10. Over from the start

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Soooo if you're reading this than that probably means that you were able to complete last chapter's challange as well as reading /voting/ commenting on my group account stories :D and if not, well that just shows how much I love you all XD now on with the story!


Haley's POV

I woke up and swatted away the matted hair on my face. Glancing at the alarm clock, it read 11:36. WOW! For the first night in the new place I had a pretty good sleep. Getting up, I went over and walked into the kitchen.

Opening the fridge I remembered that we don't have any food to eat yet. Closing the door I see there's a note on the counter. The paper was bright yellow so I wondered how I had missed it... the note was from Denice. She said she went out to get us some breakfast and that she'd be back soon.

"Ugh! I NEED FOOD!" I groaned as I walked into the living Rom and threw myself onto the couch.

The flat was a mess but I was too lazy to get up and actually organize anything. Hanging my head off the side of the couch, I started to make random noices with my mouth. I wish the Tv was set up already... The door opened and in walked in Denice.

"FOOD!!!" I ripped the bag out of her hand and ran back into the kitchen almost tripping on my way there.

"Well good morning to you too." Spoke Denice. Laughing I pulled out a paistry and let the chocolate melt in my mouth.

"Mmmm...." I moaned whilst taking another delicious bite. "What's in this?" I asked licking my fingers.

"There's chocolate in the middle and then honey and almonds on the outside."

"This is SO good!" Denice smiled as she took one out of the bag for herself.

"Glad you like them. The guy behind the counter said he made them this morning." She ripped off a small piece and popped it into her mouth.

"Oooh was the guy hot? How old was he about? Did you get his name?"

"His name was Harry and yeah he's cute in a boyish kind of way. I think he might be our age too." She ripped off another piece of her paistry and ate it.

"That name sounds hot." I laughed and she choked on her food. "Seems like you've got a crush on this Harry."

"No I dont."

"You're lying, Denice."

No I dont like him and if you shut up I'll tell you something else about him..." Denice seemed nervous.

I gasped. "Does he have a girfried already?!?! I can use my 'magic' and see if he's a better match with you than with he-"

"Haley! Shut your mouth!" Yelled Denice being completely serious.

"Fine. Be that way, party pooper." I mumbled that last part but she probably heard it anyways.

"He-he's one of 'them'." I looked at her blinking and her expression was like stone.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah I saw the sparkly gold thing around him just like with Louis."

"And you like him?" I knew I was going a bit far with this now but I had to know.

"No. I mean yeah he's good looking but I don't think he's really my type." I was opening my mouth to say something but she cut me off. "And we will not test it with your 'magic power' stuff either." I shut my mouth with a smirk.

"We should really organize this place up..." I said looking around. "And buy some food too."

"Yeah we should. And school starts up in 2 days so we have to make sure to get us enrolled." I rolled my eyes and Denice just shook her head.

"Well then, let's get to it!" Clapping my hands, I hop off the counter and walk into the living room to start digging through our pile of stuff.

-Monday(school starts)-

Denice's POV

My alarm went off at 6am sharp. Rolling out of bed, I dragged myself into the shower. The water woke me up a little but I was still tiered. Haley and I spent the whole weekend cleaning and organizing our things. I did text Harry but we still haven't gone to meet him again. Today school started and I was really dreading to go.

Getting out of the shower, I quickly dress into my school uniform. Using the towel, I try and get as much of the water out of my hair as I can. When I'm somewhat satisfied with it, I walk into the kitchen and serve myself some cereal.

Not too long after taking my first bite, does Haley come stumbling down the stairs trying to fix her school blazer. Her bag had a few papers ready to fall out.

"I knew I should have set the alarm earlier..." she mumbled serving herself some cereal too.

"morning to you to." I said with a smirk eating another spoon full."

"Yeah, morning." She takes a quick bite of her food. She chews loudly before talking with food still in her mouth. "I wonder if Harry goes to our school?"

"Haley! Shut your mouth when you eat and swallow before you talk!" I scold her like she was 5.

"You're not my mother!" She throws her hands up and complains. I point my finger at her and she shushes. Funny how she listens because she is older

"Well whatever, hurry up and finish or we're going to be late for school. We still need to pick up our schedules too." She nods and the two of us quickly finish eating in silence.

With 5 minutes to spare before we leave, I rush to my room and run a brush through my hair. I let the slightly damp chestnut waves fall arouns my shoulders. Taking my school bag, I slung it over my shoulder and slip on my shoes.


I jump into the car and she turns on the engine. At 15 she's a really good driver... we sit in silence the whole car ride until we reach the school. Kids everywhere are talking and hanging out with their friends. Luckily we arrived 5 minutes before the first bell so we had enough time to get our schedules.

Getting out of the car, Haley and I walk I the direction of the main building. Already people notice that we're new here. Being a little self concious, I pull Ny blazer a little closer to me. We walk into the office and are greeted by a slightly plump lady in a chair.

"'Ello darlin's. Can I help you with something this mornin'?" I think it was a Scottish or Irish accent she had...

"Um yes. My name is Denice and this is my sister Haley, we're newly enrolled here." The lady looked at us with kind eyes.

"Oh yes here you go." She handed each of us a schedule. "I do hope you find your way through the school alright." We nod and thank her before walking out of the office.

"Well looks like we share first class together." Haley gives me a small smile. We spend a few minutes finding the first room and are surprised to see it almost empty. The teacher shows us the last two seats available that are closest to the door.

I go and take the one that's closest to the door in case I get another "vision" or something of that sort. The bell rings and students start pouring into the room filling up the seats. Soon all the seats are taken except the one next to me.

Not a second after I thought that, did a boy walk in and took the seat next to mine. He wasn't just any boy. It was the smart boy I had meet at the bakery with the curly hair and green eyes. It was Harry.


YAY!!!! this is uploaded!!!!! Thank you so very very much to EVERYONE who reads this!! You got it to 1000 reads and for that I thank you!!! Don't have a lot to say on this note for today.... leave your fave part of the story so far in the comments bellow.

CHALENGE: 8 votes 6 comments

Easy right?

Might be awhile until I update again because I'm helping my Aussie friend write a chapter for her story :)

Love ya all


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