Chapter fifty- three

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Luz walked in back of amity grabbing her hands and putting them in the right position to hold a gun in and aimed it at the target, amity looked at her a bit nervous since she never really held a real gun "you'll be fine amity just aim and shoot" luz reassured as she let go of amity's hands. Amity looked at her for a couple more seconds and then turned her head back to the target shooting about 3 times with three shots landing on different parts of the target, amity turned around smiling at luz as she walked up to her.

Luz smiled as she hugged hey saying "I told you it would be fine" luz picked amity up and sat down on a chair calling alec to come sit next to her once he did she looked down at amity to see that she had fell asleep giggling and giving her a small kiss on the head. Luz then looked back at alec "I'm gonna need you to help me with something" she said, alec raised an eyebrow as he asked what "I'm gonna need you to start recruiting some people for me" luz said as she gave him a serious look.

Alec nodded as he said "I can do that but one question is there a limit to how many people I recruit?" luz shook her head and said "No, but please make sure you watch who you recruit           don't want there to be a person that goes to the emperor and tells him all of our secrets" alec nodded "well I should get going see ya later luz" alec said as he gave luz a fist bump and started walking home and so did luz. Once luz got home she laid amity down making sure that she was still asleep and then walked out of the room.

While she was walking out of the room aiuz had flew onto her shoulder startling her a bit "I though you were asleep bud" she said as she softly pet the griffins head aiuz shook his head no and luz continued walking to her training room. Once she got there she let aiuz off of her shoulder and then started after 2 hours went past luz looked at the time grabbing her duffel bag picking aiuz and walking to the living room and then laying him down on the couch and getting ready to leave.

But as soon as she touched the doorknob she heard a voice in back of her "where are you going" making her stop from opening the door and slowly turning around smiling nervously "amity what are you doing up" luz tried changing the subject "you weren't next to me so I woke up" amity answered as she glared at her "ok ok fine fine instead of telling you where I'm going I'm just gonna show you" luz said as she walked over to amity picking her up opening the door and running out of the house, once she got there she let amity down showing amity a arena like bunker.

Luz held her hand out to amity as she walked into the place with her, luz then sat her down at one of the benches and told her to stay there and then walked into the changing room, after a couple minutes amity heard someone begin to talk "today we have two of our best fighters in to  coming in on the left we have the  crusher" the guy said as a person walked on to the arena making the whole crowd go wild "alrighty now coming onto the right you know her we have THE BEAST" the guy said as amity saw luz run into the arena making literary every single person cheer.

Amity sat there with her mouth open wide 'she's a fighter' amity thought as she continued looking she then saw them both get into a fighting position and wait for the bell and right once they did they circled each other glaring at one another, the crusher was the first one to run after luz and try punching her in the face but luz caught his hand twisting it and them kicking him back. Once he was able to get his balance again he rammed into luz elbowing her in the stomach hard.

Amity gasped as she screamed the word "luz" tearing up a bit seeing her on the floor coughing the crusher smirked as he stepped on luz's back pulling her head up by her hair, luz looked to where amity was sitting and saw her looking right back at her crying that sent a break through luz as she grabbed the guys hands and threw him off of her back making the crowd cheer once again. The guy got back up and was about to try ramming into her again but this time luz dodged it and kicked him to the ground right on his face.

Luz then gave him a hard punch to the face almost knocking him out and then dragging him to the middle of the arena and putting him in a headlock holding onto his neck the guy tried escaping her hold he even tried punching her but nothing was working and he couldn't use magic since it was the rules. Luz let go of his neck going in front of his face and kneeing him she then once again picked his body up giving him a roundhouse kick and then seeing him fall to the floor finally knocked out. 

The whole crowd was going crazy as luz walked off of the arena and into the benches walking right up to where amity was sitting and smiled at her using her hand to wipe off the stray tear falling down amity's face "so the blight really is going soft on me huh" luz said as she smirked "pfft shut up luz" amity said as she pushed her face away from hers. Both of them laughed as amity kissed luz's cheek and nuzzled her hearing the crowd aw in the back of them.

Amity then pushed off of her "now go change luz your all sweaty" luz nodded as she walked off to the locker room to change once luz finished she came back out and went to where amity was and slowly creeping up in back of her "boo" amity jumped up as she screamed and almost punched her in the face thankfully for luz she dodged it as she started laughing. Amity smacked luz in the face as she said "luz stop doing that to me" she said as she pouted a bit "alright I'm sorry" luz said as she hugged her wrapping her tail around amity's waist.

....Hey guys how are ya sorry about the delay I'm in the finals for school and I want to graduate so I apologize for the inconvenience.

1143 words 

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