20. The Auditions. 4 of 5

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Haley's POV

After dinner with the Tomlinson's, we said thank you and goodnight to all of them.

When Louis asked if he'd ever see us again, we just smile sadly and tell him that not for a little while. He was sad but was glad that it wasn't the last time he'd see us.

Denice drove to a nearby inn and we got a small room for the night. We had one more day to stay in Dublin before we'd have to be off on the road again.

I wished we could speed up the pase of this 'Task' because I was growing tired off having to constantly be on the road and be leaving people behind clueless. Hopefully things would get easier as time progressed.

It was now morning and we were headed back to the building where day two of Xfactor auditions in Dublin were taking place.

Just like yesterday, it was easy to confuse the workers into letting us inside. Soon Denice and I found ourselves in the room where all the awaiting contestants were in.

I saw a guy holding a camera and interviewing a boy with shaggy blonde hair. The boy wore a plaid red shirt and lose jeans. I nudged Denice as he turned around and we could finally see who it was.


We had just arrived in Ireland from a long drive from England. Not knowing exactly where to go, we stopped at an inn on the outskirts of the town of Mullingar.

Both of us were hungry and decided to try this restaurant called Nando's. It didn't look too pricy.

Once we arrived, we got a table for two in the almost empty restaurant. It was kind of late for dinner anyways.

Whilst we waited for our food, a boy who looked around our age walked into the restaurant. Something about him told me that he had to do with this 'Task'

I turned to Denice for conformation and she only nods. She must see that golden glow she always talks about.

"Hey David!" called out the boy to the cheff in the back. There was a thick Irish accent noticeable in his voice. "I'll have my usual!"

The blond boy looks our way and when he sees us he smiles warmly.

"You two must be new here." he states whilst walking over to our table.

"How can you tell?" I ask confused

"Well it's a small town and I haven't seen you two  around before." he explains. "Mine if I join you two?"

"We don't mind," answered Denice. The boy, who we still didn't know the name of pulled up a chair to our table.

"So what are your names?" he asks.

"I'm Haley, and this is my sister Denice." I introduce ourselves.

"Nice to meet you both." he smiles with crooked teeth which suits him in a cute way. "I'm Niall."

"It's nice to meet you Niall." both Denice and I say at the same time.

"Now why don't you tell me what brings you here this town." he chuckled.

*End of Flashback*

"Niall!" Denice and I call out.

The blonde turns around and when he sees us, his face lights up. We walk closer to him as the cameras walk away.

"Denice! Haley!" he wraps the two of us in massive hug. "Haven't seen you two in forever! How did you find me?"

"I guess we just knew you'd listen to what we said." chuckled Denice.

"It's really nice seeing you both again." his smile is still big. "I'm about to go up soon and I'm kind of nervous, will you two stay and watch?"

Niall seemed to understand the most out of everyone that we couldn't ever stay very long. He took our promise last time that we'd see him again soon enough.

"Of course we'll stay." I smiled back to him. "We wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Thank you so much!" he squeezed us into another hug

A man with one of the crew shirts walked up to Niall and asked for him to follow. We simply stayed at his side. The people who came to support Niall joined us once we had excit the contestant holding room.

We were led right behind the stage and they explained briefly to Niall what he had to do. He looked slightly nervous but still nervous for what was about to happen. They handed him a microphone and told him to wait to walk on stage.

"Break a leg, you'll do great." encouraged his mum who was holding both mine and Denice's hand. Niall gave us one last bright smile before walking onto the stage

Denice's POV

All of us watched as Niall walked onto the bright blue stage. This time the judges panel included a woman named Katy Perry. It was something I didn't expect and I was now wishing that nothing went wrong.

Niall was his cheeky self as he talked with the judges and sounded slightly nervous as he rambled a bit. Before I could even realize it, I was squeezing Maura's hand as Niall sang Ne-Yo's So sick...

The whole time he sang, I held my breath and just wishing with all my being that they would get him through. If he didn't, I dont know what'd we do.

Once it came to the judging, there was doubt in Katy's decision. In the end though, Niall was put through to bootcamp and the smile on his face was genuine. The boy literally jumped 5 feet in the air of pure happiness.

He sauntered back to where we all waited and hugged us all. Happy tears rimmed his eyes.

"We told you that you'd do great!" I congratulated him.

"This calls for a celebration at Nando's!" exclaims Niall.

I glance at Haley.

We have time? I mentally ask her

She responds with a simple nod and a smile.

"To Nando's it is" I agree.


Hope this was good enough for you all still reading this. I'm terrible sorry that I've been so bad at keeping up with updates. Life is so busy! xP

Anyways, I really am trying my hardest so thanks for bearing with me :)





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