✨Chapter thirty-one✨

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 The next day amity and luz woke up and did everything that they had to do and walked to school nothing much really happened just the same routine even though luz did try to kill boscha a couple times but luckily enough for boscha they were able to grab her before  she could. The only thing amity was worried about was that their last class was combat and she also knew that she had this class with both luz and boscha and she wouldn't be able to stop luz this time if she does get into a fight with someone. (Y'all know what abouta happen)

Luz and amity walked to their last class and changed their clothing that was required for the class and went  into the room and waited for the teacher to walk in, once he did he told the students to stand in rows as he picked out two students to go against each other. After everyone finished the only two students left were boscha and luz who had both equally went against other students who won against there opponents. The teacher then told the both of them to walk up into the field and to get into their ready positions.

Amity was a bit nervous and scared about what was about to happen since luz was already mad at boscha for hurting amity since the two had went against each other with boscha winning that match and hitting her in the process of it. Then at the same time you could see that boscha was scared but still tried to keep her composure so she didn't look stupid in front of her peers and wanted them to think that she was the strongest in the school and was boss of the school and  for people to fear her. But thats where she was wrong and there was one person that never feared her and that person was standing right in front of her.

As soon as the teacher said to start the both of them circled each other one with fear in her eyes and one glaring at the other with her eyes glowing and her pupils turning into slits instead of the normal circles. Boscha then casted a fire spell and threw it towards the girl missing her by an inch, luz growled but still didn't attack and closed her eyes now just listening with her ears. Boscha was confused by this action but decided that she could use this as an advantage and ran towards her.

Luz heard this and slipped under the  girls legs and stood in back of her while grabbing the girls neck and picking her up and throwing her right back down to ground and saying "bad choice bitch" in a cold voice. Boscha then casted another fire spell and shot it towards luz's left eye making her stumble back a bit and rub her eye now having a burn surround her eye and trailing up to her forehead. Luz then looked back at boscha and now this time ramming into boschas side and picked her up by her neck and choking her instead of just dropping her.

Boscha started squirming around to get out of luz grip and trying to catch her breath , the teacher finally ran over to the two noticing that it was getting to serious and could possible end in death. He grabbed luz's arm trying to pull luz away from her but to no avail he wasn't able to, amity got up from the floor and ran over to luz and grabbing her arm catching luz's attention so she looked down at amity "luz let her go please, its over you don't have to fight her anymore its over just let her go".

 Luz growled lowly at boscha and then finally let her go letting her body fall to the floor and seeing her cough and gag for air and walked out of the room and into the girls locker room and changed out of her uniform and running out of the school and going to her hideout and sat behind a tree and hiding her head in her legs not wanting to look at anyone at the moment. Amity ran out of the school looking for luz and walking into the woods and looking around to see where she had went walking to one of the closest place that she would thing for luz to be.

Once amity finally got there she looked around and noticed a pair of legs behind a tree and walking over to the figure and crouched down in front of the figure "luz.." amity said, "go away amity" luz said not even bothering to look up at her. Amity down fully and grabbed luz's hand and pulled them close to her making he look up "luz.." amity slowly said "im sorry for everything amity I didn't mean to do that I just" "No luz stop you did nothing wrong all you were doing was standing up for yourself the only person that should be sorry is her, she left a full burn around your eye" amity said while tracing her hand on the burn.

Luz lunged herself onto amity and hugged her and of course amity hugged her back they both stayed like that for a couple minutes before amity broke the silence and said "now that that's settled how about we go and handle this" amity said gesturing to the burn. Luz nodded and they both got up and walking into the owl house and walking into living room to see eda and lilith sitting in there talking to eachother about something "hey kiddo how was- Oh my titan" Eda said as she stood up and walked over to luz and looking at the burn.

"Who did this" eda asked, "someone in my class" luz said, "don't tell me it was that three eyed one again" luz looked away while fiddling with her fingers "you know what we can talk about it later first we need to put some bandages on your eye "Eda said while walking upstairs and grabbing some things for the burn and walking back downstairs and telling luz to sit down in one of the chairs. Once she finished she put a eye patch over her left eye and then smacked her in the back of her head and said "stop getting yourself hurt so much goodness your gonna give me a heart attack" luz chuckled and nodded her head.

Alright everyone that's it for now oh yea and if your wondering what her burn looks like just imagine todorokis burn and boom there you go what will happen next chapter who knows we are just gonna have to see." amity said 

"Amity you better not be breaking the fourth wall and why are you doing my outro go back to your set anyways bye guys.

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