Remember Summer '09

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  • Dedicated to Lack of Sleep

I don't know exactly why I was given this gift. 'Till this day my people say that I was just a useless mistake. My task wasn't on this world, and honestly that made me a lot different from everyone else. They looked down on me. "A good gift gone to waste" Everyone would say. The pain burned deep in my heart. Now when I think about it I ask, what did this have to do with anything? It's not like it would have saved their world... Would it?

Maybe I did do something right... The Gifter must have seen that I would do something great. But still, why on their world? It's been 70 years since this all started. They were given a lie to believe. What happened so long ago has already been forgotten... I think now would be a good time to explain what really happened. And for that I must start way back.


Hi! So this is just the prologue for the story and I know it's short. I'm really excited to be starting this story. And first off I want to thank all those who auditioned to be a character for this book! PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me what you think of this. A couple of people have given me covers and I still haven't decided which to use yet so hopefully that will be put up soon :D

So thanks again and I hope you will enjoy reading; Remember Summer '09


P.S. this is dedicated to lack of sleep because I got the idea because of lack of sleep....

Remember Summer '09Where stories live. Discover now