17. The Auditions. 1 of 5

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Haley's POV

I woke up to a light shinning over my eyes and birds chirping. Sitting up I tried my best not to wake up Denice. I stood up and stretched my sore back.

We've been staying in a small rundown motel on the rundown part of Manchester. The bed creaked loudly as I stood up from the rusted spring bed. I walked over to the mold covered bathroom to take a shower.

Today was the day.

Today was the day when Denice and I would see if our work comes together. After 8 months of constant moving, we still had a long ways to go before we were finished with this.

Quickly I scrubbed down my body to escape the ice cold water. Stepping out, I dried myself and got dressed in a dress and some leggins. I paired that off with converse and a pair of earrings.

Walking out of the bathroom I see that Denice is now awake.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning." She replies.

She steps into the bathroom for her turn in the shower. I go over to the floor length mirror mounted on the door and brush my hair. I make it into a simple braid before applying just a small amount of make up.

This was also our last day here in Manchester since we had to be somewhere else in about 3 days. I think it's Birmingham or something like that.

Going over to my bag of clothes, I made sure I had everything packed and ready to go for tonight. By the time I finished with that, Denice was ready to go.

The two of us grabbed our bags and walked out of the filthy place. Denice left her bags next to our car as she went to go check us out. I placed all the bags in the boot and started up the car. A thin layer of fog had clouded up the car windows but I had begun to lift as the sun came out more.

Denice came back and I began our drive.


We stood in line patiently to go inside. Once we reached the front of the line, we handed the lady our tickets.

"Enjoy the Auditions." she spoke.

Thanking her, we walked down the hall toward where our seats would be. Finally we got to our seats and sat down. Looking behind me I noticed that there were still plenty of empty seats yet. They would all probably fill up soon...

The seats we had were right next to one of the judges' chairs. It also gave us a clear look at the stage.

"I sence one of them..." mumbled Denice. I knew what she meant; one of the boys was here. "I'll be right back."

She walked off and I just say there fumbling with the end of my braid...

Harry's POV

It was early morning when I arrived to the auditions. There was already a long line of people waiting to go in. I suddenly got nervous....

"Don't fret little brother," spoke ny sister Gemma. "You'll do great, I know it." she smiled at me.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked looking down at my shoes.

"Who wouldn't like an adorable cheeky lad like you?" asked my mum whilst she pinched my cheek. "Just be yourself and the rest will follow."

"Ok thanks mum." I said rubbing my throbbing cheek.

Before I knew it, I was at the front of the line and already walking into the building. I had to go in the holding room with the other contestants.

"We'll see you right before you go on!" cried out my mum as she went into the auditorium to watch the other people.

Not knowing what else to do, I went over and sat on one of the metal chairs provided. They were hard and uncomfortable . I must have looked strange just fidgeting in my seat like that.

"Is this seat taken?" a familiar voice asked. I looked up into a pair of grey eyes.

"Um no go ahead." I watched as she sat down. The two of us sat there in silence. The girl looked deep in thought.

"Its good to see you again Harry." the girl spoke quietly as she looked at me carefully. How did she know my name...?

"You're Denice?!" I asked as it suddenly clicked. She nodded timidly.

"It's been ages! Where's your sister?How have you two been? Why did you leave? What are you doing here." I bombarded her with questions.

It was about 7 or 8 months since I last saw them. At first I was devastated to hear that they had left and was then sad that they didn't personally say goodbye.

Denice had changed. She looked older in her eyes but acted just as timidly as before.

"Uh... I wish I could answer those questions for you but I don't really have much time." she said whilst breaking me out of my thoughts. "I just came by to tell you good luck and that Haley and I know you'll do great." she looked at me and smiled.

"Oh ok. Can I have a hug though?" I asked giving her my most pleading eyes.

"Sure, why not?" we both stood up and gave each other a hug.

"Will I see you and Haley again or will you two have to leave....?" Call me selfish but I just wanted them back. For the short time I knew them, they made me happy inside.

"Probably not for awhile, Harry. I'm sorry." she looked sad. "You can't tell anyone about me and Haley though ok? Not even your closest friends." I gave her a questioning look. "We'll be back to explain why when the time comes. And don't worry we know how to find you."

With that she gave me one last reassuring hug before she walked away and disappeared into the crowd.

Denice's POV

I had just finished talking with Harry. Honestly, I missed the curly head lad. I wish I could tell him more about things but it was too soon...

Walking through the crowd, I tried to make my way back over to where Haley was at. I was almost to the door when I accidentally ran into someone which caused me to fall to the ground. Looking up, the person looked down at me and gasped.



Dub dun dun dun dun!! hahaha cliff hanger!!! xD

These next 4 'chapters' might be shorter than others (im not sure yet) hopefully you can tell what's going on by this one

Who do you think Denice ran into???

Vote, Comment and share this story please!!! :)

-Manda <3

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