✨Chapter sixteen✨

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After school with amity

      While amity was going to the front of the school she felt nervous and scared since she had got a B on her test and not an A and that her parents weren't going to approve of it. Since her parents wanted her to be little miss perfect and have straight A's. So since she was so distracted on what she was thinking about she didn't notice that someone was about to walk in front of her so she bumped into the person ( y'all know who she bumped into). Amity bumped into someone but she never fell so she'd opened her eyes to see who she bumped into to see luz herself looking at her with a bit of concern with both of down.

"Amity are you ok?" luz asked, amity looked at luz and went as red as a tomato but tried to keep her calm while saying "Y-yea I'm fine". "You sure you look a bit frustrated?" luz ask again, "yea but I should probably be going home" amity said, luz was hesitant to let the amity go but she let her go and said "alright but please talk to me if something happens" luz said. Amity nodded and then left and started walking to her house she didn't want to leave luz but she knew that if she didn't she would be in a deeper pit then she was already in.

When she got home she was hesitant to open the door since she knew that her teachers had already called her parents so se slowly opened the door hoping that her parents weren't there . Sadly right once se opened the door her parents were standing right in front of the doo so right once she closed the door she was closed the her father kicked her in the stomach sending her straight down to the floor.

After that cause I can't write that

Amity was laying on the floor with bruises and cuts and burns on her body, her only thought was to leave the house but she could barely move but she still decided to at least get out to the house and her sibling weren't there since they went with jerbo and viney. So she only made it to about somewhere close to their hideout in the woods. She then sat down next to a nearby tree and started crying her heart out.

Back at the owl house 

Luz went out to go get something that Eda so she started walking through the woods but then the more deeper she went into the woods the more she heard something like small crying at first decided to ignore but then she finally realized who crying it was so she looked around trying to find out which way it was so. She finally directed which way it was coming from and bolted towards the sound. When she saw who it was she slowly approached her once again not wanting to scare her and lightly taping her on the shoulder and kneeling down to be at eye level with the girl.

Right once amity put her head up luz pulled her closer to herself and then into a hug, amity was hesitant but she then wrapped her arms around luz's neck returning the hug and crying into luz's shoulder. Luz's heart broke when she saw her friend breaking down like this so she whispered "hey hey its ok, I'm here amity nothing else is gonna hurt you I promise" while still holding amity close to her. She felt like going straight to the manor and killing her parents but she knew that it wouldn't help so the most that she could do was be there for amity.

Amity was starting to calm down a bit but was still crying a bit but after a couple minutes she was just sniffing a bit but se still stayed close to luz not wanting to let go of the girl. "Hey about you go home with me I don't think you really want to go back home right now" luz asked, amity slowly nodded her head still not moving from were she was. Luz stood up picking the girl up in bridal style and walking to the owl house. As you guys know amity was blushing like a 🍅 but she still kept her cool with it and nuzzled into the crook of luz's neck and let her luz carry her.

Luz had blushed a bit at amity's small little action but she didn't mind it and kept walking to The Owl House. Once se got to the owl house she went into her room and sat amity down on her bed and went into the bathroom and grabbing some bandages, cotton balls , and rubbing alcohol . Once she got everything she went back to her room and sat down next to amity asking amity to hold out her arm so she could heal them. She then grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball pouring some of it on the cotton nd putting it buy amity arm before looking up and telling amity "This may hurt a bit"

Right once the cotton made contact with one of amity cuts she pulled her hand back hissing at the pain she felt in her arm "sorry amity I told you it was gonna hurt a bit" luz said, amity moved away from luz while baring her fangs and hissing at luz. Of course was unfazed by this and stood up walking closer to the girl and grabbing her hand and pulling her back to the same spot and sitting her down. This time luz held onto one of amity hands so she couldn't run off and then grabbed the cotton once again and started cleaning the cuts.

Once luz finished both of amity's arms she grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around both of amity's arms and then went to amity's legs to put some small bandages smaller bandages on the small cuts. When she finished she'd looked back at amity who didn't say anything at first and then saying "Luz, thank you" luz smiled and said "no problem amity". Luz then went downstairs and made tea for amity and then came back upstairs and giving her a cup she then got some clothes for her and then leaving the room again and letting her change. 

Alright guys i'm gonna end it here I apologize for not making the scene that I said I wouldn't because I couldn't not with one of my favorite characters in the show oh yea last thing tysm for 2k+ reads  anyway enough of my blabbering. Bye

1120 words

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