21. The Auditions. 5 of 5

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Denice's POV

We were late.

Very late.

Haley and I over slep the night before and got caught up with Niall and his family. Now we were rushing to see the last audition for the people on our 'Task'.

We had to drive from Dublin all the way to Birmingham. All we had was a few hours and the auditions already began an hour ago.

"Do you want me to drive so you can keep an eye on things?" I asked Haley.

Ever since she discovered how she could manipulate people, read minds and talk telepathicly, Haley has put a lot of work into controlling it. I kind of wish at times that I had abilities just as nice as hers but I know I shouldn't think that way. What I have is what I was given and I won't complain.

"Sure. I'll pull over."

She does so as she said, and we switch places. I get behind the wheel and continue driving.

"He hasn't sang yet, still waiting to go up on stage but I'll be soon." spoke Haley. I glanced at her quickly and saw that her eyes were cloudy.

"How much time?" I asked.

"1 hour. Max." she answered.

The time on the clock read 7:03pm. We had at least another 45 minutes of driving left to do and that was if there was no traffic along the way...

"Denice," Haley turned to me. "We'll make it there on time. Don't stress yourself out."

I looked at her and she gave me a kind smile. "Thanks." she gave a nod.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly and let out a sigh.

So many things we have to do still...


Finally, we arrived.

I parked the car and Haley and I walked to the building. Many people still waited outside to be let in for the auditions.

These people seemed so desperate to sing for the judges. I felt bad for them because in the back of my mind I knew that out of everyone here, only one or two of them would make it somewhat far.

Haley easily talked us our way in and we wove through the crowds of people and crew members to the backstage area. Finding who we were looking for was easy as they were about to go up next.

"Good luck Liam. Break a leg." spoke Mrs.Payne

"You'll do great, son." spoke Mr.Payne.

"Thanks mum. Thanks dad." Liam gave his family a hug before he followed the crew member to where he'd enter the stage.

I went over, with Haley right next to me, to Liam's family.

"Mr. and Mrs. Payne." I spoke. They turned to us surprised.

"Denice! Haley!" Mrs.Payne wrapped us in a tight embrace. "Its been so long since I've seen you girls! You just disappeared! Poor Liam blamed himself for your departure. Why did you two leave?"

"It's nice to see you too Mrs.Payne and were sorry for making Liam blame himself." said Haley. "There were difficult things happening in our family at the moment and we couldn't get around to explain and said goodbye."

"Well I'm so glad you both are here! Sadly you just missed Liam, he's just about to go on stage! My boy has wanted to do this for so long now."

"Ok mum that's enough." Ruth, one of Liam's sisters spoke. "Liam's on stage."

All of us turned to the screen provided for family and friends to watch the performances. Liam stood confidently on that stage as he conversed with the judge, Simon Cowell. Before long, music was playing and Liam belted out a wonderful song.

Like I knew would happen all along, Liam was put through. He bid goodbye to the judges and exsited the stage. The smile he wore lit up his hole face.

When he saw Haley and myself there, he froze in place. Haley and I shared a worried glance but it didn't last long because we were brought into a hug by Liam himself.

"I'm so glad you both are ok." he whispered into our hair. I couldn't help but let a smile reach my face.

"You made it through!" Haley told him excitedly.

"I know! How did you two even know I was auditioning today?!" asked Liam.

"Something told us that there was something important here that we couldn't miss." I smiled.

Liam's family congratulated him and then left the 3 of us there to catch up on things. I was slightly dreading the questions I'm sure he'd ask.

"Why did you leave...?" his voice was barely a whisper. I looked down at my shoes feeling ashamed.

"Things were uh.... difficult at the time.... and one thing led to another and we just had to keep moving on with our family. We're both really sorry that we left without a goodbye. You're an amazing friend Liam and you honestly deserve such a better explanation...." Haley stood there with her head down as I spoke.

I was surprised when I felt Liam give us another hug. "I'm just glad you two are back."

Haley and I were silent. I could already picture the disappointment that would end up on Liam's face....

"You two aren't back for long, are you?" he asked sadly.

"No, we're not." answered Haley.

"Why?" I always dreaded that one word.... and I honestly wish that I could tell him exactly why.

"There's things you wouldn't understand right now, even if you said you could, but know that we will come back and clear things up. This won't be the last time you see us. Trust me. This is only the beginning." I ended my brief explanation with a shy smile.

"I'm guessing you two have to leave now." we gave him sad smiles. Liam gave us one more tight hug.

"We'll be back soon." said Haley.

"I'll hold you both to it then." he spoke.

With that we bid him a proper goodbye and turned to make our way out of the building.

Now Haley and I needed to come up with what the next step in completing this 'Task' would be...


Decent chapter? Well I hope you enjoyed it somewhat and now that the auditions are over, get ready for some interesting plot twists x)





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