13. Gone and Empty

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Denice's POV

I looked at the flat where we were living the past few weeks. Nothing was left except a couple boxes that we were taking with us. Going to my old room, I looked at the plain walls and let out a sigh.

We didn't spend a lot of time here and it really pained me to be leaving at such a short times notice. No one even knows that we're leaving. I walked over to the window and looked out to the city. People were roaming around minding their business. Times like these really made me wish that I was normal.

"Ready to go?" My thoughts were interrupted as Haley stood in the door way.

"Yeah just about."

"Denice?" I turned to face her.


"Look I'm really sorry we have to go through all this, I know it seems like a lot of trouble but-" I cut her off

"Haley, it's not a big deal. Really we were going to have to move again eventually, I just never thought it would be this soon."

"How many more of 'them' are there?" She asked and I knew who she meant by 'them'.

"3." I simply answered. She nodded.

"The moving guys are ready to go so it's time for us to go too."

"Tell them they can go ahead, we'll catch up. I need to do one more thing before we leave."

"Harry?" She didn't need to say anymore as I gave her another nod. Her footsteps started to fade away.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed one of the last piece of papers and a pen. Quickly I jotted down a short note.

"I'll be right back!" I yelled to Haley.

Walking out of the flat, I went walking down the street toward Harry's house. I really hoped he wasn't home so I didn't have to say anything face to face. My mind was clouded as I walked to his house.

Using the rubber band on my wrist, I tied my hair into a bun. My head had a massive pain shooting through it. I didn't want to leave Holmes Chaple but it was for the best. Deep inside though I knew that we'd be able to see Harry again sometime in the future.

Going up to the door, I pushed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. A couple seconds later a lady opened the door. She had dark hair, kind eyes and a warm smile. This must definetly be his mum.

"Hello. What can I do for you dear?" She asked. This was actually the first time I meet Harry's mum.

"Oh um... Hi I'm Denice. I'm, erm, one of Harry's friends." I stuttered trying to find the right words.

"Well it's nice to meet you, you can go ahead and call me Anne." She kindly similed and I badly wanted to tell her that I probably wasn't going to ever see her again.

"Is Harry home?" I asked. the note in my pocket felt heavier now.

"Actually no he went out not too long ago for a jog. Is there something you want me to tell him?" I hesitated before answering her.

"Yes there is actually ... me and my sister are moving today and I was hoping if you could give this note to Harry." Her eyes showed a bit of sadness as I took out the note and handed it to her.

"Well it's such a pity I wont be able to see you again but I'll be sure to give this to him."

"Thank you Anne." Her eyes sparkled again. "Well I should be going, my sister is waiting for me."

"Ok take care honey!" I waved goodbye and walked back to our flat.

By the time I got there the moving truck was long gone. The only one left was Haley who sat on the steps to the flat. She stood up when she saw me.

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