she got a small tug on her fur and looked back at amity seeing her crying a bit from a bad dream so she laid down next to her cleaning the tears off and nuzzling the girl with her snout making amity move closer to her and slowly smiling. Luz sighed and move herself closer to the girl and just keeping amity company not really caring if she didn't have anything to do. Soon enough king came into the room and sat in front of luz and started playing with luz making stupid faces at each other and making stupid jokes.

Not even 30 minutes later

King moved from were he was sitting and laid down on one of luz's paw and falling asleep. Luz stayed in the same place not eve bothering on falling asleep and looking out the window and off into the moon and then looking back at amity and thinking 'I hope that she feels the same but then at the same time what if she doesn't and things get awkward with us and then she might not wanna talk to me or even be my friend anymore' luz shook her head and said 'Your overthinking this noceda just calm down' luz sighed once again and turned her head back to the window and waiting for morning to come.

The next day (its a Thursday)

Luz slowly moved her paw and put king down next to amity and got up going back into her human self and going into her closet to gab some clothes and quietly leaving the room not wanting to wake them up yet and going into the bathroom to do her business and going down stairs and cooking a quick breakfest and going back upstairs to see if they had woke up yet, and of course to amity was still sleeping but king was already making his way downstairs. Luz chuckled watching king speed down the stairs on all fours, she then turned her attention to amity and walked over to her.

Luz shook amity softly trying to wake her up while saying "amity come on its time to wake up", after a couple more shakes amity finally woke up with her eyes fluttering open and she sat up rubbing her eyes trying to get the rest of her sleepyness  out of her eyes and looking at luz and saying "morning" and yawning "morning ammy your uniform is in the bathroom, ill be downstairs with king if you need me" luz said standing up and leaving the room and walking downstairs and into the kitchen. Amity blushed a bit due to the name that luz used for her and went into the bathroom and then going down to meet up with luz.

When she hit the middle of the stairs her nose was hit with a delicious sent so instead of 3alking downstairs she ran almost falling over one of the steps and going into he kitchen and sitting down next to luz and looking at the plate and scaring the food down luz looked over and said "hey at least take a breath before taking another spoonful" and chuckling watching amity's eyes sparkle every time she took a bite of the food. Once amity finished she gave luz her plate asking for more, luz sighed playfully and took the plate and putting some more of the food on the plate and giving it to her. she then took both of the plates and put them in the sink and washed them.

They then grabbed everything that they needed and headed to the school. Once they got thet=e willow and gus had asked amity if she was feeling better to which she told them yes and then they once again continued to talk about about random stuff. The bell then screamed and luz left to go to beast keeping class while amity, gus, and willow went to their classes. Once she got there she saw one of her friends viney with her griffin puddles, luz waved at er and then sat next to her while looking out the window. While she was looking out the window she saw a bird like creature fall to the floor so she left the class to see what had fell.

When she finally got close enough she saw a baby griffin on the floor with one of it wings messed up Luz slowly walked up to the small griffin not wanting to alarm it but once it noticed her it tried to scratch her luz moved a bit closer and said "hey little bud I don't want to hurt you I just wanna help" the griffin calmed down but still kept it eye on her. Luz walked closer to him and slowly picked him and cradled him in her arms while petting him under his beak. The smaller griffin then climbed up luz's arm and sat down on her shoulder and nuzzled the side of her head. Luz laughed walked back into the school with the smaller griffin on her shoulder.

Alright im gonna end it here

1076 words

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