23. Moving on from Boot camp

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Haley's POV

"Girls let's go! I can't be late!" Uncle Simon, as we call him now, called out for Denice and I from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" I heard Denice yell.

Denice and I have now been living with Simon ever since we found out that he is part of our task and we are his task. The media has been asking why we live with Simon and all he says is that we're his nieces.

I rushed downstairs and climbed into the car where Simon and Denice were already sat in.

"Today we give the results to the contestants." spoke Uncle Simon. The driver started the car and drove out of the mansions driveway. Uncle Simon really knew how to live.

In no time, the car parked and we all entered the building. The three of us walked in the direction of Simon's dressing room.

The dressing room is where Denice and I would stay and watch off a screen until Simon was done. It did get boring at times but there was food so we were ok. Sometimes we were able to go out in the empty audience and hide in the many rows and just watch what was going on. 

Today was going to be different but I wasn't quite sure how. The results for all the contestants moving onto boot camp would be given in only a few short minutes.

"Do you think the boys will go through?" I asked Denice. She looked to be in deep thought since we arrived here.

"They all went as solo artists right?" she mumbled. Her gaze was still fixed on the blank wall in front of her.

"Yeah what about it?" I was confused at her question.

"Don't you get it?" she looked at me.


"This is a competition!" She exclaimed. "There's 5 of them and only one person can win this competition. Also, there must be other people who sing better!" 

What she told me hit me like a brick wall. Denice was right. How could the 5 of them come together if they entered the competition separately...?

"We have to talk to Simon about this..." I stated.

"But we can't just rig the results so that they're in our favour!" Denice exclaimed.

I thought about it for a moment. 

"We don't have to necessarily...." I finally answered. "I got an idea!"


Uncle Simon had just walked back into the dressing room after giving the results to the "Over 25's". I had to admit that those people were very talented.

"Any news with your Task ?"asked Simon as he took a seat on a couch.

I looked over to Denice and she just nodded. "Yes...." I hesitated for a moment. "but we kind of need your help with it."

"Ok how so?" he asked.

"You need to make a boy band."

Simon's POV (A/N this is weird like who knows what goes through his head in real life o.O)

I had just finished my break between results and now headed back onto the stage. There would be some time to talk with the other 3 judges on the acts we would be putting through.

Haley told me that they need me to make a boyband with these 5 certain contestants. If they were their task, I wasn't sure. The only thing I was completely aware was that it had to happen in order to help them.

Right now I'd have to propose the idea to the other judges...

"Simon! Glad you could finally join us." laughed Louis.

"I must tell you three something. I've thought about it well and I think we should make this happen on the show." I started.

"What would that be?" asked Cheryl.

I explained to them what Haley had explained to me. At first they weren't too sure but soon enough I was able to persuade them. Now it was only a mater of how to tell it to the contestants.


I got comfortable in my chair as all the boy contestants walked onto the stage. They all loooked out to us and their eyes pleaded that we change their life.

As the other judges called out the names of the boys who had gone through, my eyes stayed focused on the 5 Haley and Denice told me about.

Really thinking about it now, these 5 boys were quite talented at each of their auditions. If Haley hadn't told me anything we would have surely put through one or two of them.

We got to the last name and I watched as the boys' gaze fell. I felt bad at their sad expressions.

I gave them a thank you and watched the contestants walk off the stage. I signaled to one of the crew members to make sure non of them left yet.


The girls group went by and now it was time to take Haley's and Denice's plan into accion.

I waited in my seat as a crew member went to call the  contestants we wanted to speak to.

9 people walked on stage.

4 girls.

5 boys.

"Hi everyone." Louis spoke. He turned to me telling me to tell them the news.

"You all are quite talented and we felt that it was wrong to let you lot go. So we've now decided to make 2 groups; a girl group and a boy group and put you guys through." all 9 of them began to jump around the stage and cry out in joy.

The sight of seeing them all so happy made me smile. They all thanked us with tears and happiness in their eyes.

After awhile, they all cleared the stage. All that was left to do was finish up with the last groups going through.....

The only thing that I could really focus on though was how was this part of the girls' task? Hopefully things will go well for them....


Updated. The ending was meh.... but this thing is coming to a close end. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how this goes. (I was originally going to add more characters but I've made a last minute decision so very sorry of you auditioned for a part [long long time ago] and won't be in the story...) yeah vote and comment cuz ghost readers aren't fun xc TILL NEXT TIME

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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