06. Knowing why

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Hehe hey guys!!! XD I just realized that they're only 15 and know how to drive.... let's just say that Haley is REALLY smart, smarter then you and her think, so that's why they let her get her license at that age. So yup that's all I wanted to sat so I'll let you gp on with your reading :D


Denice's POV

The day dragged on painfully slow. I couldn't focus on anything at all!! All I could keep thinking about was about what happened earlier with Louis by the bathrooms. Something strange happened at the sight of him and all I wanted was for the day to be over so I could talk about what I saw with Haley. How I'd explain to her what I saw, I had no idea.

My teachers seemed to notice my mind's absence in class and asked of I was feeling well. I lied to them and told them I was feeling ill and they just told me to do as much as I could. That little bit I was greatful for. It was just one less thing I had to worry about.

By the time the final bell rung, I dashed out of the room behind the teachers back and hurried to my locker. Not even paying attention to what I threw into my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and shut the locker door. Quickly I wiped out my phone from my pocket to see where Haley was. She had texted me telling me that she would be waiting at the car. Sort of taking my time now, I wove my way through the crowds of teens trying to get home. It was only a little while longer until I got home...

And just like she said, Haley stood waiting by the car. I gave her a smile and she happily smiled back. Both of us opened our car doors and strapped ourselves in. The house was only 15 minutes away. Quickly the silence of the car began to really get on my nerves. Not wanting the car in silence any more, I fumbled to play one of the CD's that was in the player.

Pressing play I let out a small gasp at the song that was playing. It was Torn by Natalie Imbruglia. Mum used to listen to this all the time before she passed away. Listening to the song brought tears to my eyes as I remembered her sweet voice singing it for Haley and I before bed. The song brought happy memories and was held very close to my heart.

I turned to Haley and saw that she was tearing up a bit too. I smiled at her through my tears and she did the same finally letting hers fall. We listened to the song in silence remembering all the good times with Mum and Dad.


"Mummy come with us to catch fireflies!" Haley and I cheered. Outside was dark and little lights sprung out everywhere.

"It's a bit cold for catching fireflies isn't it?" Asked Daddy.

"No it isn't!" Giggles Haley as he lifted her up and spun her around.

"Alright let's go girls." Mummy grabbed my hand and walked with me to the backyard. Daddy came out with Haley holding nests, jars and a big blanket.

"Fireflies!" I said running around the grass. My bare feet were tickled by the soft grass.

Mummy handed me a net and I began swinging around trying to get a firefly. Haley ran over to me and ran along with me. I watched as Daddy spread the blaket on the ground and sat down with Mum. He reached over and grabbed the stereo and played music.

I finally caught a firefly and then ran over to them so they could see.

"Look!" I exclaimed jumping ho and down.

"Let's carefully put it in the jar now." Daddy said. He got a jar and helped me put the little bug inside. Haley came over with one and Mummy helped put hers in a jar too. The four of us sat on the blanket looking at the little bugs lighting up the jars.

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