18. The Auditions. 2 of 5

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Hey there my little stalkers! I had written most of this chapter out on paper and when I went to type it up, Wattpad deleted it like 3 times :/ so sorry that it took so long for the update and I hope you all like this :)


Denice's POV


Haley and I leaned against a brick wall by a dark alley. It was only 5pm but already she was lighting up a joint whilst I sat on the cold hard ground drinking cheap booze.

This is how we've been living for the past week or so. All these things we have to with "tasks" have given me head splitting headaches. We still had a decent amount of money left, yet we continued to use as little of it as possible.

I was reaching toward my second can of beer when I heard footsteps coming our way. My eyes widened and I looked over at Haley.

'Cops?' I mouthed. She just shrugged.

Quickly she put out the cigarette and I hid the pack of beer in my backpack. Hastly, I pulled out a deck of cards and we acted like we were playing the whole time.

"Oh," a voice said and we looked up. "I didn't think anyone else would be here.." A guy with black hair and dark eyes spoke. He had that golden glow around him.

"Hey, I'm Denice," I spoke while getting up. Taking the beer back out I took a sip. "And this is Haley." I pointed to her with the can still in my hand.

"Zayn." he said slowly as he watched Haley light up another cigarette. "Mind if I join you two for a puff?" I was surprised because he didn't look like someone who would smoke.

"Sure, it's not like this alley belongs to us." We all ended up sitting on the filthy floor playing some random card game. Toward the end, Zayn was winning and he began humming a simple tune.

"You sing?" I asked.

"Um...yeah a bit." he spoke embarrassed that we had caught him.

"Sing something." he hesitated before starting the song.

"Baby I just don't get it

Do you enjoy being hurt?

I know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt

You don't believe his stories

You know that they're all lies

Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why

If I was ya man (baby you)

Never worry bout (what I do)

I'd be coming home (back to you)

Every night, doin' you right

You're the type of woman (deserves good thangs)

Fistful of diamonds (hand full of rings)

Baby you're a star (I just want to show you, you are)

You should let me love you

Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need

Baby good love and protection

Make me your selection

Show you the way love's supposed to be

Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you"

He finished and looked down shyly.

"Wow you have a voice." Smiled Haley.

"Erm...thanks." he bit the inside of his lip nervously.

"You should try out for Xfactor." I stated.

"No, I'm not that good." he mumbled.

"Trust us Zayn, we may have only met but I can tell you now that you and that voice will go far."

*End of Flashback*

Still sitting on the floor, my eyes widended as I saw who it was.

"Zayn?" He helped me stand back up.

"It;s good to see you again, Denice. How's Haley?" he paused for a moment. "What happened to you two? You just stoppded showing up again..." 

When we first met Zayn, we would always come back the next day at the same time. Each day was different. One day we'd be talking and having a laugh, the next we'd all sit there and drink in silence, We had to stop going because we had another dream by the Gifter saying that we couldn't get too close to them.

It made me sad as I watched for a week in the shadows as Zayn kept going back to see if we were there. Looking at him now, he had a betrayed look in his eyes. It's been 2 weeks since we last saw each other.

"Haley and I had to go out of town and-" I stopped because I knew that he knew that I was lying. "I honestly wish i could tell you Zayn, but right now just isn't the time. We came back here to find you and tell you good luck. You'll do amazing." I gave him a kindhearted smile.

"So you two are leaving again?" the sad look was back in his eyes.

"Only for a little while." I went over and gave him a hug. "It's important that you don't tell anyone about us ok? Promise me that."

He let out a loud sigh. "I promise."

"I'll be back with Haley some day, don't you worry." I turned away from him and existed the room. Quickly i made my way to a deserted toilet and let the silent tears stream down my face.

Haley's POV

I sat in the chair of the auditorium whilst still waiting for Denice to come back. The auditions had already started and I was wondering where she could be.... 

I began to get a sudden image coming into my mind. It was Denice... and she was crying.

Denice... I whispered in my head. Her head in the image looked up almost as if searching for me.

Haley? She chocked out another sob.

Don't cry. She immediately stopped to cry and looked confused. I think I've found another of my abilities.

Where are you? she asked.

I'm still here at our seats. The auditions have begun already. Are you ok? I pondered. I heard her sniffle.

Yeah I'm alright... So mind control and mind reading? she mentally chuckled.

Looks like it. I smiled faintly since she couldn't see me.

I can't watch the auditions Haley... she murmured.

Why not?  i asked confused.

I just can't... you stay. I'll wait for you out by the car once the two have gone already. she told me.

I'll let you know how everything goes. I stated to her.

Ok thanks, Haley. 

I ended the mind image, or whatever you would call it, and payed attention back to the stage.

No one was currently on there yet since they were in the middle of a transition. The person who went up next was the boy who I have seem to have captured the heart of; Harry Styles.


Hi again x) I'm not too happy on how that last part in Haley's POV went but I had to get it in there somehow. SO yeah, hope you liked it yada yada






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